Connections > Netezza connection properties > Prerequisites


Before you can use Netezza Connector, install the Netezza client on Windows or Linux.
Ensure that you have access to the Secure Agent directory that contains the success and error files. This directory path must be the same on each Secure Agent machine in the runtime environment selected for your connection.
Before you create a Netezza connection, be sure to configure the Netezza ODBC and JDBC drivers.

Download the Netezza JDBC Driver

  1. 1Download the Netezza JDBC driver version from the IBM website:
  2. To download the Netezza JDBC driver on Windows, follow the instructions from the following Knowledge Base article:
    If you want to use the Netezza JDBC driver on Linux, you can use the Netezza JDBC driver downloaded for Windows on the Linux machine.
  3. 2After you download the Netezza JDBC driver, navigate to the following location:
  4. <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/Data_Integration_Server/ext/
  5. 3Manually create the following directory structure:
  6. deploy_to_main/bin/rdtm-extra/Netezza
  7. 4Copy the Netezza JDBC driver jar file, nzjdbc.jar, to the following directory you created on the Secure Agent machine:
  8. <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/Data_Integration_Server/ext/deploy_to_main/bin/rdtm-extra/Netezza
  9. 5Restart the Secure Agent.

Download the Netezza ODBC Driver

  1. 1Download the Netezza ODBC driver version from the IBM website:
  2. To download the Netezza ODBC driver, follow the instructions from the following Knowledge Base article:
  3. 2Perform the following tasks to use the Netezza ODBC driver based on the operating system: