Connections > Amazon S3 V2 connection properties > Proxy server settings

Proxy server settings

If your organization uses an outgoing proxy server to connect to the Internet, the Secure Agent connects to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services through the proxy server.
You can configure the Secure Agent to use the proxy server on Windows and Linux.
You can use only an unauthenticated proxy server to connect to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
To configure the proxy settings for the Secure Agent, perform the following tasks:
When you use a serverless runtime environment, you cannot use a proxy server to connect to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
Note: If you enable both HTTP and SOCKS proxies, SOCKS proxy is used by default. If you want to use HTTP proxy instead of SOCKS proxy, set the value of the DisableSocksProxy property to true in the System property.

Bypass proxy server

If your organization uses an outgoing proxy server to connect to the internet, the Secure Agent connects to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services through the proxy server.
However, if you want to exclude certain IP addresses and host names from the proxy, you can bypass the proxy. Set the InfaAgent.NonProxyHost property in the proxy.ini file and the -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts property in the JVM options of the Secure Agent properties and include the IP addresses and host names that you want to exclude.
The following table shows the proxy setting that you can configure through the proxy.ini file or the JVM options:
Proxy configuration
Proxy Flag Setting
For example, to bypass a single S3 Bucket, use the following proxy setting:
To bypass all S3 buckets, use the following proxy setting:
JVM option
-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|<your_bucket_name>.s3.|127.* |[\:\:1]
For example, to bypass a single S3 Bucket,, use the following proxy setting:
To bypass all S3 buckets, use the following proxy setting:

Bypass the proxy server in advanced mode

To bypass the proxy server, you must update the NonProxyHost value in the proxy.ini file. You can set the property in the agent core path to configure the NonProxyHost in the advanced cluster configuration.
To bypass the proxy at the Amazon S3 endpoint, perform the following steps:
  1. 1Edit the proxy.ini file and set the property in the NonProxyHost with the cluster region.
  2. 2Enter the appropriate region name in the property in the following format:
  3. InfaAgent.NonProxyHost=localhost|127.*|[\:\:1]||.<REGION_NAME>|*.<REGION_NAME>
    The following example shows how you can update the NonProxyHost for the US West region in the proxy.ini file:
  4. 3After you edit the proxy.ini file, you must set the property to false in the runtime properties of the advanced cluster.
  5. Perform the following steps to set the property:
    1. aGo to Administrator.
    2. bIn the Advanced Clusters page, select the name of the configuration that you want to edit from the list of advanced configurations.
    3. cSet the property to false and save the cluster configuration in the Runtime Properties for the particular cluster.
    4. The following image shows the configured cluster runtime properties:
    5. proxy ini flag for S3 bypass