Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Business Type | businessType | Lookup | NA | BusinessType | Type of business. For example, asset based or non-asset based. |
Company Code | companyCode | Text | 255 | NA | Company code of the supplier organization. |
Company Logo | companyLogo | Text | 255 | NA | URL of the image for the supplier organization. |
Currency Type | currencyType | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the financial information is provided. |
Date of Incorporation | dateOfIncorporation | Date | NA | NA | Date of incorporation of the supplier organization. |
DUNS Number | dunsNumber | Text | 255 | NA | DUNS number of the supplier organization. |
Industry Type | industryType | Lookup | NA | IndustryType | Type of industry. For example, agriculture, banking, chemicals, or communication. |
NAICS Code | naicsCode | Text | 255 | NA | North American Industry Classification System code of the supplier organization. |
Name | name | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the supplier organization. |
Number of Employees | numberOfEmployees | Integer | NA | NA | Total number of employees in the supplier organization. |
Online Catalog Flag | onlineCatalogFlag | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the supplier organization provides an online catalog. |
Online Sell Flag | onlineSellFlag | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the supplier sells online. |
Ownership Type | ownershipType | Lookup | NA | OwnershipType | Type of ownership for the supplier organization. For example, cooperative, private, public, or self-owned. |
SIC Code | sicCode | Text | 255 | NA | Standard Industrial Classification code of the supplier organization. |
Supplier Type | supplierType | Lookup | NA | SupplierType | Type of supplier. For example, manufacturers, exporters, or distributors. |
Web Address | webAddress | Text | 255 | NA | Website of the supplier organization. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Address Line 1 | addressLine1 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 1 of the postal address. |
Address Line 2 | addressLine2 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 2 of the postal address. |
Address Line 3 | addressLine3 | Text | 200 | NA | Line 3 of the postal address. |
Address Status | addressStatus | Lookup | NA | AddressStatus | Status of the address. For example, active or inactive. |
Address Type | addressType | Lookup | NA | AddressType | Type of postal address. For example, office, or shipping. |
City | city | Text | 50 | NA | City of the postal address. |
Coordinate System | coordinateSystem | Text | 100 | NA | Coordinate system used to determine the location of the address. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of the postal address. |
County | county | Text | 50 | NA | County of the postal address. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the postal address is the default address. |
End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date and Time | NA | NA | Expiry date of the address. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Lookup | NA | AddressEnrichedIndicator | Validation status of the address. For example, error, valid, or not validated. |
Latitude | latitude | Text | 20 | NA | Latitude for the address. |
Location Coordinate Desc | locationCoordinateDesc | Text | 50 | NA | Location of the address using coordinate system. |
Longitude | longitude | Text | 20 | NA | Longitude for the address. |
Postal Code | postalCode | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code of the address. |
Postal Code Extension | postalCodeExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Postal code extension of the address. |
Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date and Time | NA | NA | Start date from when the address is active. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State of the postal address. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | AddressUsageType | Usage type. For example, business or personal. |
Verification Message | statusMessage | Text | 255 | NA | Validation message that the address verification service returns. |
Verification Status Code | statusCode | Text | 10 | NA | Validation status that the address verification service returns. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Alternate Name | alternateName | Text | 255 | NA | Alternate name of the supplier organization. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Expiry date of the alternate name. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date from when the alternate name is valid. |
Name Type | nameType | Lookup | NA | AlternateNameType | Alternate name type of the supplier organization. For example, doing business as name, alias, legal name, or previous name. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Account Type | accountType | Lookup | NA | NA | Type of bank account, such as savings account or current account. |
Account Holder | accountHolder | Text | 50 | NA | Bank account holder's name. |
Branch Name | branchName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the branch in which the supplier organization has the account. |
Account Number | accountNumber | Text | 50 | NA | Bank account number of the supplier organization. |
Account Status | accountStatus | Lookup | NA | NA | Status of the bank account, such as active or inactive. |
Bank Name | bankName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the bank. |
SWIFT | swift | Text | 50 | NA | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication code. |
IBAN | iban | Text | 50 | NA | International Bank Account Number. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | NA | Country of the bank account. |
Branch Number | branchNumber | Text | 50 | NA | Branch number of the bank. |
Check Digit | checkDigit | Text | 50 | NA | Error detection on identification numbers, such as bank account numbers. |
