Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
First Name | infac360hc_firstName | Text | 255 | NA | First name of the associate. |
Middle Name | infac360hc_middleName | Text | 255 | NA | Middle name of the associate. |
Last Name | infac360hc_lastName | Text | 255 | NA | Last name of the associate. |
Full Name | infac360hc_fullName | Text | 255 | NA | Full name of the associate. |
Title | infac360hc_title | Text | 255 | NA | Title of the associate. |
Birth Place | infac360hc_birthPlace | Text | 255 | NA | Place of birth of the associate. |
Birth Date | infac360hc_birthDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Date of birth of the associate. |
Gender | infac360hc_gender | Lookup | NA | Gender | Gender of the associate. |
Image | infac360hc_image | Text | 255 | NA | URL of the image of the associate. |
Prefix Name | infac360hc_prefixName | Lookup | NA | PrefixName | Prefix for the name of the associate. For example, Dr, Mr, or Mrs. |
Suffix Name | infac360hc_suffixName | Lookup | NA | SuffixName | Suffix for the name of the associate. For example, Sr, Jr, II, or III. |
Designation | infac360hc_designation | Text | 255 | NA | Designation or position of the associate. |
Marital Status | infac360hc_maritalStatus | Lookup | NA | MaritalStatus | Marital status of the associate. For example, single, married, or divorced. |
Type | infac360hc_type | Lookup | NA | infac360hc_relatedPersonType | Type of the associate. For example, Contact or Staff. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Address Line 1 | addressLine1 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 1 of the address. |
Address Line 2 | addressLine2 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 2 of the address. |
Address Line 3 | addressLine3 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 3 of the address. |
Address Status | addressStatus | Lookup | NA | AddressStatus | Status of the address. For example, active, current, old address, or changed. |
Address Type | addressType | Lookup | NA | AddressType | Type of postal address. For example, home, office, shipping, or mailing. |
City | city | Text | 50 | NA | City of postal address. |
Coordinate System | coordinateSystem | Text | 100 | NA | Coordinate system used to determine the location of the address. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of postal address. |
County | county | Text | 50 | NA | County of postal address. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the address is the default address. |
End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the address. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Lookup | NA | AddressEnrichedIndicator | Validation status of the address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Latitude | latitude | Text | 20 | NA | Latitude for the address. |
Location Coordinate Desc | locationCoordinateDesc | Text | 50 | NA | Location of the address using coordinate system. |
Longitude | longitude | Text | 20 | NA | Longitude for the address. |
Postal Code | postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | postalCodeExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date from when the address is active. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State of postal address. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | AddressUsageType | Usage type. For example, business or personal. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Alternate Name | infac360hc_alternateName | Text | 255 | NA | Alternate name of the person such as alias, previous name and maiden name. The field is set as a deduplication criteria field. |
Effective End Date | infac360hc_effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the alternate name. |
Effective Start Date | infac360hc_effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date from when the alternate name is valid. |
Name Type | infac360hc_nameType | Lookup | NA | AlternateNameType | Type of the alternate name. The field is set as a deduplication criteria field. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Citizen of Country | infac360hc_citizenofCountry | Lookup | NA | Country | Country to which the associate belongs. |
Citizenship Status | infac360hc_citizenshipStatus | Text | 255 | NA | Status of the citizenship. |
Supporting Document Name | infac360hc_supportingDocumentName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the supporting document that proves the citizenship. |
Effective Start Date | infac360hc_effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date from when the citizenship is valid. |
Effective End Date | infac360hc_effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of citizenship. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Document Type | infac360hc_documentType | Lookup | NA | DocumentType | Type of document. |
Document Name | infac360hc_documentName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the document. |
Document Link | infac360hc_documentLink | Text | 255 | NA | URL to access the document. |
File Name | infac360hc_fileName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the file. |
Valid From | infac360hc_validFrom | Date Time | NA | NA | Date from when the document is valid. |
Valid To | infac360hc_validTo | Date Time | NA | NA | Date until when the document is valid. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Qualification Type | infac360hc_qualificationType | Lookup | NA | QualificationType | Type of qualification, such as illiterate, certification, diploma, bachelor, master, or doctoral. |
Qualification Status | infac360hc_qualificationStatus | Lookup | NA | QualificationStatus | Status of the qualification. |
Qualification Name | infac360hc_qualificationName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the qualification. |
Institution Name | infac360hc_institutionName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the institution. |
Student Number | infac360hc_studentNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Student number in the institution. |
Effective Start Date | infac360hc_effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date of the qualification. |
Effective End Date | infac360hc_effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date of the qualification. |
State | infac360hc_state | Lookup | NA | State | State in which the institution is located. |
Postal Code | infac360hc_postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | infac360hc_postalCodeExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
Address Line 1 | infac360hc_addressLine1 | Text | 255 | NA | Line 1 of the address of the educational institution. |
Address Line 2 | infac360hc_addressLine2 | Text | 255 | NA | Line 2 of the address of the educational institution. |
City | infac360hc_city | Text | 255 | NA | City in which the institution is located. |
Country | infac360hc_country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country in which the institution is located. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the electronic address is primary or default. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date for the electronic address. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date for the electronic address. |
Electronic Address | electronicAddress | Text | 255 | NA | Electronic address of the associate. |
Electronic Address Status | electronicAddressStatus | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressStatus | Status of the email address. For example, active, blocked, or not in use. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the address verification service verified the address. |
Hygiene Status | hygieneStatus | Text | 255 | NA | Hygiene status for the electronic address. For example, safe to send, invalid, or spam. |
Net Protect Code | netProtectCode | Text | 255 | NA | Net protect codes identify which service or appliance is monitoring a given network. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressUsageType | The intended use or purpose of the electronic address. For example, business, work, or personal. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 255 | NA | Validation status of the electronic address. |
Validation Message | validateMessage | Text | 255 | NA | Message that the address validation service generates to indicate how valid and trusted the address is. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Employer Name | infac360hc_employerName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the employer. |
Employment Type | infac360hc_employmentType | Lookup | NA | EmploymentType | Type of employment, such as permanent, contract, and part-time. |
Employment Status | infac360hc_employmentStatus | Lookup | NA | EmploymentStatus | Status of employment, such as active, inactive, resigned, and terminated. |
Designation | infac360hc_designation | Text | 255 | NA | Designation of the associate. |
Line of Business | infac360hc_lineofBusiness | Text | 255 | NA | Line of business, such as retail or mortgage. |
Effective Start Date | infac360hc_effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date of employment. |
Effective End Date | infac360hc_effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date of employment. |
Location | infac360hc_location | Text | 255 | NA | Location of the employer. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Finance Info Type | infac360hc_financeInfoType | Lookup | NA | FinanceInfoType | Type of financial information. For example, equity, annual income, and debt. |
Amount | infac360hc_amount | Double | NA | PersonStatusValue | Total value of the finance. |
Unit | infac360hc_unit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | Unit of the amount. For example, thousands, millions, or billions. |
Currency | infac360hc_currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the financial information is provided. |
Time Period | infac360hc_timePeriod | Text | 255 | NA | Finance period for which the data is collected. |
Financial Reliability | infac360hc_financialReliability | Lookup | NA | FinanceReliability | Reliability of the financial data. For example, actual or estimate. |
Time Period Type | infac360hc_timePeriodType | Lookup | NA | TimePeriodType | Type of the finance period. For example, quarterly or yearly. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Identifier Type | alternateIdentifierType | Lookup | NA | AlternateIdType | Type of alternate identifier. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Issued date of the identifier. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the identifier. |
Identifier Value | alternateIdentifierValue | Text | 255 | NA | Value of alternate identifier, such as driver's license number or passport number. |
Deactivation Reason | infac360hc_deactivationReason | Text | 255 | NA | Reason for the deactivation of the identifier. |
Deactivation Date | infac360hc_deactivationDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date of deactivation. |
Reactivation Date | infac360hc_reactivationDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date of reactivation. |
Identifier Issuer | infac360hc_identifierIssuer | Text | 255 | IssuingAuthority | Authority that has issued the identifier to the associate. |
Issuing State | infac360hc_issuingState | Lookup | NA | State | State issuing the identifier. |
Issuing Country | infac360hc_issuingCountry | Lookup | NA | Country | Country issuing the identifier. |
Identifier Type Description | infac360hc_identifierTypeDescription | Text | 255 | NA | Type of identifier. |
Status | identifierStatus | Lookup | NA | IdentifierStatus | Status of the alternate identifier. For example, effective, disqualified, expired, and temporary. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Phone Type | phoneType | Lookup | NA | PhoneType | Type of phone. For example, landline, mobile, home, or business. |
Phone Usage Type | phoneUsageType | Lookup | NA | PhoneUsageType | Usage type of the phone. For example, personal, business, and customer service. |
Phone Number | phoneNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Phone number of the associate. |
Phone Number Extension | phoneNumberExtension | Text | 255 | NA | Extension to phone number. |
Prefix Number | prefixNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Country dialing code. |
International Prefix | internationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Prefix used to select an international telephone circuit. |
National Prefix | nationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Digit or combination of digits which must be dialed before an area or city code. |
Cell Prefix | cellPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Prefix that must prepend the National Significant Number for inbound international calls. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the phone number is the default number. |
Do Not Call Indicator | doNotCallIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the associate is interested to receive unsolicited phone calls from marketers. |
National Destination Code | nationalDestinationCode | Text | 255 | NA | Code that identifies a numbering area within a country or a group of countries. |
National Destination Code Indicator | nationalDestinationCodeIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the phone number includes the National Destination Code. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 255 | NA | Validation status that the phone number validation service returns. |
Validation Message | validationMessage | Text | 255 | NA | Validation message that the phone number validation service returns. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Date from when the phone number is active. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date until when the phone number was active or will be active. |
Status | status | Lookup | NA | PhoneStatus | Status of the phone number, such as the phone number is publicly available or active. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the phone number validation service verified the phone number. |
National Format | nationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | National format for the phone number. |
International Format | internationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | International format for the phone number. |
ISO | iso | Text | 2 | NA | ISO country code. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Social Media Type | infac360hc_socialMediaType | Lookup | NA | SocialHandleType | Type of social media platform, such as Facebook or Twitter. |
Social Media Handle | infac360hc_socialMediaHandle | Text | 255 | NA | Social media identifier or name of the associate. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Status Type | infac360hc_statusType | Lookup | NA | PersonStatusType | Status type of the associate. For example, onboarding, legal, or credit. |
Start Date | infac360hc_startDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date from when the status is valid. |
End Date | infac360hc_endDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Expiry date of the status. |
Status Reason | infac360hc_statusReason | Text | 255 | NA | Reason for the status. |
Status Value | infac360hc_statusValue | Lookup | NA | PersonStatusValue | Status value of the associate. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Tax Number Type | infac360hc_taxNumberType | Lookup | NA | TaxNumberType | Type of the tax number. Tax number can be Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), Employer Identification Number (EIN), Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number, and Permanent Account Number (PAN). |
Tax Number | infac360hc_taxNumber | Text Field | 255 | NA | Unique number that identifies the associate for tax purposes. |
Taxpayer Type | infac360hc_taxpayerType | Lookup | NA | TaxPayerType | Type of tax payer. For example, individual, company, partnership, or trust. |
Currency | infac360hc_currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the tax is paid. |
Country | infac360hc_country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of taxation. |
State | infac360hc_state | Lookup | NA | State | State within the country of the taxation. |
Tax Authority | infac360hc_taxAuthority | Lookup | NA | TaxAuthority | Tax authority. For example, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and Inland Revenue Department. |
Effective Start Date | infac360hc_effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date of the tax period. |
Effective End Date | infac360hc_effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date of the tax period. |
