Connection property | Description |
Connection Name | The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. You can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed 255 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters: ~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? / |
Description | Optional. A description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters. |
Type | Type of connection. You must select MongoDB Mass Ingestion. |
Runtime Environment | The name of the runtime environment where you want to run the tasks. |
Host and Port | An SRV record or a comma-separated list of host_name:port pairs. Note: If you are using the MongoDB replica set mode, you can enter multiple host names for resilience. If one host is not available, another specified host will be used. |
SRV | Select this check box if you specified an SRV record in Host and Port property. |
Authentication | The authentication method for establishing a secure connection. Select one of the following authenication modes:
Default is Username and Password. |
SSL KeyStore File Path | If you selected X.509 authentication, the absolute path of the keystore file on the Secure Agent machine that contains the keys and certificates required for secure communication. The keystore file must be in JKS format. Ensure that you download the certificates and place them in the Secure Agent machine before you specify this property. To successfully test the connection, the Secure Agent must have access to the specified keystore and truststore files using the passwords provided. If you use a Secure Agent group, all agents must have access to these files. Place a copy of the files on every machine where a Secure Agent runs. |
SSL KeyStore Password | If you selected X.509 authentication, the password for the keystore file that is required for secure communication. |
SSL TrustStore File Path | If you selected X.509 authentication, the absolute path of the truststore file on the Secure Agent machine. |
SSL TrustStore Password | If you selected X.509 authentication, the password for the truststore file. |
User Name | If you selected Username and Password authentication, enter the user name to use for logging in to the database. |
Password | If you selected Username and Password authentication, enter the password for the specified database user. |
Authentication Database | The name of the authentication database associated with the specified user. |
Replica Set Name | The name of the replica set that is composed of the MongoDB servers with replicas of the source data. This field is relevant if you are using the MongoDB replica set mode. |
Additional Connection Properties | One or more additional MongoDB connection string options that you want to use. Specify the properties as key-value pairs. If you specify more than one property, separate them with the ampersand symbol (&). The connection properties are case sensitive. Example: authSource=admin&replicaSet=rsprimary For more information about the MongoDB connection string options, refer to: |