Primary Indicator | primaryIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the bank account is the primary account. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date from when the bank account is valid. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Expiry date of the bank account. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Agreement Confidentiality | agreementConfidentiality | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the contract agreement is confidential. |
Agreement Date | agreementDate | Date | NA | NA | Date when the contract agreement is drawn. |
Arbitration | arbitration | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether arbitration is applicable to the contract. |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country code of the contract. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency that is specified in the contract. |
Delivery Responsibility | deliveryResponsibility | Lookup | NA | DeliveryResponsibilityType | Delivery responsibility of the contract, such as customer will arrange delivery or supplier will arrange delivery. |
Discount Avail | discountAvail | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether discount is available for the contract. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Effective end date of the contract. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Effective start date of the contract. |
Force Majeure | forceMajeure | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the force majeure provision is applicable to the contract. |
Language | language | Lookup | NA | Language | Language in which the contract is written. |
Order Number | orderNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Order number of the contract. |
Payment Method | paymentMethod | Lookup | NA | PaymentMethodType | Payment method, such as cash, cheque, direct debit, or file electronic transfer. |
Payment Type | paymentType | Lookup | NA | PaymentType | Payment type of the contract, such as several installment payments or single lump sum payment. |
Purchasing Org Code | purchaseOrgCode | Lookup | NA | PurchaseOrgCodeType | Code of the purchasing organization. |
Quality | quality | Text | 255 | NA | Quality requirements of the product or service contract. |
Return Remedy Period | returnRemedyPeriod | Text | 255 | NA | Return remedy period of the contract. |
Return Responsibility | returnResponsibility | Lookup | NA | ReturnResponsibilityType | Return responsibility of the contract, such as customer will take responsibility for returns, or supplier will take responsibility for returns. |
Shipment Completion Type | shipmentCompletionType | Lookup | NA | ShipmentCompletionType | Shipment completion type of the contract, such as upon delivery of goods to the final destination or upon delivery of goods to the shipping company. |
State Law Applied | stateLawApplied | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the state law is applicable to the contract. |
Transferability | transferability | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the contract is transferable. |
Transit Risk | transitRisk | Text | 255 | N | Transit risk factors of the contract, such as loss of goods. |
Tax Responsibility | taxResponsibility | Lokkup | NA | TaxResponsibilityType | Tax responsibility of the contract, such as customer will take responsibility for tax, do not include tax provision, or supplier will take responsibility for tax. |
Violation Grace Period | violationGracePeriod | Text | 255 | NA | Violation grace period of the contact. |
Warranty | warranty | Text | 255 | NA | Warranty of the contract. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Diversity Status | diversityStatus | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the supplier organization is diverse. |
Diversity Type | diversityType | Lookup | NA | DiversityType | Diversity type of the supplier organization. For example, minority business enterprise, small disadvantaged business, or women business enterprise. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Document Link | documentLink | Text | 255 | NA | URL to access the document. |
Document Name | documentName | Lookup | NA | DocumentType | Name of the document. |
Document Type | documentType | Text | 255 | NA | Type of document. |
File Name | fileName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the file. |
Valid From | validFrom | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the document is valid. |
Valid To | validTo | Date | NA | NA | Date until when the document is valid. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the address is the default address. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date and Time | NA | NA | End date for the electronic address. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date and Time | NA | NA | Start date for the electronic address. |
Electronic Address | electronicAddress | Text | 255 | NA | Electronic address of the supplier organization. |
Electronic Address Status | electronicAddressStatus | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressStatus | Status of the email address. For example, active, blocked, or not in use. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the email verification service verified the electronic address. |
Hygiene Status | hygieneStatus | Text | 50 | NA | Hygiene status for the electronic address. For example, safe to send, invalid, or spam. |
Net Protect Code | netProtectCode | Text | 50 | NA | Net protect codes identify which service or appliance is monitoring a given network. |
Usage Type | usageType | Lookup | NA | ElectronicAddressUsageType | Intended use or purpose of the electronic address. For example, business, work, or personal. |
Verification Status Code | validationStatusCode | Text | 50 | NA | Validation status of the electronic address. |