Tax Paid | infac360hc_taxPaid | Text Field | 255 | NA | Tax amount that the associate has paid. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Contract Number | infac360hc_contractNumber | Text | 255 | NA | A unique identification number for the contract. |
Issue Date | infac360hc_issueDate | Date | NA | NA | The date when the contract was issued. |
Valid From | infac360hc_validFrom | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the contract is valid. |
Valid To | infac360hc_validTo | Date | NA | NA | Expiry date of the contract. |
Status | infac360hc_status | Lookup | NA | infac360hc_contractStatusType | Status of the contract, such as the contract is active or expired. |
Last Update Date | infac360hc_lastUpdateDate | Date | NA | NA | Last updated date of the contract. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Bed Count | X_infac360ls_bedCount | Number | 5 | NA | Number of beds available in a healthcare organization for inpatient services. |
Company Logo | imageUrl | Text | 255 | NA | URL of the image for a healthcare organization. |
Company Type | companyType | Lookup | NA | CompanyType | Type of a healthcare organization. For example, government, national, or subsidiary. |
Country of Incorporation | countryOfIncorporation | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of incorporation of a healthcare organization. |
Date of Incorporation | dateOfIncorporation | Date Time | NA | NA | Date when a healthcare organization was incorporated. |
Full Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | Full name of a healthcare organization. |
Industry | X_infac360sf_industry | Lookup | NA | infac360sf_Industry | Name of the industry associated with the healthcare organization. |
Medical School Name | X_infac360ls_medSchoolName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the medical school of a healthcare organization. |
Number of Employees | numberOfEmployees | Integer | NA | NA | Total number of employees in a healthcare organization. |
Profile Tag | X_infac360ls_profileTag | Text | 255 | NA | Profile tag of a healthcare organization. |
Resident Count | X_infac360ls_residentCount | Number | 5 | NA | Number of residents working at a healthcare organization. |
Site | X_infac360sf_site | Text | 80 | NA | Location of a healthcare organization. For example, New York. |
State of Incorporation | stateOfIncorporation | Lookup | NA | State | State where a healthcare organization was registered. |
Sub Type | X_infac360ls_subType | Lookup | NA | infac360hc_hcoSubType | Subtype of a healthcare organization. For example, if the type is healthcare facility, the subtypes will be clinic, group practice, or hospital. |
Type | X_infac360ls_type | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_OrganizationType | Type of healthcare organization. For example, Prescriber or Non-Prescriber. |
Website | X_infac360sf_website | Text | 255 | NA | URL to access the website of a healthcare organization. |
Year Started | X_infac360sf_yearStarted | Text | 4 | NA | Year when a healthcare organization was founded. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Account Name | X_infac360sf_accountName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of an account of a healthcare organization. |
Account Number | X_infac360sf_accountNumber | Text | 40 | NA | An account number assigned to the account of a healthcare organization. |
Account Source | X_infac360sf_accountSource | Lookup | NA | infac360sf_AccountSource | Source of a healthcare organization account record. For example, advertisement or website. |
Account Type | X_infac360sf_accountType | Lookup | NA | AccountType | Type of account. For example, gold or bronze. |
Rating | X_infac360sf_rating | Lookup | NA | infac360sf_Rating | Prospect rating of a healthcare organization. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Address Line 1 | addressLine1 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 1 of the address. |
Address Line 2 | addressLine2 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 2 of the address. |
Address Line 3 | addressLine3 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 3 of the address. |
Address Status | addressStatus | Lookup | NA | AddressStatus | Status of the address. For example, active or inactive. |
Address Type | addressType | Lookup | NA | AddressType | Type of postal address. For example, office, or shipping. |
City | city | Text | 50 | NA | City of postal address. |
Coordinate System | coordinateSystem | Text | 100 | NA | A coordinate system that's used to determine the location of the address. |
County | county | Text | 50 | NA | County of postal address. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of postal address. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the address is the default address. |
End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date when an address ceases to be effective. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Lookup | NA | AddressEnrichedIndicator | Validation status of the address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Latitude | latitude | Text | 20 | NA | Latitude for the address. |
Location Coordinate Desc | locationCoordinateDesc | Text | 50 | NA | Location of the address using a coordinate system. |
Longitude | longitude | Text | 20 | NA | Longitude for the address. |
