To publish business events from the Business 360 data store to an external target, define and run a publish business events job.
1Click New > Jobs > Publish Business Events > Create.
The Publish Business Events dialog box appears.
2Specify the job properties, and click OK.
The job page appears.
3Select a process. The supported process is Publish Business Events.
4Select one of the following publish types:
Publish Type
Standard publish
Publishes all events in the first job run and incrementally publishes new events in subsequent runs.
Custom publish
Publishes events based on the specified dates.
If only a start date is specified, the job publishes all events from the specified date to the current date of each run. If a date range is specified, the job exports events for the specified date range.
5To add a taskflow, perform the following steps:
aIn the Taskflows section, click Add Taskflow.
The Select a Taskflow dialog box appears.
bSelect the taskflow for the job, and click Select.
The taskflow appears in the Taskflows section, and the associated business events appear in the Business Events section.
6Save the job.
7To run the job, click Run.
You can monitor the status of the job on the My Jobs page.