Verification Message | validationMessage | Text | 50 | NA | Message that the email validation service generates to indicate how valid and trusted the address is. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Average Peer Score | X_infas360esg_averagePeerScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Average ESG ranking for the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) industry peer group of the company. |
Data Depth Indicator | X_infas360esg_dataDepthIndicator | Text | 10 | NA | Indicates the level of predictive data available for ESG calculations. |
Environmental - Average Peer Score | X_infas360esg_environmentAveragePeerScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Average environmental ranking for the SASB industry peer group of the company. |
Environmental - Data Depth Indicator | X_infas360esg_environmentDataDepthIndicator | Text | 10 | NA | Indicates the level of predictive data available for environmental score calculations. |
Environmental - Emissions and Climate - GHG Emission Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalEmmisionGHGEmmisionScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to the measurement and management of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions. |
Environmental - Emissions and Climate - Risk Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalEmmisionClimateRiskScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to awareness and readiness to address climate-related impacts. |
Environmental - Emissions and Climate Score | X_infas360esg_environmentEmmisionClimateScore | Integer | NA | NA | The risk score for the performance of the company related to the GHG emissions and climate. |
Environmental - Natural Resource Energy Management Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalNaturalEnergyManagementScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to the energy management efforts. |
Environmental - Natural Resource Land Use Biodiversity Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalNaturalLandUseBiodiversityScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to land use and biodiversity loss. |
Environmental - Natural Resource Material Sourcing Management Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalNaturalMaterialSourcingManagementScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to procurement, materials sourcing, and management. |
Environmental - Natural Resource Pollution Prevention Management Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalNaturalPollutionPreventionManagementScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to policies and impact related to pollution management. |
Environmental - Natural Resource Score | X_infas360esg_environmentNaturalResourceScore | Integer | NA | NA | The risk score of the company related to the management of natural resources. |
Environmental - Natural Resource Waste Hazard Management Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalNaturalWasteHazardManagementScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to waste and hazards management efforts. |
Environmental - Natural Resource Water Management Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalNaturalWaterManagementScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to water management efforts. |
Environmental - Opportunities Certification Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalOpportunitiesCertificationScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company to indicate whether the company has environmental related certifications for its branches and headquarters. |
Environmental - Opportunities Score | X_infas360esg_environmentOpportunitiesScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company for initiatives toward sustainable and green activities. |
Environmental - Peer Percentile Group | X_infas360esg_environmentPeerPercentileGroup | Text | 50 | NA | Percentile environmental ranking of the company compared to the SASB industry peer group. |
Environmental - Ranking Score | X_infas360esg_environmentScore | Integer | NA | NA | Overall environmental ranking of the company. |
Environmental - Reason | X_infas360esg_environmentalReason | Nested field group | NA | NA | Reason for the overall environmental ranking. |
Environmental - Risk Compliance Score | X_infas360esg_environmentalRiskComplainceScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to adherence to environmental regulations. |
Environmental - Risk Score | X_infas360esg_environmentRiskScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to environmental risk. |
ESG Score | X_infas360esg_esgScore | Integer | NA | NA | Overall ESG ranking that indicates the environmental, social, and governance risk factors of the company. |
ESG Score Date | X_infas360esg_esgScoreDate | Date | NA | NA | Date of calculation of the ESG risk ranking. |
Governance - Average Peer Score | X_infas360esg_governanceAveragePeerScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Average governance ranking for the SASB industry peer group of the company. |
Governance - Business Resilience Score | X_infas360esg_governanceBusinessReseilienceScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the business sustainability and resiliency of the company. |
Governance - Business Resilience Sustainability Score | X_infas360esg_governanceBusinessReseilienceSustainabilityScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the ability to be resilient against volatility, economic, and weather-related events. |
Governance - Corporate Behaviour Related Certification Score | X_infas360esg_governanceRelatedCertificationScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the adherence of the company to formal governance structures through certifications. |
Governance - Corporate Behaviour Score | X_infas360esg_governanceCorporateBehaviourScore | Integer | NA | NA | The risk score that indicates the overall behavior or conduct of the company related to governance. |