Postal Code | postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | postalCodeExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date when an address becomes effective. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State of postal address. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | AddressUsageType | The type to specify the intended use of an address. For example, business or personal. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Alternate Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | An alternative name for a healthcare organization. The field is set as a deduplication criteria field. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date when an alternative name ceases to be effective. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date from when the alternative name is valid. |
Name Type | nameType | Lookup | NA | AlternateNameType | Type of an alternative name. For example, doing business as, alias, business name, and trading name. The field is set as a deduplication criteria field. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Area | X_infac360ls_area | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the area to which a healthcare organization provides service. For example, for the city area type, the area can be New York. The field is set as a deduplication criteria field. |
Area Type | X_infac360ls_areaType | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_AreaType | Type of area in which a healthcare organization provides service. For example, airport, city, or national park. The field is set as a deduplication criteria field. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Certification Name | X_infac360ls_certificationName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the certification. |
Certification Type | X_infac360ls_certificationType | Text | 255 | NA | Type of the certification of a healthcare organization. |
Credential Id | X_infac360ls_credentialId | Text | 255 | NA | Credential identifier of a healthcare organization, such as certification number. |
Expiry Date | X_infac360ls_expiryDate | Date | NA | NA | The date when a certification ceases to be effective. |
Issue Date | X_infac360ls_issueDate | Date | 255 | NA | Date when the certification was issued. |
Issuing Authority | X_infac360ls_issuingAuthority | Text | 255 | NA | Authority that issued the certification to the healthcare organization. |
Start Date | X_infac360ls_startDate | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the certification is valid. |
Status | X_infac360ls_status | Text | 255 | NA | Status of the certification. For example, active or expired. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Classification Code | X_infac360ls_classificationCode | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_ClassificationCode | Code value that indicates the group to which a healthcare organization belongs. For example, NAICS code 623311 indicates Continuing Care Retirement Communities. The field is set as a deduplication criteria field. |
Classification Type | X_infac360ls_classificationType | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_ClassificationType | Type of classification system that groups healthcare organizations. For example, ICHA-HP or NAICS. The field is set as a deduplication criteria field. |
Comment | X_infac360ls_comment | Text | NA | NA | Comment on the classification details. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Compliance Code | X_infac360ls_complianceCode | Text | 255 | NA | Code value indicating the type of healthcare compliance. |
Compliance Type | X_infac360ls_complianceType | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_ComplianceType | Type of healthcare compliance to which a healthcare organization adheres. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
DEA Number | X_infac360ls_deaNumber | Text | 255 | NA | DEA registration number of a healthcare organization. |
Address Line 1 | X_infac360ls_addressLine1 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 1 of the DEA address. |
Address Line 2 | X_infac360ls_addressLine2 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 2 of the DEA address. |
Business Activity Code | infac360ls_BusinessActivityCode | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_BusinessActivityCode | Code to identify the category of a healthcare organization. For example, business activity code A indicates Pharmacy. |
Business Activity Sub Code | X_infac360ls_businessActivitySubCode | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_BusinessActivitySubCode | Code to identify the subcategories of a healthcare organization. For example, business activity code A and business activity sub-code 5 indicates Online Retail Pharmacy. |
City | X_infac360ls_city | Text | 50 | NA | City of postal address. |
Country | X_infac360ls_country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of postal address. |
County | X_infac360ls_county | Text | 50 | NA | County of postal address. |
DEA Status | X_infac360ls_deaStatus | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_DEA_Status | Status of the DEA number. |
Drug Schedule 1 | X_infac360ls_drugSchedule1 | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a healthcare organization has the permission to use schedule I drugs for treatment. |
Drug Schedule 2 | X_infac360ls_drugSchedule2 | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a healthcare organization has the permission to use schedule II drugs for treatment. |
Drug Schedule 2N | X_infac360ls_drugSchedule2N | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a healthcare organization has the permission to use schedule IIN drugs for treatment. |
Drug Schedule 3 | X_infac360ls_drugSchedule3 | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a healthcare organization has the permission to use schedule III drugs for treatment. |
