Introduction > Introducing Informatica Cloud Business 360 Console

Introducing Informatica Cloud Business 360 Console

Informatica Cloud® Business 360 Console is one of several services available in Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services℠. Business 360 Console is an on-demand subscription service that provides a platform for cloud master data management. Use Business 360 Console to create a variety of master data management projects to fit your business needs.
When you log in to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services, the My Services page displays the Business 360 Console service and related services that are supported based on your license. The My Services page might also include other services that you subscribe to and trial versions of other services.
The following services apply to master data management:
The My Services page shows the Informatica Ingelligent Cloud services that you can use.
You might want to use additional services with Business 360 Console, such as Metadata Command Center. You can use Metadata Command Center to scan and extract MDM SaaS metadata, thereby making it available in a data catalog for lineage and glossary associations. For more information about scanning and extracting metadata, see the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services chapter of the Catalog Source Configuration module in the Metadata Command Center help.