Governance - Corporate Board Accountability Score | X_infas360esg_governanceCorporateBoardAccountabilityScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the level of accountability of the board of directors of the company. |
Governance - Corporate Business Ethics Score | X_infas360esg_governanceCorporateBusinessEthicsScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the commitment of the company to conduct ethical business practices. |
Governance - Corporate Business Transparency Score | X_infas360esg_governanceCorporateBusinessTransparencyScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the commitment of the company to operate in a transparent and accountable manner. |
Governance - Corporate Compliance Behaviour Score | X_infas360esg_governanceCorporateComplianceBehaviourScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the adherence of the company to regulatory requirements and absence of liabilities. |
Governance - Corporate Shareholder Rights Score | X_infas360esg_governanceCorporateShareholderRightsScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the quality and use of appropriate channels for shareholders to enact their rights. |
Governance - Corporate Score | X_infas360esg_governanceCorporateGovernanceScore | Integer | NA | NA | Risk score for the governance practices of the company. |
Governance - Data Depth Indicator | X_infas360esg_governanceDataDepthIndicator | Text | 10 | NA | Indicates the level of predictive data available for governance score calculations. |
Governance - Peer Percentile Group | X_infas360esg_governancePeerPercentileGroup | Text | 50 | NA | Percentile governance ranking of the company compared to the SASB industry peer group. |
Governance - Ranking Score | X_infas360esg_governanceRankingScore | Integer | NA | NA | Overall governance ranking of the company. |
Governance - Reason | X_infas360esg_governanceReason | Nested field group | NA | NA | Reason for the overall governance ranking. |
Peer Percentile Group | X_infas360esg_peerPercentileGroup | Text | 50 | NA | Percentile ranking of the ESG Ranking of the company compared to the SASB industry peer group. |
Social - Average Peer Score | X_infas360esg_socialAveragePeerScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Average social ranking for the SASB industry peer group of the company. |
Social - Certification Score | X_infas360esg_socialCertificationScore | Integer | NA | NA | Risk score for the social-related certifications of the company. |
Social - Certification Related Score | X_infas360esg_socialRelatedCertificationScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the commitment of the company to pursue formal processes and management systems related to social issues. |
Social - Community Corporate Philanthropy Score | X_infas360esg_socialCorporatePhilanthropyScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company towards engagement and contributions to the community through philanthropic initiatives. |
Social - Community Engagement Score | X_infas360esg_socialCommunityEngagementScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to the community engagement. |
Social - Community Score | X_infas360esg_socialCommunityScore | Integer | NA | NA | Risk score for community engagement of the company. |
Social - Customers Data Privacy Score | X_infas360esg_socialCustomersDataPrivacyScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the vulnerability of the company to breaches related to personal and customer data. |
Social - Customers Products and Services Score | X_infas360esg_socialCustomersProductServiceScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to customer engagement activities for its products and services. |
Social - Customers Score | X_infas360esg_socialCustomersScore | Integer | NA | NA | Risk score for the customer engagement of the company. |
Social - Data Depth Indicator | X_infas360esg_socialDataDepthIndicator | Text | 10 | NA | Indicates the level of predictive data available for social score calculations. |
Social - Human Capital Diversity and Inclusion Score | X_infas360esg_socialHumanCapitalDiversityInclusionScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating of the company related to diversity and inclusion within the company and among its leadership. |
Social - Human Capital Health Safety Score | X_infas360esg_socialHumanCapitalHealthSafetyScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the responsibility of the company for employee health and safety. |
Social - Human Capital Labor Relations Score | X_infas360esg_socialHumanCapitalLaborRelationsScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the quality of the company - employee relationships. |
Social - Human Capital Right Abuse Score | X_infas360esg_socialHumanRightAbuseScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the coverage of potential human rights abuses within the operations of the company. |
Social - Human Capital Score | X_infas360esg_socialHumanCapitalScore | Integer | NA | NA | Risk score for the human capital management of the company. |
Social - Human Capital Training Education Score | X_infas360esg_socialHumanCapitalTrainingEducationScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the focus of the company on employee training and education. |
Social - Peer Percentile Group | X_infas360esg_socialPeerPercentileGroup | Text | 50 | NA | Percentile ranking of the social ranking of the company compared to the SASB industry peer group. |
Social - Products and Services Cyber Risk Score | X_infas360esg_socialProductServiceCyberRiskScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the vulnerability of the company to business disruption from cyber-related incidents. |
