You can utilize the additional JDBC URL parameters field in the Databricks connection to customize and set any additional parameters required to connect to Databricks.
You can configure the following properties as additional JDBC URL parameters in the Databricks connection:
• To connect to Databricks using the proxy server, enter the following parameters:
jdbc: spark://<Databricks Host>:443/default;transportMode=http;ssl=1;AuthMech=3;httpPath=/sql/1.0/warehouses/219fe3013963cdce;UseProxy=<Proxy=true>;ProxyHost=<proxy host IPaddress>;ProxyPort=<proxy server port number>;ProxyAuth=<Auth_true>;
Note: Data Ingestion and Replication does not support use of a proxy server to connect to Databricks.
•To connect to SSL-enabled Databricks, specify the value in the JDBC URL in the following format: