Connections > Anaplan V2 connection properties

Anaplan V2 connection properties

When you set up an Anaplan V2 connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the Anaplan V2 connection properties:
Connection property
Connection Name
A name for the Anaplan V2 connection. This name must be unique within the organization.
Description of the Anaplan V2 connection.
Type of connection. Select Anaplan V2.
Runtime Environment
The name of the runtime environment that contains the Secure Agent that you want to run the tasks.
Auth Type
The type of authentication that the connector uses to log in to Anaplan.
You can select one of the following authentication types:
  • - Basic Auth. Requires Anaplan account username and password to connect to Anaplan.
  • - Cert Auth. Requires Certificate Authority (CA) to obtain an authentication token.
  • - OAuth Device Flow. Requires an OAuth 2.0 client credential to authenticate user data across apps.
Default is Basic Auth.
Note: If you use the Windows environment and select the OAuth Device Flow authentication type to log in to Anaplan, ensure that the Secure Agent is installed on the same drive as the system root directory.
User Name
The user name to log in to Anaplan. For example,
Note: Do not leave this field blank. Even though you want to establish a connection using certificate based authentication, you need to enter a random value or string in this field.
Password that is associated with the user name that is specified in the User Name property.
Certificate Path Location
Path to the Anaplan authentication certificate. Certificate Path Location is required only if you want to configure a connection with the certificate issued by Anaplan and you want to use API version 1.3.
This implies that the Certification Path Location is required only if Auth type = Cert Auth, Major Version = 1, and Minor Version = 3.
Workspace ID
The name or ID of the workspace.
To fetch the ID, open the Anaplan model and copy the value after selectedWorkspaceId= from the URL.
Model ID
The name or ID of the model.
To fetch the ID, open the Anaplan model and copy the value after selectedModelId= from the URL.
Enter the API Base URL. For example,
Auth URL
Specifies the URL for the authentication service required to generate the authentication taken.
For example,
API Major Version
The Anaplan API version has two parts: Major Version and Minor Version.
Example: For API version 1.3, the Major Version is 1 and the Minor Version is 3.
By default, the API Major Version is set to 1.
  • - To use certificate issued by Anaplan, select 1. API version 1.x supports certificate issued by Anaplan.
  • - To use certificate issued by a certificate authority, select 2. API version 2.x supports certificate issued by a certificate authority.
API Minor Version
By default, the API Minor Version is set to 3.
  • - Select 3 if you want to use API version x.3. For example, version 1.3
  • - Select 0 if you want to use API version x.0. For example, version 2.0
Max Task Retry Count
By default, the Max Task Retry Count is set to 2.
If you select a greater value, it may slow down the synchronization tasks.
Error Dump Path Location
The absolute path of the error file on the Secure Agent machine.
The Secure Agent creates a sub-folder in the Error Dump Path Location for each process operation.
Use API Based Metadata
You can import API based metadata from Anaplan and use API based field mapping instead of File based field mapping in a synchronization task. When you import API based metadata, Anaplan V2 Connector reads the column header information from Anaplan APIs directly without referring to files in Anaplan.
KeyStore Path Location
Path to the JAVA KeyStore file on the system with the Secure Agent.
Note: The KeyStore Path Location, KeyStore Alias, and Keystore Password is required only if you want to configure a connection with the certificate issued by a certificate authority and you want to use API version 2.0.
KeyStore Alias
Alias of the certificate saved in the KeyStore file.
Keystore Password
Password for the certificate alias in the KeyStore file.
Required for OAuth Device Flow. The client identifier issued to the client during the application registration process.
Required for OAuth Device Flow. The refresh token is used to get new access tokens.
You can select one of the following options:
  • - Rotatable. Uses the refresh token once during the lifespan.
  • - Non-rotatable. Uses the refresh token several times. The non-rotatable token does not expire.