Social - Products and Services Quality Management Score | X_infas360esg_socialProductQualityManagementScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the activities of the company related to the quality of its product and service portfolios. |
Social - Products and Services Score | X_infas360esg_socialProductServiceScore | Integer | NA | NA | Risk score for the products and services of the company. |
Social - Ranking Score | X_infas360esg_socialRankingScore | Integer | NA | NA | Overall social ranking of the company. |
Social - Reason | X_infas360esg_socialReason | Nested field group | NA | NA | Reason for the overall social ranking. |
Social - Supplier Engagement Score | X_infas360esg_socialSupplierEngagementScore | Integer | NA | NA | Performance rating for the quality of relationships and engagement of the company with its suppliers. |
Social - Supplier Score | X_infas360esg_socialSupplierScore | Integer | NA | NA | Risk score for the supplier engagement of the company. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Reason Code | X_infas360esg_environmentalReasonCode | Integer | NA | NA | Unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to indicate the reason that influences the overall environmental ranking. |
Reason Description | X_infas360esg_environmentalReasonDescription | Text | 255 | NA | Description of the reason that influences the overall environmental ranking. |
Reason Priority | X_infas360esg_environmentalReasonPriority | Integer | NA | NA | The order of importance assigned to the environmental factors of the subject company. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Reason Code | X_infas360esg_socialReasonCode | Integer | NA | NA | Unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to indicate the reason that influences the overall social ranking. |
Reason Description | X_infas360esg_socialReasonDescription | Text | 255 | NA | Description of the reason that influences the overall social ranking. |
Reason Priority | X_infas360esg_socialReasonPriority | Integer | NA | NA | The order of importance assigned to the social factors of the subject company. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Reason Code | X_infas360esg_governanceReasonCode | Integer | NA | NA | Unique code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to indicate the reason that influences the overall governance ranking. |
Reason Description | X_infas360esg_governanceReasonDescription | Text | 255 | NA | Description of the reason that influences the overall governance ranking. |
Reason Priority | X_infas360esg_governanceReasonPriority | Integer | NA | NA | The order of importance assigned to the governance factors of the subject company. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Environmental - Risk Score | X_infas360esg_environmentRiskScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Unmanaged score of the environment cluster. |
ESG Risk Category | X_infas360esg_riskcategory | Text | 10 | NA | Risk category assigned to the ESG rating. |
ESG Risk Category - Momentum | X_infas360esg_esgRiskCategoryMomentum | Text | 13 | NA | Year-on-year absolute change in the ESG risk category. |
ESG Risk Percentile -Subindustry | X_infas360esg_esgRiskPercentileSubindustry | Decimal | 5 | NA | ESG risk score of the company relative to the Sustainalytics sub-industry expressed as a percentage rank. |
ESG Risk Percentile - Universe | X_infas360esg_esgRiskPercentileUniverse | Decimal | 5 | NA | ESG risk score of the company relative to the Sustainalytics research universe expressed as a percentage rank. |
ESG Risk Rank - Subindustry | X_infas360esg_esgRiskRankSubindustry | Text | 8 | NA | ESG risk score of the company relative to the Sustainalytics sub-industry expressed as a rank. |
ESG Risk Rank - Universe | X_infas360esg_esgRiskRankUniverse | Text | 8 | NA | ESG risk score of the company relative to the Sustainalytics research universe expressed as a rank. |
ESG Risk Score | X_infas360esg_esgRiskScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Overall ESG risk score of the company. |
ESG Risk Score Average - Universe | X_infas360esg_esgRiskScoreAverageUniverse | Decimal | 5 | NA | Average ESG risk score of all companies in the Sustainalytics research universe. |
ESG Risk Score Average - Subindustry | X_infas360esg_esgRiskScoreAverageSubindustry | Decimal | 5 | NA | Average ESG Risk Score of all companies in the Sustainalytics sub-industry. |
Governance - Risk Score | X_infas360esg_governanceRiskScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Unmanaged risk score of the governance cluster. |
Overall Beta | X_infas360esg_overallBeta | Decimal | 20 | NA | Deviation of the overall exposure of the company from the overall exposure of the sub-industry. |
Overall Excess Exposure Score | X_infas360esg_overallExcessExposureScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Deviation of the exposure score of the company from the exposure score of the sub-industry. |
Overall Exposure Category | X_infas360esg_overallExposureCategory | Text | 6 | NA | Exposure category in the ESG risk rating assigned to the overall exposure score of the company. |
Overall Exposure Category - Momentum | X_infas360esg_overallExposureCategoryMomentum | Text | 13 | NA | Year-on-year absolute change in the overall exposure category. |
Overall Exposure Score | X_infas360esg_overallExposureScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Extent of the ESG risk exposure of the company. |
Overall Exposure Score - Momentum | X_infas360esg_overallExposureScoreMomentum | Decimal | 7 | NA | Year-on-year absolute change in the overall exposure score. |
Overall Manageable Risk Factor | X_infas360esg_overallManageableRiskFactor | Decimal | 20 | NA | Overall percentage of risk that can be managed by the company. |
Overall Manageable Risk Score | X_infas360esg_overallManageableRiskScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | ESG risk managed by the company through suitable policies, programs, or initiatives. The score ranges from 0 to 100. |
Overall Managed Risk Score | X_infas360esg_overallManagedRiskScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | ESG risk managed by the company through suitable policies, programs, or initiatives. |
Overall Management Category | X_infas360esg_overallManagementCategory | Text | 7 | NA | Management category in the ESG risk rating assigned to the overall management score of the company. |
Overall Management Category - Momentum | X_infas360esg_overallManagementCategoryMomentum | Text | 13 | NA | Year-on-year absolute change in the overall management category. |
Overall Management Gap Score | X_infas360esg_overallManagementGapScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Total risk that the company can manage but not yet managing. The score ranges from 0 to the overall manageable risk score of the company. |
Overall Management Score | X_infas360esg_overallManagementScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Measure of the management decisions and handling of ESG risks across the company issues. |
Overall Management Score - Momentum | X_infas360esg_overallManagementScoreMomentum | Decimal | 7 | NA | Year-on-year absolute change in the overall management score. |
Overall Unmanageable Risk Score | X_infas360esg_overallUnmanageableRiskScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | ESG risk that can't be managed by the company. The score ranges from 0 to the overall manageable risk score of the company. |
Social - Risk Score | X_infas360esg_socialRiskScore | Decimal | 20 | NA | Unmanaged risk score of the social cluster. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Business Title | businessTitle | Text | 255 | NA | Business title for the executive member. |
Company Name | companyName | Text | 255 | NA | Company name of the executive member. |
Executive Type | executiveType | Lookup | NA | ExecutiveType | Type of the executive member. For example, Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, or Managing Director. |
Full Name | fullName | Text | 50 | NA | Full name of the executive member of the supplier organization. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Amount | amount | Double | NA | NA | Total value of the finance. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the financial information is collected. |
Finance Info Type | financeInfoType | Lookup | NA | FinanceInfoType | Type of financial information. For example, equity, annual income, or debt. |
Finance Reliability | financeReliability | Lookup | NA | FinanceReliability | Reliability of the financial data. For example, actual or estimate. |
Time Period | timePeriod | Text | 255 | NA | Finance period for which the data is collected. |
Time Period Type | timePeriodType | Lookup | NA | TimePeriodType | Type of the finance period. For example, quarterly or yearly. |
Unit | unit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | Unit of the amount. For example, thousands, millions, or billions. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Expiry date of the identifier. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Issued date of the identifier. |
Identifier Type | identifierType | NA | NA | OrganizationIdentifierType | Type of identifier. |
Identifier Value | identifierValue | Text | 50 | NA | Value of identifier, such as D-U-N-S number or National Provider Identifier. |
Issuing Authority | issuingAuthority | Lookup | NA | IssuingAuthority | Authority that has issued the identifier to the supplier organization. |
Status | status | Lookup | NA | IdentifierStatus | Status of the alternate identifier. For example, effective, disqualified, expired, or temporary. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the supplier organization is insured. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Expiry date of the insurance. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date of the insurance. |
Insurance Holder | insuranceHolder | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the insurance holder. |
Insurance Provider | insuranceProvider | Text | 255 | NA | Company that provides the insurance. |
Insurance Type | insuranceType | Lookup | NA | InsuranceType | Type of insurance, such as cargo insurance, casualty, commercial auto, or shipping. |
Policy Number | policyNumber | Text | 100 | NA | Policy number of the insurance. |
Status | status | Text | 255 | NA | Status of the insurance. For example, active or expired. |
Sub Type | subType | Lookup | NA | InsuranceSubType | Insurance subtype. For example, if the insurance type is group, the subtypes might be extended lenders mortgage, family health gold, mediexcel horizon, or platinum travel. |
Unit | unit | Lookup | NA | FinancialUnit | Unit for the amount. For example, billion, million, or thousand. |
Value | value | Double | NA | NA | Amount insured. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Cell Prefix | cellPrefix | Text | 1 | NA | Prefix that must prepend the National Significant Number for inbound international calls. |
Default Indicator | defaultIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the phone number is the default phone number. |
Do Not Call Indicator | doNotCallIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the supplier is interested to receive unsolicited phone calls from marketers. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Date until when the phone number was active or will be active. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the phone number is active. |
Enriched Indicator | enrichedIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the phone number validation service verified the phone number. |
International Format | internationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | International format for the phone number. |
International Prefix | internationalPrefix | Text | 3 | NA | Prefix used to select an international telephone circuit. |
