Microsoft SQL Server Connector > Replication tasks with Microsoft SQL Server

Replication tasks with Microsoft SQL Server

You can replicate Microsoft SQL Server data to a target using the replication task. You might replicate data to back up the data or perform offline reporting. You can replicate data in Microsoft SQL Server objects to databases or flat files.
A replication task can replicate data from one or more Microsoft SQL Server objects. When you configure the task, you can replicate all available objects through the selected connection, or you can select objects for replication by including or excluding a set of objects.
You can also exclude rows and columns from the replication task. Associate a schedule with a replication task to specify when and how often the task runs.
Note: The length of source tables and column names can contain at most 64 characters.
The maximum number of characters that a replication task can write to each row in a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 target is 8060. If a replication task tries to write more than the maximum amount of characters to a row, the task fails with the following error: WRT_8229 Database errors occurred: FnName: Execute -- [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot create a row of size <row size> which is greater than the allowable maximum of 8060. FnName: Execute -- [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated.