Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Agreement Description | infac360in_agreementDesc | Text | 50 | NA | Brief description about the insurance agreement signed between the consenting parties. |
Agreement End Date | infac360in_agreementEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the agreement ends. |
Agreement Name | infac360in_agreementName | Text | 50 | NA | Name of the insurance agreement. |
Agreement Number | infac360in_agreementNo | Text | 50 | NA | Agreement number of the legal contract signed between the consenting parties. |
Agreement Start Date | infac360in_agreementStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the agreement starts. |
Agreement Type | infac360in_agreementType | Lookup | NA | infac360in_AgreementType | Type of insurance agreement signed between the consenting parties. For example, insurance or provider agreement. |
Amount | infac360in_amount | Text | 50 | NA | Premium amount payable for the insurance. |
Approval Date | infac360in_approvalDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the insurance agreement was approved. |
Broad LOB Code | infac360in_broadLobCode | Lookup | NA | infac360in_BroadLineofBusiness | Code used to identify the different line of businesses in an insurance industry. For example, health or life. |
Calculation Method Code | infac360in_calcMethodCd | Text | 50 | NA | Method used to calculate the insurance coverage. |
Claim to Loss | infac360in_claimToLoss | Text | 50 | NA | Loss that the party incurs because of the claim. |
Co-Subscription Indicator | infac360in_cosubscriptionInd | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the agreement has additional subscribers. |
Currency | infac360in_currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency used for transactions. For example, United States dollar or United Kingdom pound. |
Detail Status | infac360in_detailStatus | Lookup | NA | infac360in_AgreementDetailStatus | Detailed status of the insurance agreement. For example, applied, offered, or quoted. |
Issuing Company | infac360in_issuingAuthority | Text | 50 | NA | Insurance company that issued the agreement |
Issue Date | infac360in_issuedDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the insurance agreement was issued. |
Jurisdiction | infac360in_jurisdiction | Text | 50 | NA | An area whose court and system of laws has authority on the agreement. |
Line of Business Code | infac360in_lobCode | Lookup | NA | infac360in_LineofBusinessCode | Line of business that the insurance agreement covers. For example, property or term life. |
Nature | infac360in_nature | Lookup | NA | infac360in_PremiumNature | Nature of the insurance agreement signed between the consenting parties. For example, deposit premium or subsequent premium. |
Overall Status | infac360in_overallStatus | Text | 50 | NA | Overall status of the insurance agreement. |
Product Code | infac360in_productCode | Text | 50 | NA | Product code assigned to the subscribed insurance plan. |
Renewal Indicator | infac360in_renewalInd | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the insurance agreement must be renewed. |
Review Date | infac360in_reviewDate | Date | NA | NA | Review date of the insurance agreement. |
Status Date | infac360in_statusDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the insurance status was updated. |
Status Reason | infac360in_statusReason | Text | 50 | NA | Reason for the insurance status. |
Tax Qualification | infac360in_taxQualification | Text | 50 | NA | Tax exemption applicable for the insurance premium payable. |
Tax Status | infac360in_taxStatus | Lookup | NA | infac360in_TaxStatus | Status of the tax exemption. For example, gross or net. |
Total Claim | infac360in_totalClaim | Text | 50 | NA | Total amount that the policy claims. |
Version | infac360in_version | Text | 50 | NA | Version of the agreement. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Adult Count | infa360in_adultCount | Integer | NA | NA | Total number of adults in the household. |
Child Count | infa360in_childCount | Integer | NA | NA | Total number of children in the household. |
Dependent | infa360in_dependent | Text | 255 | NA | Total number of dependent members in the household. |
Member Count | infa360in_memberCount | Integer | NA | NA | Total number of members in the household. |
Name | infa360in_name | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the household. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Address Line 1 | addressLine1 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 1 of the address. |
Address Line 2 | addressLine2 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 2 of the address. |
Address Line 3 | addressLine3 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 3 of the address. |
Address Status | addressStatus | Lookup | NA | AddressStatus | Status of the address. For example, active or inactive. |
Address Type | addressType | Lookup | NA | AddressType | Type of address. For example, organization, high-rise building, or home. |
City | city | Text | 50 | NA | City of postal address. |
Coordinate System | coordinateSystem | Text | 100 | NA | Coordinate system used to determine the location of the address. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country code of postal address. For example, Australia or United States. |
County | county | Text | 50 | NA | County of postal address. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the address is the default address. |
End Date | endDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the address. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Lookup | NA | AddressEnrichedIndicator | Validation status of the address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Latitude | latitude | Text | 20 | NA | Latitude for the address. |
Location Coordinate Description | locationCoordinateDesc | Text | 50 | NA | Location of the address using the geocode coordinates system. |
Longitude | longitude | Text | 20 | NA | Longitude of the address. |
Postal Code | postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | postalCodeExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
Start Date | startDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date when the address is active. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State of postal address. For example, if the country is United States, the state can be California or Florida. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | AddressUsageType | Usage type. For example, business or personal. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Cell Prefix | cellPrefix | Text | 1 | NA | Dialing prefix that must prepend the National Significant Number for inbound international calls. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the phone number is the default number. |
Do Not Call Indicator | doNotCallIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the household is willing to receive unsolicited phone calls from marketers. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The phone number is no longer active as of this date. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | The phone number becomes active as of this date. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Validation status of the phone number. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
International Format | internationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | International format for the phone number. |
International Prefix | internationalPrefix | Text | 3 | NA | Prefix used to select an international telephone circuit. |
ISO | iso | Text | 2 | NA | ISO country code. |
National Destination Code | nationalDestinationCode | Text | 10 | NA | Code that identifies a numbering area within a country or a group of countries. |
National Format | nationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | National format for the phone number. |
National Prefix | nationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Digit or combination of digits that must be dialed before an area or city code. |
National Destination Code Indicator | nationalDestinationCodeIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a country defines geographic area codes in the National Numbering Plan. |
Phone Number | phoneNumber | Text | 20 | NA | Household phone number. |
Phone Number Extension | phoneNumberExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Extension number. |
Phone Type | phoneType | Lookup | NA | PhoneType | Type of phone. For example, landline, mobile, or fax. |
Phone Usage Type | phoneUsageType | Lookup | NA | PhoneUsageType | Usage type of the phone. For example, personal, business, or home. |
Prefix Number | prefixNumber | Text | 3 | NA | Country dialing code. |
Status | status | Lookup | NA | PhoneStatus | Status of the phone number, such as publicly unavailable or the contact point is active. |
Validation Message | validationMessage | Text | 50 | NA | Validation message that the phone number validation service returns. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 50 | NA | Validation status code that the phone number validation service returns. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Accessories Value Amount | X_infac360in_accessoriesValueAmount | Decimal | 34,1 | NA | Estimated amount for the accessories fitted on the vehicle. |
Average Annual Distance | X_infac360in_avgAnnualDistanceMeasure | Decimal | 34,1 | NA | Average distance that the vehicle was driven in a year. |
Brand Name | X_infac360in_brandName | Text | 50 | NA | Brand name of the vehicle. |
Color | X_infac360in_color | Lookup | NA | infac360in_LandVehicleColor | Color of the vehicle, such as black or red. |
Curb Weight | X_infac360in_curbWeight | Decimal | 34,1 | NA | Curb weight of the vehicle. |
Curb Weight Unit of Measurement | X_ infac360in_curbWeightUnitofMeasurement | Lookup | NA | infac360in_MassUnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement used for measuring the curb weight. For example, gram, ounce, or pound. |
Currency Code | X_infac360in_currencyCode | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency used for transaction. For example, United States dollar or United Kingdom pound. |
Distance Unit of Measure | X_infac360in_distanceUom | Lookup | NA | infac360in_LengthofMeasure | Unit of measurement for the distance. For example, foot, inch, or meter. |
First Circulation Date | X_infac360in_firstCirculationDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the vehicle was put to use. |
Land Vehicle Description | X_infac360in_desc | Text | 50 | NA | Description of the land vehicle. |
Make | X_infac360in_make | Text | 255 | NA | Make of the vehicle. |
Manufactured Date | X_infac360in_manufacturedDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the vehicle was manufactured. |
Model | X_infac360in_model | Text | 255 | NA | Model of the vehicle. |
Movable Indicator | X_infac360in_movableInd | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the vehicle is in motorable condition. |
New Vehicle Purchase Indicator | X_infac360in_newVehiclePurchaseInd | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the vehicle is newly purchased. |
Regular Driver Count | X_infac360in_regularDriverCount | Integer | NA | NA | Number of people who regularly drive the vehicle. |
Serial Number | X_infac360in_serialNumber | Text | 50 | NA | Serial number of the vehicle. |
Size Measurement | X_infac360in_sizeMeasurement | Decimal | 34,1 | NA | Size of the vehicle. |
Size Unit of Measure | X_infac360in_sizeUom | Lookup | NA | infac360in_AreaUnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement for the size of the vehicle. For example, acre or square foot. |
Total Trailer Weight | X_infac360in_totalTrailerWeight | Decimal | 34,1 | NA | Total weight of the trailer when it is fully loaded. |
Total Trailer Weight Unit of Measure | X_infac360in_totalTrailerWeightUom | Lookup | NA | infac360in_MassUnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement for the total trailer weight. For example, gram, ounce, or pound. |
Trim | X_infac360in_trim | Text | 255 | NA | Trim levels of the vehicle. |
Vehicle Use Duration Unit of Measure | X_infac360in_cvehicleUseDurationUom | Lookup | NA | infac360in_TimeUnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement for the duration of time. For example, day, hour, or month. |
Use Mode | X_infac360in_useMode | Lookup | NA | infac360in_VehicleUse | Mode of use of the vehicle. For example, commercial or personal use. |
Vehicle Damageability | X_infac360in_vehicleDamageability | Lookup | NA | infac360in_VehicleDamageability | Insurance coverage for the damages made to the vehicle. For example, average, high, or low. |
Vehicle Identification Number | X_infac360in_vehicleIdentificationNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Unique identification number assigned to identify the vehicle. |
Vehicle Leased | X_infac360in_vehicleLeased | Lookup | NA | infac360in_VehicleOwnershipStatus | Specifies whether the vehicle was leased. For example, leased, hired from others, or hired to others. |
Vehicle Special Use | X_infac360in_vehicleSpecialUse | Lookup | NA | infac360in_VehicleSpecialUse | Special use for which the vehicle was put to use. For example, amusement device or emergency vehicle. |
Vehicle Use Duration | X_infac360in_vehicleUseDuration | Integer | NA | NA | Duration of time the vehicle was used. |
Year | X_infac360in_year | Integer | NA | NA | Year when the vehicle was launched. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Address Line 1 | addressLine1 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 1 of the address. |
Address Line 2 | addressLine2 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 2 of the address. |
Address Line 3 | addressLine3 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 3 of the address. |
Address Status | addressStatus | Lookup | NA | AddressStatus | Status of the address. For example, active or inactive. |
Address Type | addressType | Lookup | NA | AddressType | Type of address. For example, organization, high-rise building, or home. |
City | city | Text | 50 | NA | City of postal address. |
Coordinate System | coordinateSystem | Text | 100 | NA | Coordinate system used to determine the location of the address. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country code of postal address. For example, Australia or United States. |
County | county | Text | 50 | NA | County of postal address. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the address is the default address. |
End Date | enrichedIndicator | Lookup | NA | AddressEnrichedIndicator | Validation status of the address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Enriched Indicator | endDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the address. |
Latitude | latitude | Text | 20 | NA | Latitude for the address. |
Location Coordinate Description | locationCoordinateDesc | Text | 50 | NA | Location of the address using the geocode coordinates system. |
Longitude | longitude | Text | 20 | NA | Longitude of the address. |
Postal Code | postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | postalCodeExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
Start Date | startDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date when the address is active. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State of postal address. For example, if the country is United States, the state can be California or Florida. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | AddressUsageType | Usage type. For example, business or personal. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Accounting Period Type | X_infac360in_accountingPeriodType | Text | 255 | NA | Type of accounting period for which the business transactions are accumulated into financial statements. |
Business Type | X_infac360in_businessType | Lookup | NA | infac360in_BusinessType | Type of business that an organization does. For example, manufacture or distributor. |
Company Logo | imageUrl | Text | 255 | NA | URL of the image for an organization. |
Company Type | companyType | Lookup | NA | CompanyType | Type of company. For example, government, registered, or statutory. |
Country of Incorporation | countryOfIncorporation | Lookup | NA | Country | Country code for the country of incorporation of an organization. For example, Afghanistan or Australia. |
Customer Count | X_infac360in_customerCount | Integer | NA | NA | Total number of customers that an organization has. |
Customer Since Date | X_infac360in_customerSinceDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when an organization started business activities with the customer. |
Date of Incorporation | dateOfIncorporation | Date | NA | NA | Date from when an organization was incorporated. |
Government ID | X_infac360in_governmentId | Text | 255 | NA | Identifier that the government issued to an organization. |
Government ID Type | X_infac360in_governmentIdType | Text | 255 | NA | Type of identifier that the government issued to an organization. For example, driver's license or social security number. |
NAF Code | X_infac360in_nafCode | Text | 255 | NA | Code of the Numbered Air Force (NAF). |
NAICS Code | X_infac360in_naicsCode | Text | 255 | NA | North American Cartographic Information Society (NAICS) code used to define business establishments. |
Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | Full name of an organization. |
Nature of Business | X_infac360in_natureOfBusiness | Text | 255 | NA | Nature of business that an organization undertakes. |
Number of Employees | numberOfEmployees | Integer | NA | NA | Total number of employees in an organization. |
SIC Code | X_infac360in_sicCode | Text | 255 | NA | Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code used to classify the industry that an organization is associated with. |
State of Incorporation | stateOfIncorporation | Lookup | NA | State | State where an organization was incorporated. For example, if the country is United States, the state can be California or Florida. |
Website | X_infac360in_website | Text | 255 | NA | URL to access the website of an organization. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Address Line 1 | addressLine1 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 1 of the address. |
Address Line 2 | addressLine2 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 2 of the address. |
Address Line 3 | addressLine3 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 3 of the address. |
Address Status | addressStatus | Lookup | NA | AddressStatus | Status of the address. For example, active, current, old address, or changed. |
Address Type | addressType | Lookup | NA | AddressType | Type of address. For example, organization, high-rise building, or home. |
City | city | Text | 50 | NA | City of postal address. |
Coordinate System | coordinateSystem | Text | 100 | NA | Coordinate system used to determine the location of the address. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country code of postal address. For example, Australia or United States. |
County | county | Text | 50 | NA | County of postal address. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the address is the default address. |
End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the address. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Lookup | NA | AddressEnrichedIndicator | Validation status of the address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Latitude | latitude | Text | 20 | NA | Latitude for the address. |
Location Coordinate Description | locationCoordinateDesc | Text | 50 | NA | Location of the address using the geocode coordinates system. |
Longitude | longitude | Text | 20 | NA | Longitude of the address. |
Postal Code | postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | postalCodeExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date from when the address is active. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State of postal address. For example, if the country is United States, the state can be California or Florida. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | AddressUsageType | Usage type. For example, business or personal. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Alternate Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | An alternative name for an organization. |
Effective Start Date | infac360hc_effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date from when the alternate name is valid. |
Effective End Date | infac360hc_effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the alternate name. |
Name Type | nameType | Lookup | NA | AlternateNameType | Alternate name type. For example, business name, company name, or marketing name. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Account Holder Name | X_infac360in_accountHolderName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the account holder. |
Account Nick Name | X_infac360in_accountNickName | Text | 255 | NA | Nick name of the account holder. |
Account Number | X_infac360in_accountNo | Text | 255 | NA | Account number assigned to the account. |
Account Status | X_infac360in_accountStatus | Text | 255 | NA | Status of the account. |
Account Type | X_infac360in_accountType | Lookup | NA | AccountType | Type of the account. For example, current account or joint account. |
Bank Name | X_infac360in_bankName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the bank where an organization holds the account. |
Branch Name | X_infac360in_branchName | Text | 255 | NA | Branch name of the bank where an organization holds the account. |
Card Type | X_infac360in_cardType | Lookup | NA | infac360in_CardType | Type of the card. For example, debit or credit card. |
Card Sub Type | X_infac360in_cardSubTypeLookup | Lookup | NA | infac360in_CardSubType | Subtype of the card that the bank issued to the account holder. |
Check Digit | X_infac360in_checkDigit | Text | 255 | NA | Unique characters assigned to verify the integrity of the account number. |
Collection Type | X_infac360in_colletionType | Text | 255 | NA | Type of the payment collection. |
Country | X_infac360in_country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country where an organization holds the account. For example, United States or Australia. |
Effective Start Date | X_infac360in_effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the account was opened. |
Expiry Date | X_infac360in_expiryDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the account expires. |
IBAN | X_infac360in_iban | Text | 255 | NA | International bank account number (IBAN) of the account holder. |
Primary Indicator | X_infac360in_primaryInd | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the account is the primary account of an organization. |
Routing Number | X_infac360in_routingNo | Text | 255 | NA | Unique numbers used to identify the financial institutions. |
SWIFT | X_infac360in_swift | Text | 255 | NA | SWIFT code of the bank where an organization holds the account. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Comments | X_infac360in_comments | Text | 255 | NA | Comments about an organization. |
Source System | X_infac360in_sourceSystem | Text | 255 | NA | The source system from which the comments about an organization are obtained. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Content Type | X_infac360in_contentType | Text | 255 | NA | Content type of the document that is uploaded. For example, text, plain, or image. |
Document Link | documentLink | Text | 255 | NA | URL to access the document. |
Document Name | documentName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the document. |
Document Type | documentType | Lookup | NA | DocumentType | Type of the document. For example, application form, claim form, or policy. |
File Name | fileName | Text | 255 | NA | Physical name of the file. |
File Size | X_infac360in_fileSize | Integer | NA | NA | Size of the file. |
Valid From | validFrom | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the document becomes valid. |
Valid To | validTo | Date | NA | NA | Date until when the document is valid. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the electronic address is primary or default. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date for the electronic address. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date for the electronic address. |
Electronic Address | electronicAddress | Text | 255 | NA | Actual electronic address of an organization. |
Electronic Address Status | electronicAddressStatus | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressStatus | Status of the electronic address. For example, active, blocked, or not in use. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Validation status of the electronic address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Hygiene Status | hygieneStatus | Text | 50 | NA | Hygiene status for the electronic address. For example, safe to send, invalid, or former trap. |
Net Protect Code | netProtectCode | Text | 50 | NA | Net protect codes identify which service or appliance is monitoring a given network. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressUsageType | Intended use of the communication preference that an organization shared. For example, business or personal. |
Validation Message | validateMessage | Text | 50 | NA | Message that the electronic address validation service generates to indicate how valid and trusted the electronic address is. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 50 | NA | Validation status code that the email address validation service returns. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Amount | amount | Double | 20 | NA | Total value of the physical assets that an organization owns. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency used for transactions. For example, United States dollar or United Kingdom pound. |
Finance Info Type | financeInfoType | Lookup | NA | FinanceInfoType | Type of financial information. For example, total equity, annual revenue, or debt. |
Finance Reliability | financeReliability | Lookup | NA | FinanceReliability | Reliability of the financial data, if the data is actual or an estimate. |
Time Period | timePeriod | Text | 255 | NA | Finance period for which the data is collected. |
Time Period Type | financeTimePeriodType | Lookup | NA | TimePeriodType | Type of the finance period. For example, quarterly or annual. |
Unit | financialUnit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | Unit for the amount. For example, thousand, million, or billion. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Currency | X_infac360in_currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency used for the transaction. For example, United States dollar or United Kingdom pound. |
Financial Assets Amount | X_infac360in_financialAssetsAmount | Decimal | 34, 1 | NA | Total value of the financial assets that an organization owns. For example, stocks, bonds, or bank deposits. |
Properties Amount | X_infac360in_propertiesAmount | Decimal | 34, 1 | NA | Total value of the physical assets that an organization owns. For example, a building or land. |
Property Count | X_infac360in_propertyCount | Integer | NA | NA | Total count of the physical assets that an organization owns solely and in partnership with others. |
Total Owned Property Count | X_infac360in_totalOwnedPropertyCount | Integer | NA | NA | Total count of the physical assets that an organization solely owns. |
Total Property Amount | X_infac360in_totalPropertyAmount | Decimal | 34, 1 | NA | Total value of the physical assets. |
Valuable Assets Amount | X_infac360in_valuableAssetsAmount | Decimal | 34, 1 | NA | Total value of all the valuable assets. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the identifier. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Issued date of the identifier. |
Identifier Type | idType | Lookup | NA | AlternateIdType | Type of alternate identifier. For example, D&B ID or Federal Employer Identification Number. |
Identifier Value | altIdValue | Text | 50 | NA | Value of alternate identifier, such as employee ID or tax ID number. |
Issuing Authority | issuingAuthority | Lookup | NA | IssuingAuthority | Authority that has issued the identifier to an organization. For example, Dun & Bradstreet or government agency. |
Last Verified Date | X_infac360in_lastverifiedDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the alternate identifier was last verified. |
