You can unmerge a source record and relevant patch records from a master record. Ensure that you specify the correct combination of source and patch records. Otherwise, the unmerge operation fails.
To unmerge source records and relevant patch records, submit a POST request with the following URI:
To unmerge records, you can use the following query parameters in the URI:
Internal ID of the business entity that the records belong to.
Unique identifier of the master record.
Specifies how to manage relationships between the records that you unmerge.
Use one of the following values:
- BUSINESS_ID. Restores the relationships that the unmerged records had before they were merged.
- REMAINS. Retains the relationships with the master record that the records were unmerged from.
- NONE. Permanently deletes all the relationships that are created from the user interface for the master record.
For example, consider two records, Sam and Samuel, which are related and merged. Both records belong to a master record with business ID MDM0000008XJDO. If you unmerge Sam using BUSINESS_ID, the relationships of Sam revert to the original master record to which it belonged before the merge. If the relationships belong to a master record with business ID MDM0000008XJEB, then relationships revert to this master record with business ID MDM0000008XJEB. However, if you unmerge Sam using REMAINS, the relationships of Sam remain with the master record that has business ID MDM0000008XJDO.
Default is REMAINS.
Note: Use BUSINESS_ID to align with the unmerge operation that you perform from the user interface.
Determines how unmerged source records are managed in relation to master records.
Use one of the following values:
- ALL. Unmerges the source records and merges them into a single master record. Use ALL to unmerge source records and relevant patch records.
- EACH. Unmerges each source record into a separate master record. Applicable to master records that don't have any patch records because patch records can't be unmerged into separate master records.
- NONE. Applicable when you anonymize data. Unmerges source records from the master record without creating master records for them.
Default is EACH.
Determines how the source records that aren't selected for unmerging are managed in relation to master records.
Use one of the following values:
- ALL. Merges the records that aren’t selected for unmerging into a single master record.
- EACH. Creates a master record for each source record that isn’t selected for unmerging. Applicable to master records that don't have any patch records because patch records can't be unmerged into separate master records.
- NONE. Applicable when you anonymize data. Source records associated with the master record remain unchanged.
Default is ALL.
The response is in the JSON format.
Request body
To unmerge records, you use a combination of the sourcePKey and sourceSystem parameters in the request body.
Note: To ensure that the unmerge operation is successful, add up to 10 records in the request body.
To unmerge records, you can use the following parameters in the request body:
The primary key of the source record.
Internal ID of the source system to which the record belongs.
Request response
The request response indicates whether a data steward must approve the unmerge action.
The following table lists the response parameter:
Indicates whether approval workflow is configured. If the response is true, approval workflow is configured. If the response is false, approval workflow is not configured.
Sample Request
You might use the following request to unmerge the source records of the Person business entity from a master record with the business ID 999000000007755 :
POST\ Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json IDS-SESSION-ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
You might use the following request to unmerge the source records and patch records of the Person business entity from a master record with the business ID MDM0000002H5VK:
POST Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json IDS-SESSION-ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
When you make an unmerge request, MDM SaaS verifies your user role permissions and the approval workflow configuration. The response indicates whether a data steward must approve the unmerge action.
If no approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "approvalRequired": false, }
If approval workflow is configured, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "approvalRequired": true, }