Drug Schedule 3N | X_infac360ls_drugSchedule3N | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a healthcare organization has the permission to use schedule IIIN drugs for treatment. |
Drug Schedule 4 | X_infac360ls_drugSchedule4 | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a healthcare organization has the permission to use schedule IV drugs for treatment. |
Drug Schedule 5 | X_infac360ls_drugSchedule5 | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a healthcare organization has the permission to use schedule V drugs for treatment. |
End Date | X_infac360ls_endDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date when the DEA registration ceases to be effective. |
First Received Date | X_infac360ls_firstRecivedDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The first date when the DEA number was received. |
Last Received Date | X_infac360ls_lastRecivedDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The last date when the DEA number was renewed. |
Overall Eligibility | X_infac360ls_overallEligibility | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_DEAOverallEligibility | The overall eligibility status of a healthcare organization provided by DEA. |
Postal Code | X_infac360ls_postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Start Date | X_infac360ls_startDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date when the DEA registration becomes effective. |
State | X_infac360ls_state | Lookup | NA | State | State of postal address. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Document Link | documentLink | Text | 255 | NA | URL to access the document. |
Document Name | documentName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the document. |
Document Type | documentType | Lookup | NA | DocumentType | Type of the document. For example, an application form, claim form, or policy. |
File Name | fileName | Text | 255 | NA | Physical name of the file. |
Valid From | validFrom | Date | NA | NA | The date when the document becomes valid. |
Valid To | validTo | Date | NA | NA | The date until when the document is valid. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the electronic address is primary or default. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date when an electronic address ceases to be effective. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date when an electronic address becomes effective. |
Electronic Address | electronicAddress | Text | 255 | NA | Electronic address of a healthcare organization. |
Electronic Address Status | electronicAddressStatus | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressStatus | Status of the email address. For example, active, blocked, or not in use. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the address verification service verified the address. |
Hygiene Status | hygieneStatus | Text | 50 | NA | Hygiene status for the electronic address. For example, safe to send, invalid, or spam. |
Net Protect Code | netProtectCode | Text | 50 | NA | Net protect codes identify the service or appliance that monitors a given network. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressUsageType | Usage type indicates the intended use or purpose of the address. For example, business, work, or personal. |
Validation Message | validateMessage | Text | 50 | NA | A message that the address validation service generates to indicate how valid and trusted the address is. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 50 | NA | Validation status of the electronic address. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Enrichment Date | X_infac360ls_enrichmentDate | Date | NA | NA | The date when a healthcare organization record is enriched. |
Provider | X_infac360ls_provider | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the enrichment provider. |
Status | X_infac360ls_status | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_EnrichmentStatus | Indicates whether a record is enriched, such as enriched or not enriched. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Amount | amount | Double | NA | NA | Amount of finance. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the financial information is collected. |
Finance Info Type | financeInfoType | Lookup | NA | FinanceInfoType | Type of financial information. For example, equity, annual income, and debt. |
Financial Reliability | financeReliability | Lookup | NA | FinanceReliability | Reliability of the financial data. For example, actual or estimate. |
Time Period | timePeriod | Text | 255 | NA | Financial period for which the data is collected. |
Time Period Type | financeTimePeriodType | Lookup | NA | TimePeriodType | Type of the financial period. For example, quarterly or yearly. |
Unit | financialUnit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | The unit of the financial amount. For example, thousands, millions, or billions. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Deactivation Date | X_infac360ls_deactivationDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Deactivation date of an identifier. |
Deactivation Reason | X_infac360ls_deactivationReason | Text | 255 | NA | Reason for deactivation of an identifier. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | DateTime | NA | NA | The date when an identifier ceases to be effective. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | DateTime | NA | NA | The date when an identifier was issued. |
Identifier Issuer | X_infac360ls_identifierIssuer | Text | 255 | NA | The issuer of an identifier. |
Identifier Type | idType | Lookup | NA | AlternateIdType | Type of an identifier. |
