Connections > Microsoft Power BI Connection Properties

Microsoft Power BI Connection Properties

When you set up a Microsoft Power BI connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the Microsoft Power BI connection properties in the Connection Details area in Administrator:
Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -,
Maximum length is 255 characters.
Description of the connection. Maximum length is 4000 characters.
Type of the connection. Select Microsoft Power BI.
The following table describes the Microsoft Power BI connection properties in the Microsoft Power BI Properties area in Administrator:
Runtime Environment
The execution platform that runs tasks. The runtime environment is either a Secure Agent or a serverless runtime environment.
The following table describes the Microsoft Power BI connection properties in the Connection Section area in Administrator:
PowerBI Cloud Connection Mode
The Connection Mode. Choose to connect using the Administrator user option or the Service Principal option.
PowerBI Cloud URL
The URL to access the Microsoft Power BI cloud host.
Administrator User option
Specify the following properties:
PowerBI Cloud Client ID
The ID to connect to the Microsoft Power BI cloud host.
PowerBI Cloud Username
User name of the administrator to connect to the Microsoft Power BI cloud host.
PowerBI Cloud Password
The password of the administrator account to connect to the Microsoft Power BI cloud host.
Proxy host
Host name of the outgoing proxy server.
Proxy port
Port number of the outgoing proxy server.
Proxy username
Name of the authenticated user of the proxy server. This is required if the proxy server requires authentication.
Proxy password
Password for the authenticated user. This is required if the proxy server requires authentication.
Service Principal option
Use the service principal authentication method for national clouds in the United States. If you use other national clouds, see Tutorial: Embed Power BI content into your application for national clouds.
Specify the following properties:
PowerBI Cloud Auth URL
URL for user authentication.
PowerBI Cloud Scope
Parameter that the endpoint uses to authenticate the user.
PowerBI Cloud Client ID
The ID to connect to the Microsoft Power BI cloud host.
PowerBI Cloud Tenant ID
Name of the Azure Active Directory tenant.
PowerBI Cloud Client Secret
The client secret key to complete OAuth Authentication in the Azure Active Directory.
Proxy host
Host name of the outgoing proxy server.
Proxy port
Port number of the outgoing proxy server.
Proxy username
Name of the authenticated user of the proxy server. Required if the proxy server requires authentication.
Proxy password
Password for the authenticated user. Required if the proxy server requires authentication.