Customer 360 for Healthcare > Configuring Customer 360 for Healthcare for source system integration > Configuring Customer 360 to enrich data from MedPro Systems in real time

Configuring Customer 360 to enrich data from MedPro Systems in real time

Configure Customer 360 to integrate Customer 360 with MedPro Systems and enrich the Customer 360 records with data from MedPro Systems in real time.
Import the assets related to MedPro Systems for real-time enrichment and publish them.
Note: Before you import the assets related to MedPro Systems, ensure that you have imported the data model related to the extension, the predefined custom pages, and the source system.
The following table lists the assets that you use to enrich Customer 360 records:
Asset Name
Asset Type
Cloud Application Integration Service Connector
Cloud Application Integration App Connector
Cloud Application Integration Process
Cloud Application Integration Service Connector
Cloud Application Integration App Connector
Cloud Application Integration Process
Cloud Application Integration Service Connector
Cloud Application Integration App Connector
Cloud Application Integration Process
Cloud Application Integration Service Connector
Cloud Application Integration App Connector
Cloud Application Integration Process
Cloud Application Integration Service Connector
Cloud Application Integration App Connector
Cloud Application Integration Process
To configure Customer 360, perform the following tasks:
    1Import the MDM SaaS application assets.
    2Publish the assets to enrich Customer 360 records in real time.
    3Configure the Cloud Application Integration process for the HCO business entity.
    4Configure the Cloud Application Integration process for the HCP business entity.
    5Configure the Cloud Application Integration URN mappings.

Importing assets to enrich Customer 360 records

After you import the MDM SaaS application assets, import the assets to enrich the Customer 360 records.
Note: To enrich the Customer 360 records with data from MedPro Systems in real time, import the enrichment assets. When you import the enrichment assets, you enable the enrichment of Customer 360 records with data from MedPro Systems in real time. After you import the enrichment assets, you can't disable the enrichment of Customer 360 records.
    1In Business 360 Console, click Explore > Import.
    2On the Import Assets page, navigate to the following file:
    <Extracted extension package>/
    3Click Open.
    The Import Assets page lists the assets in the file.
    4Ensure that all the assets are selected, and then select Publish Application Integration Assets after import.
    5Click Import.
    6On the My Import/Export Logs page, verify whether the import job is successful.

Publishing assets to enrich Customer 360 records in real time

After you import the assets into Customer 360, publish them. You publish the HCO and HCP assets to enrich the Customer 360 records with data from MedPro Systems in real time.
Publish the HCO assets in the following order:
  1. 1infac360ls_srvconn_authenticate
  2. 2infac360ls-appconn-authenticate
  3. 3infac360ls_proc_TokenMangmnt
  4. 4infac360ls_srvconn_hcoSearch
  5. 5infac360ls-appconn-hcoSearch
  6. 6infac360ls_proc_medpro_hco_IdentiyResolutionProcess
  7. 7infac360ls_srvconn_hcoDetails
  8. 8infac360ls-appconn-hcoDetails
  9. 9infac360ls_proc_medpro_hco_EnrichProcess
Publish the HCP assets in the following order:
  1. 1infac360ls_srvconn_authenticate
  2. 2infac360ls-appconn-authenticate
  3. 3infac360ls_proc_TokenMangmnt
  4. 4infac360ls_srvconn_hcpSearch
  5. 5infac360ls-appconn-hcpSearch
  6. 6infac360ls_proc_medpro_hcp_IdentiyResolutionProcess
  7. 7infac360ls_srvconn_hcpDetails
  8. 8infac360ls-appconn-hcpDetails
  9. 9infac360ls_proc_medpro_hcp_EnrichProcess
To publish the assets, perform the following:
  1. 1In Application Integration, click Explore > Customer360 > Life Sciences Extension.
  2. 2Select the asset to publish.
  3. 3To publish the assets, expand the Actions menu, and select Publish.

Configuring the Cloud Application Integration process for the HCO business entity

If you want to use an address type other than the default SLN Primary Address, configure the Cloud Application Integration process for the HCO business entity.
    1In Application Integration, click Explore > Customer 360 > Life Sciences Extension.
    2Navigate to the infac360ls_proc_medpro_hco_IdentiyResolutionProcess Assets process.
    3In the Design section, click the Assignment to tempSLNPrimAddr step.
    4In the properties panel, click the Assignment tab.
    5To open the formula editor, click the f(x) icon for the tempSLNPrimAddr field.
    6Edit the addressType expression with the address type that you want to add.
    7Click OK.
    8Save and publish the process.

Configuring the Cloud Application Integration process for the HCP business entity

If you want to use an address type other than the default SLN Primary Address, configure the Cloud Application Integration process for the HCP business entity.
    1In Application Integration, click Explore > Customer 360 > Life Sciences Extension.
    2Navigate to the infac360ls_proc_medpro_hcp_IdentiyResolutionProcess process.
    3In the Design section, click the Assignment to tempSLNPrimAddr step.
    4In the properties panel, click the Assignment tab.
    5To open the formula editor, click the f(x) icon for the tempSLNPrimAddr field.
    6Edit the addressType expression with the address type that you want to add.
    7Click OK.
    8Save and publish the process.

Configuring the Cloud Application Integration URN mappings

When you use the United States as the country lookup reference entity, map a URN to a URL.
    1In Application Integration Console, click Deployed Assets, and select Cloud.
    2Click the URN Mappings tab.
    3To create URN mappings, use the following values:
    URN Mapping Objects
    For more information about URN Mappings, see URN Mappings in the Monitor documentation.