Identifier Type Description | X_infac360ls_identifierTypeDescription | Text | 255 | NA | Description of the type of identifier. |
Identifier Value | altIdValue | Text | 50 | NA | Value of an identifier, such as D-U-N-S number or National Provider Identifier. |
Issuing Authority | issuingAuthority | Lookup | NA | IssuingAuthority | Authority issuing an identifier. |
Issuing Country | X_infac360ls_issuingCountry | Lookup | NA | Country | The country in which an identifier was issued. |
Issuing State | X_infac360ls_issuingState | Lookup | NA | State | The state in which an identifier was issued. |
Reactivation Date | X_infac360ls_reactivationDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Reactivation date of an identifier. |
Status | IdentifierStatus | Lookup | NA | IdentifierStatus | The status of an identifier. For example, effective, disqualified, expired, and temporary. |
Usage Type | X_infac360hc_usageType | Lookup | NA | infac360hc_IdentifierUsageType | Intended use or purpose of an identifier, such as official, old, or secondary. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Indicator Type | indicatorType | Lookup | NA | IndicatorType | Classification of the type of indicator, such as promoter, detractor, minority-owned, women-owned, locally based, and small business. |
Indicator Value | value | Text | 255 | NA | Actual value of the indicator. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency for the premium payment and claim settlement. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | The date when the insurance coverage ceases to be effective. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | The date when the insurance coverage becomes effective. |
Insurance Holder | insuranceHolder | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the insurance holder. |
Insurance Provider | insuranceProvider | Text | 255 | NA | The company that provides the insurance. |
Insurance Sub Type | insuranceSubType | Lookup | NA | InsuranceSubType | Insurance subtype. For example, if the insurance type is lenders mortgage, the subtype might be extended lenders mortgage. |
Insurance Type | insuranceType | Lookup | NA | InsuranceType | The type of insurance, such as commercial auto, lenders mortgage, or shipping. |
Insurance Value | insuranceValue | Double | NA | NA | Amount insured. |
Policy Number | insurancePolicyNumber | Text | 100 | NA | Insurance policy number. |
Status | insuranceStatus | Text | 255 | insuranceStatus | Status of the insurance. For example, active or expired. |
Unit | unit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | Specifies the unit for the amount. For example, thousands, millions, or billions. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Designation | designation | Text | 255 | NA | Designation of the executive. |
Executive Type | executiveType | Lookup | NA | ExecutiveType | Type of executive, such as executive chairman, non-executive chairman, or chief executive officer. |
Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the executive. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective Date | X_infac360ls_startDate | Date & Time | NA | NA | The date from when the license is effective. |
Expiry Date | X_infac360ls_expiryDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date until when the license is valid. |
First Received Date | X_infac360ls_firstReceivedDate | Date | NA | NA | The date from when a healthcare organization was authorized to receive samples. |
Grace Period End Date | X_infac360ls_gracePeriodEndDate | Date & Time | NA | NA | End date of the grace period. |
Issue Date | X_infac360ls_issueDate | Date & Time | NA | NA | The date when the license was issued. |
Issuing Board | X_infac360ls_licenseBoard | Text | 255 | NA | The board issuing the license. |
License Number | X_infac360ls_licenseNumber | Text | 255 | NA | The license number of a healthcare organization. |
License State Code | X_infac360ls_licenseStateCd | Text | 255 | NA | The state code of the license. |
License Type | X_infac360ls_licenseType | Text | 255 | NA | Type of license. |
Status | X_infac360ls_status | Lookup | NA | infac360ls_LicenseStatusType | Status of the license. |
Status Description | X_infac360ls_statusDescription | Text | 255 | NA | Status description of the license. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Cell Prefix | cellPrefix | Text | 1 | NA | Prefix that must prepend the National Significant Number for inbound international calls. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the phone number is the default number. |
Do Not Call Indicator | doNotCallIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a healthcare organization wants to receive unsolicited phone calls from marketers. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date until when the phone number is effective. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The date from when the phone number is effective. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the phone number validation service verified the phone number. |
International Format | internationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | International format for the phone number. |
International Prefix | internationalPrefix | Text | 3 | NA | Prefix used to select an international telephone circuit. |
ISO | iso | Text | 2 | NA | ISO country code. |
National Destination Code | nationalDestinationCode | Text | 10 | NA | Code that identifies a numbering area within a country or a group of countries. |
National Destination Code Indicator | nationalDestinationCodeIndicator |