ISO | iso | Text | 2 | NA | ISO country code. |
National Destination Code | nationalDestinationCode | Text | 10 | NA | Code that identifies a numbering area within a country or a group of countries. |
National Format | nationalFormat | Text | 50 | NA | National format for the phone number. |
National Prefix | nationalPrefix | Text | 255 | NA | Digit or combination of digits which must be dialed before an area or city code. |
NDC Indicator | nationalDestinationCodeIndicator | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the phone number includes the National Destination Code. |
Phone Number | phoneNumber | Text | 20 | NA | Phone number of the supplier organization. |
Phone Number Extension | phoneNumberExtension | Text | 10 | NA | Extension to phone number. |
Phone Type | phoneType | Lookup | NA | PhoneType | Type of phone. For example, cell, fax, freephone, landline, mobile, or pager. |
Phone Usage Type | phoneUsageType | Lookup | NA | PhoneUsageType | Usage type of the phone. For example, business, customer service - group market, customer service toll free - individual market, or small group market. |
Prefix Number | prefixNumber | Text | 3 | NA | Country dialing code. |
Status | status | Lookup | NA | PhoneStatus | Status of the phone number, such as the phone number is publicly available or active. |
Verification Status Code | validationStatusCode | Text | 50 | NA | Validation status that the phone number validation service returns. |
Verification Message | validationMessage | Text | 255 | NA | Validation message that the phone number validation service returns. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Company Name | companyName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the reference organization. |
Contact Name | contactName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the contact in the reference organization. |
Contact Number | contactNumber | Text | 255 | NA | Contact number of the reference organization. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Anti-Bribery - Will the supplier interact with government officials on behalf of the buyer? | question1 | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the supplier organization interacts with government officials on behalf of the buyer. |
Personally Identifiable Information - Will the supplier process or store personal information of any of the buyer's employees or customers? | question2 | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the supplier organization processes or store personal information of any of the buyer's employees or customers. |
Protected Health Information - Will the supplier collect and store data relating to health of any of the buyer's employees or customers? | question3 | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the supplier organization collects and store data relating to health of the buyer's employees or customers. |
Will the supplier interact with customers or provide any customer-facing services? | question4 | Boolean | NA | NA | Indicates whether the supplier organization interacts with customers or provides any customer-facing services. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Segment Name | segmentName | Lookup | NA | SegmentValue | Supplier segment name. |
Segment Type | segmentType | Lookup | NA | SegmentType | Segment type of the supplier organization. For example, region or supplier criticality. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Social Media Handle | socialMediaHandle | Text | 255 | NA | Social media identifier or name of the supplier organization. |
Social Media Type | socialMediaType | Lookup | NA | SocialHandleType | Type of social media platform. For example, Facebook or Twitter. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Employee ID | sourcingManagerEmployeeId | Text | 255 | NA | Employee ID of the sourcing manager. |
Name | sourcingManagerName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the sourcing manager. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Classification Type | X_infas360esg_classificationType | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_ClassificationType | Type of classification of the company. |
Subsector | X_infas360esg_level2 | Text | 255 | NA | Subsector that the company is categorized into. |
Sector | X_infas360esg_level1 | Text | 50 | NA | Sector that the company is categorized into. |
Industry | X_infas360esg_level3 | Text | 255 | NA | Industry that the company is categorized into. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country where the stock exchange is located. |
Exchange Name | exchangeName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the stock exchange that trades the shares of the supplier organization. |
Ticker Symbol | tickerSymbol | Text | 255 | NA | Abbreviation used to identify the publicly traded shares of the organization. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Expiry date of the supplier alert. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date of the supplier alert. |
External Link | externalLink | Text | 255 | NA | External link to the supplier alert message. |
Message | message | Text | 255 | NA | Supplier alert message. |
Message Type | messageType | Text | 255 | NA | Type of supplier alert message. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Country | country | Lookup | NA | Country | Country of taxation. |
Currency | currency | Lookup | NA | Currency | Currency in which the tax is paid. |
Effective End Date | effectiveEndDate | Date | NA | NA | End date of the tax period. |
Effective Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Start date of the tax period. |
State | state | Lookup | NA | State | State within the country of taxation. |
Tax Authority | taxAuthority | Lookup | NA | TaxAuthority | Tax authority. For example, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). |
