Connections > Dropbox connection properties

Dropbox connection properties

When you set up an Dropbox connection, you must configure the connection properties.
Important: Dropbox Connector is deprecated and has been moved to maintenance mode. Informatica intends to drop support in a future release.
The following table describes the Dropbox connection properties:
Connection property
Connection Name
Name for the connection.
Description for the connection.
Type of connection. Select Dropbox from the list.
Runtime Environment
The name of the runtime environment where you want to run the tasks.
You can specify a Secure Agent or serverless runtime environment.
App Key
Dropbox account name. Enter the App Key obtained from the Dropbox App Console.
App Secret
Dropbox account password. Enter the App Secret obtained from the Dropbox App Console.
Agent Hosted on this system
Specify if the system hosts the agent or not.
Authorization code
  • - Not applicable, when the system hosts the Secure Agent.
  • - When system does not host the Secure Agent, you need to enter the authorization code to get the access token. After specifying the Target folder in connection parameters, test the connection. When you test the connection, an URL link appears in the connection page which specifies the Authorization code.
Access Token
Access token obtained after testing the connection.
Target Folder
Location of target directory to save the files that Dropbox downloads. For example, \..\..\Dropbox\Target\
Enable Logging
Logs the user, who creates the connection. Select the checkbox to enable logging.
Note: While creating a connection, mention the redirect URI http://localhost:4000 in the Dropbox App settings page.
The first highlighted content is the App key and App key, to be used when you create a Data Synchronization task. The second highlighted box is the URI which has to be added in Dropbox when creating a Dropbox Connection.