Status | identifierStatus | Lookup | NA | IdentifierStatus | Code to indicate the status of the alternate identifier. For example, effective, disqualified, expired, or temporary. |
Status Reason Code | X_infac360in_statusReasonCode | Text | 255 | NA | Reason for the status of the alternate identifier. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective Date | X_infac360in_effectiveDate | Date | NA | NA | Date from which the indicator is valid. |
Indicator Type | indicatorType | Lookup | NA | IndicatorType | The type of indicator that explains an organization. For example, certified small business and key opinion leader. |
Indicator Value | value | Text | 255 | NA | Actual value of the indicator. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Designation | designation | Text | 255 | NA | Designation of the key executive. |
Executive Type | executiveType | Lookup | NA | ExecutiveType | Executive type. For example, executive chairman, non-executive chairman, or chief executive officer. |
Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the executive. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Language | X_infac360in_language | Lookup | NA | infac360in_Language | Primary language that an organization uses for communication. For example, English or Spanish. |
Primary Indicator | X_infac360in_primaryIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the language is the primary language of an organization. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Dissolution Date | X_infac360in_dissolutionDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when an organization was dissolved. |
Legal Capacity | X_infa360in_legalCapacity | Text | 255 | NA | Legal capacity under which an organization operates. |
Legal Entity Type | X_infa360in_legalEntityType | Lookup | NA | infac360in_LegalEntityType | Type of legal entity. For example, Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Company. |
Legal Status Description | X_infa360in_legalStatusDescription | Text | 255 | NA | Legal status held by an organization. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Account Number | infac360in_accountNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Loyalty account number. |
Account Status | infac360in_accountStatus | Lookup | NA | LoyaltyAccountStatus | Status of the account. For example, active or inactive. |
Account Type | infac360in_accountType | Lookup | NA | LoyaltyAccountType | Type of loyalty accounts. For example, elite, silver, gold, or platinum. |
Customer Loyalty Code | X_infac360in_customerLoyaltyCode | Text | 255 | NA | Code that indicates a customer loyalty level. |
Effective End Date | infac360in_effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | End date of the loyalty account. |
Effective Start Date | infac360in_effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date of the loyalty account. |
Redemption Preferences | infac360in_redemptionPreferences | Lookup | NA | RedemptionPreferences | Preference for the redemption of loyalty points. For example, cash back or credit. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Cell Prefix | cellPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Dialing prefix that must prepend the National Significant Number for inbound international calls. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether the phone number is the default number. |
Do Not Call Indicator | doNotCallIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Flag to indicate whether an organization is willing to receive unsolicited phone calls from marketers. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date until when the phone number was active or will be active. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | DateTime | NA | NA | Date from when the phone number is active. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Validation status of the phone number. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
ISO | iso | Text | 2 | NA | ISO country code. |
International Format | internationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | International format for the phone number. |
International Prefix | internationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Prefix used to select an international telephone circuit. |
National Destination Code | nationalDestinationCode | Text | 255 | NA | Code that identifies a numbering area within a country or a group of countries. |
National Destination Code Indicator | nationalDestinationCodeIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether a country defines geographic area codes in the National Numbering Plan. |
National Format | nationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | National format for the phone number. |
National Prefix | nationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Digit or combination of digits that must be dialed before an area or city code. |
Phone Number | phoneNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Organization phone number. |
Phone Number Extension | phoneNumberExtension | Text | 255 | NA | Extension number. |
Phone Type | phoneType | Lookup | NA | PhoneType | Type of phone. For example, landline, mobile, or fax. |
Phone Usage Type | phoneUsageType | Lookup | NA | PhoneUsageType | Usage type of the phone. For example, personal, business, or home. |
Prefix Number | prefixNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Country dialing code. |
Status | status | Lookup | NA | PhoneStatus | Status of the phone number, such as publicly unavailable or the contact point is active. |
Validation Message | validationMessage | Text | 255 | NA | Validation message that the phone number validation service returns. |
Validation Status | validationStatusCode | Text | 255 | NA | Validation status code that the phone number validation service returns. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Segment Type | segmentType | Lookup | NA | SegmentType | Type of segment. For example, age or income. |
Segment Value | segmentValue | Lookup | NA | SegmentValue | Name of the category or segment. For example, if the segment type is age, then segment value can be 0-18 years. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Consent Flag | X_infac360in_consentFlag | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates the consent status of organization to share the social media contact details. |
Nick Name | X_infac360in_nickName | Text | 255 | NA | Nick name of an organization. |
Primary Contact Flag | X_infac360in_primaryContactFlag | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the contact details that an organization provided is the primary contact. |
Social Media Handle | socialMediaValue | Text | 255 | NA | Social media contact details. |
Social Media Type | socialHandleType | Lookup | NA | SocialHandleType | Type of social media contact details. For example, Facebook, Linkedin, or Pinterest. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Specialty Type | X_infac360in_specialtyType | Lookup | NA | SpecialityType | Speciality type. For example, construction, educational services, and finance and insurance. |
Speciality | X_infac360in_specialty | Text | 255 | NA | Name of speciality. |
Board Certification Flag | X_infac360in_boardCertificationFlag | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the board certification is active or not. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective End Date | X_infac360in_effEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the status of an organization expires. |
Effective Start Date | X_infac360in_effStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the status is active. |
Status Code | X_infac360in_statusCode | Text | 255 | NA | Status of an organization. |
Status Date | X_infac360in_statusDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when an organization status was updated. |
Status Reason | X_infac360in_statusReason | Text | 255 | NA | Reason for an organization status. |
Status Type | X_infac360in_statusType | Lookup | NA | OrgStatusType | Status type of an organization, such as onboarding or primary status. |
Status Value | X_infac360in_statusValue | Lookup | NA | infac360in_OrgStatusValue | Status value of an organization, such as active or inactive. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country in which the stock exchange is located. |
Stock Exchange | stockExchangeName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the stock exchange that trades the shares. |
Ticker Symbol | tickerSymbol | Text | 255 | NA | Abbreviation used to identify the publicly traded shares of an organization. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of taxation. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the tax is paid. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date Time | NA | NA | Start date of the tax period. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date Time | NA | NA | End date of the tax period. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State within the country of the taxation. |
Tax Authority | taxAuthority | Lookup | NA | TaxAuthority | Tax authority. For example, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and Inland Revenue Department. |
Tax Number | taxNumber | Text | 50 | NA | Unique number that identifies an organization for tax purposes. |
Tax Number Type | taxNumberType | Lookup | NA | TaxNumberType | Type of the tax number. Tax number can be Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), (EIN), Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number, and Permanent Account Number (PAN). |
Tax Paid | taxPaid | Text | 50 | NA | Tax amount that an organization has paid. |
Tax Payer Type | taxPayerType | Lookup | NA | TaxPayerType | Type of tax payer. For example, company, partnership, or trust. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Birth Date | birthDate | Date | NA | NA | Date of birth of a person. |
Birth Place | birthPlace | Text | 255 | NA | Place of birth of a person. |
Blood Group | X_infa360in_bloodGroup | Lookup | NA | infac360in_BloodGroup | Blood group of a person. For example, A+ or AB+. |
Customer Since Date | X_infac360in_customerSinceDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when a person started business activities with the customer. |
Designation | designation | Text | 255 | NA | Designation or position of a person. |
First Name | firstName | Text | 255 | NA | First name of a person. |
Full Name | fullName | Text | 255 | NA | Full name of a person. |
Gender | gender | Lookup | NA | Gender | Gender of a person. For example, female, male, or unknown. |
Government ID | X_infac360in_governmentId | Text | 255 | NA | Identifier that the government issued to a person. |
Government ID Type | X_infac360in_governmentIdType | Text | 255 | NA | Type of identifier that the government issued to a person. For example, driver's license or social security number. |
Image | imageUrl | Text | 255 | NA | URL of the image for a person. |
Is Contact | X_infac360sf_isContact | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the person is a contact in Salesforce. |
Is Customer | X_infac360sf_isCustomer | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the person is a customer in Salesforce. |
Last Name | lastName | Text | 255 | NA | Last name of a person. |
Marital Status | maritalStatus | Lookup | NA | MaritalStatus | Marital status of a person. For example, single, married, or divorced. |
Middle Name |