Connections > Teradata connection properties > Prerequisites


Before you can use Teradata Connector, ensure that you meet the prerequisite tasks.
Perform the following prerequisite tasks:
  1. 1Install the Teradata Parallel Transporter utilities and set the environment variables.
  2. 2Ensure that you have access to the Secure Agent directory that contains the success and error files. This directory path must be the same on each Secure Agent machine in the runtime environment. The Teradata JDBC driver is packaged with the Secure Agent. When you install the Secure Agent, the JDBC driver is installed and the JDBC jars are copied to the Secure Agent machine.
  3. 3Configure the authentication prerequisites to connect to a Teradata database. You can configure Native, LDAP, or KRB5 authentication. Keep the authentication details handy based on the authentication type that you want to use.

Teradata Parallel Transporter Utilities

Before you use Teradata Connector, install the Teradata Parallel Transporter utilities on the Secure Agent machine.
You must install the following Teradata Parallel Transporter utilities:

Configuring the Kerberos authentication

You can configure Kerberos for a Secure Agent only on a Linux machine. Configure the Secure Agent to use Kerberos to authenticate when you connect to a Teradata database.
Before your configure Kerberos authentication, ensure that you have the required Kerberos configuration files, such as krb5.conf and IICSTPT.keytab. The Secure Agent uses the IICSTPT.keytab file to generate Kerberos TGT cache entries at runtime.

Create the Kerberos configuration files

The Secure Agent requires the keytab files to authenticate users to connect to Teradata.
To generate the keytab file, perform the following steps:
  1. 1Edit the krb5.conf and set default_tgs_enctypes = arcfour-hmac-md5.
  2. 2Add the encryption configuration property in the krb5.conf file in the [libdefaults] section.
  3. For example, set the following entries for the klist ouput in the keytab file:
    jdbcConnectionSample]$ klist -ekt IICSTPT.keytab
    Keytab name: FILE:IICSTPT.keytab
    KVNO Timestamp Principal
    1 12/11/2018 15:02:06 teradbqa_mit@INFAQAKERB
    The Secure Agent uses the keytab file information that you specify and creates the Kerberos TGT cache in the $PMTempDir directory at runtime. The Kerberos TGT cache is active during the length of the session and ends when the session completes.

Add the Kerberos configuration files to the Kerberos artifacts directory

Add the krb5.conf and IICSTPT.keytab files to a directory on the Secure Agent machine.
When you select KRB5 as the authentication type in the Teradata connection, specify the directory that contains these files in the Kerberos Artifacts Directory field.

Setting Environment Variables

You must configure Java and Teradata environment variables before you can use Teradata Connector.
The following table describes the environment variables you must set on UNIX:
Environment Variable
On UNIX and Linux, set the THREADONOFF environment variable to 1 to enable multithreading support for Teradata processes.
Set the NLSPATH variable to the location of the file.
For example, /opt/teradata/client/15.10/msg/%N
Also, set the shared library environment variable based on the operating system.
The following table describes the shared library variables for each operating system:
Operating System
For example, use the following syntax for Linux:
After you set the environment variables, restart the Secure Agent.