Tax Number | taxNumber | Text | 50 | NA | Unique number that identifies the supplier organization for tax purposes. |
Tax Number Type | taxNumberType | Lookup | NA | TaxNumberType | Type of the tax number. For example, tax number can be Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Social Security Number. |
Tax Paid | taxPaid | Text | 50 | NA | Tax amount that the supplier organization has paid. |
Tax Payer Type | taxPayerType | Lookup | NA | TaxPayerType | Type of tax payer. For example, business entity, estate, or individual. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Allocation Factors | infas360esg_allocationFactors | Text | 255 | NA | Factors based on which a company allocates the emission. |
Allocation Ratio | infas360esg_allocationRatio | Decimal | 20 | NA | Ratio of allocation factor emission to the GHG emission. |
Allocation Type | infas360esg_allocationType | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_AllocationType | Method to allocate emissions from a supplier of the company. |
Data Type | infas360esg_dataType | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_DataType | Type of data used by organizations in disclosing GHG emissions. |
GHG Emissions - CH4 | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsCH4 | Decimal | 20 | NA | Amount of methane (CH4) emissions. |
GHG Emissions - CO2e | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsCO2e | Decimal | 20 | NA | Equivalent amount of carbon dioxide emissions. |
GHG Emissions - CO2 | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsCO2 | Decimal | 20 | NA | Amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. |
GHG Emissions - HFCs | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsHFCs | Decimal | 20 | NA | Amount of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) emissions. |
GHG Emissions - N2O | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsN2O | Decimal | 20 | NA | Amount of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. |
GHG Emissions - PFCs | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsPFCs | Decimal | 20 | NA | Amount of Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) emissions. |
GHG Emissions - SF6 | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsSF6 | Decimal | 20 | NA | Amount of Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) emissions. |
Level | infas360esg_level | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_Level | Rating type of the emission by a company. |
Location or Site | infas360esg_locationSite | Text | 255 | NA | Location of direct-emitting facilities. |
Measurement Unit of GHG Emissions - CO2e | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsCO2eUnitofMeasure | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsCO2eUnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement of CO2e emission concentration. |
Measurement Unit of GHG Emissions - CO2 | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsCO2UnitofMeasure | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsCO2UnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement of GHG CO2 emission concentration. |
Measurement Unit of GHG Emissions - CH4 | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsCH4UnitofMeasure | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsCH4UnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement of CH4 emission concentration. |
Measurement Unit of GHG Emissions - HFCs | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsHFCsUnitofMeasure | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsHFCsUnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement of HFCs emission concentration. |
Measurement Unit of GHG Emissions - N2O | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsN2OUnitofMeasure | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsN2OUnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement of N2O emission concentration. |
Measurement Unit of GHG Emissions - PFCs | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsPFCsUnitofMeasure | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsPFCsUnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement of PFCs emission concentration. |
Measurement Unit of sGHG Emissions - SF6 | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsSF6UnitofMeasure | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_ghgEmissionsPFCsUnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement of SF6 emission concentration. |
Reporting Period End Date | infas360esg_reportingperiodEndDate | Date | NA | NA | Date until when the reporting period is effective. |
Reporting Period Start Date | infas360esg_reportingperiodStartDate | Date | NA | NA | Date from when the reporting period is effective. |
Scope | infas360esg_scope | Text | 255 | NA | Type of emission to identify whether the emissions are owned or controlled by the company or are a consequence of the activities of the company but occur from sources not owned or controlled by the company. |
Supplier Allocation | infas360esg_supplierAllocation | Boolean | NA | NA | Allocation of emission from a supplier of the company. |
Display Name | Internal ID | Field Type | Length | Reference Data | Description |
Activity Name | infas360esg_activityName | Text | 255 | NA | Name of the activity the company is involved. |
Emission Factor | infas360esg_emissionFactor | Decimal | 20 | NA | Factor that converts activity data into GHG emissions data. |
Emission Factor Description | infas360esg_emissionFactorDescription | Text | 255 | NA | Description of the emission factor. |
Emission Factor Source | infas360esg_emissionFactorSource | Text | 255 | NA | Data source for the emission factor. |
Measurement Unit | infas360esg_unitofMeasure | Lookup | NA | infas360esg_UnitofMeasure | Unit of measurement for the emission factor. |
Quantity | infas360esg_quantity | Text | 255 | NA | Level of activity for GHG emission. |