Connections > Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse - Database Ingestion connection properties

Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse - Database Ingestion connection properties

When you define a Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Database Ingestion connection, you must configure connection properties. You can use this connection type in database ingestion tasks, which you configure in the Mass Ingestion service.
Note: Some properties are for Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1. Database Ingestion and Replication uses Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 to stage data in files before sending the data to the Microsoft Azure SQL Database Warehouse target tables.
The following table describes the connection properties:
Connection Name
A name for the connection. This name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -
Spaces at the beginning or end of the name are trimmed and are not saved as part of the name. Maximum length is 100 characters. Connection names are not case sensitive.
An optional description for the connection. Maximum length is 255 characters.
The type of connection. Ensure that you select the type for Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse - Database Ingestion.
Runtime Environment
The name of the runtime environment where you want to run database ingestion and replication tasks. You define runtime environments in Administrator.
The Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse JDBC connection string.
Example connection string for Microsoft SQL Server authentication:
Example connection string for Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication:
Note: The default authentication type is Microsoft SQL Server authentication.
Azure DW JDBC Username
The user name to use for connecting to the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse account. Provide the AAD user name for AAD authentication.
Azure DW JDBC Password
The password to use for connecting to the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse account.
Azure DW Schema Name
The name of the schema in the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse target.
ADLS Account Name
The name of the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 account.
Client Id
The ID of your client application for completing the OAuth Authentication in the Active Directory.
Client Secret
The client secret key for completing the OAuth Authentication in the Active Directory.
A Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 directory that Mass Ingestion Databases uses to stage data in files. The default is the root directory.
The OAuth 2.0 token endpoint from where authentication based on the client ID and Client secret is completed.