Connection property | Description |
Runtime Environment | Name of the runtime environment where you want to run the tasks. Specify a Secure Agent, Hosted Agent, or serverless runtime environment. |
Auth Type | The authentication method that the connector must use to connect to the OData V2 endpoint. Select OAuth 2.0 client credentials. Default is Basic. |
Access Token URL | Access token URL configured in your application. |
Client ID | The client identifier issued during the application registration process. |
Client Secret | The client secret issued during the application registration process. |
Scope | The scope of the access request when the rest endpoint has defined custom scopes. Enter space-separated scope attributes. For example: ZGWSAMPLE_BASIC_0001 /IWFND/SG_MED_CATALOG_0002 ZAPI_CHARTOFACCOUNTS_SRV_0001 |
Access Token Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Define parameters in the JSON format. For example: [{"Name":"resource","Value":"https://<serverName>"}] |
Client Authentication | The client authentication details for authorization. Select an option to send client ID and client secret for authorization either in the request body or in the request header. Default is Send client credentials in body. |
Generate Access Token | Generates access token based on the specified authentication details. |
Access Token | The access token granted by the authorization server to access the data using a specific role. Enter the access token value or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value. |