What's New > October 2024 > Changed behavior

Changed behavior

The October 2024 release includes the following changed behavior:

New UI experience

Effective in the October 2024 release, Customer 360 SaaS has the new visual experience enabled by default. The option to revert to the classic experience is not available.
Previously, you could revert to the classic experience by disabling the new visual experience.

Import data

You can now upload CSV files up to 100 MB in size.
Previously, the maximum size was 20 MB.
For more information about importing data, see Import data.

Enhanced user interface to manage records

The following table lists the user interface changes to the search and record details pages:
User interface changes
Current behavior
Previous behavior
Visual enhancements to the Saved Searches and Templates page
You can see the following changes on the Saved Searches and Templates page:
  • - You can now view saved searches and templates in a tabular format.
  • - The values in the attributes field are now clearly differentiated, with each field value being separated.
  • - You can now sort and filter saved searches and templates by their names, related business entities, and types. Additionally, you can use the search box to find saved searches and templates.
The following image shows the visual enhancements to the Saved Searches and Templates page:
Saved search and template page shows sort, filter, and find box highlighted. The attributes values shows field values clearly separated.
Previously, saved searches and templates appeared in separate panels and the values in the attributes lacked differentiation.
Single business entity search
When you search for records in a single business entity, the name of the business entity appears in the header of the search results page.
The following image shows a single business entity search:
The Search Results page shows the result of single business entity search, where the name of the business entity appears next to the search field.
Previously, when you searched for records within a single business entity, the name of the business entity appeared on a tab on the search results page.
Icons on record details and search results pages
On the record details page, you can now see icons that indicate whether a record is valid, is pending approval, has restricted fields, or contains validation errors.
On the search results page, the records display icons that indicate whether the records contain validation errors.
Previously, the records displayed text labels instead of icons.
Visual enhancements to the Source Records page
You can see the following changes on the Source Records page:
  • - The column header of a master record is now highlighted to distinguish it from source records.
  • - A new icon identifies a patch record.
  • - The column headers remain fixed when you scroll through the source records table.
The following image shows the visual enhancements to the Source Records page:
The Source Records page now shows a green highlight on the master record column header and the patch record is indicated with a new icon.
Previously, you coludn't distinguish master records from source records. Also, the headers didn't remain fixed when you scrolled through the source records table.
Filtered search
When you add new fields to a filtered search, you can select fields in the Add Fields dialog box, but you can no longer enter values to include in your search.
The following image shows the Add Fields dialog box for a filtered search:
Previously, you could enter values for the fields that you selected to include in your search.
Date field in filtered search
You can select a date for date fields in a filtered search using a calendar.
You can also type a date in the date field using the following format:
Note: If you use wildcard characters, business applications don't return any records.
The following image shows the date field in a filtered search:
Previously, the calendar wasn't available for the date field. You could also use wildcard characters in the date values.

Enhanced user interface to manage reports and dashboards

The following table lists the changes to the user interface for reports and dashboards:
User interface element
Current behavior
Previous behavior
Add dashboards
Use the New Dashboard button to create a dashboard.
The following image shows a sample Home page on which you can create a dashboard:
The image shows a Home dashboard page to create a dashboard.
You can also use the Add icon on the Home page to create a dashboard.
The following image shows a sample dashboard page:
The Phone Validation dashboard page shows the Add icon to add a dashboard.
Use the New Dashboard dialog box to create dashboards.
The following image shows a sample New Dashboard window:
Previously, the button and dialog box were named Add Dashboard.
Add widgets to a record
Use the Add Report button to add a report to a dashboard page.
The following image shows a sample empty dashboard page:
The Phone Validation dashboard page shows an empty dashboard to which you can add reports.
Previously, the button name was Add Widgets.
Position of legend of a pie chart
You can now view the legend on the right of a pie chart.
The Customer Dashboard page shows a pie chart based on customer marital status with its legend on the right.
Previously, the legend for a pie chart was displayed below the chart.
Edit widgets
Use the Change Report menu from the Actions menu to edit a widget in a dashboard.
The following image shows a sample page to edit a widget:
The image shows a sample record details page.
Previously, the button name was Edit widget.
Remove widgets
Use the Reset menu from the Actions menu to remove a widget from a dashboard.
The following image shows a sample dashboard page with an option to remove a widget:
The image shows a sample record details page.
Previously, the button name was Remove widget.
View dashboards
Use the dropdown option on the Home page to view the list of dashboards that are available.
The following image shows a sample dashboard page with the dropdown option to view the list of dashboards:
The image shows a sample record details page.
Previously, the dashboards appeared horizontally as tabs.
Delete dashboards
You can now delete a dashboard from the dashboard Home page using the Delete icon beside the Edit icon.
The following image shows a sample dashboard page with the Delete icon:
Previously, you could delete a dashboard when the dashboard layout appears in edit mode from the Edit Dashboard page. Additionally, the Delete icon was beside the Save button.
View report details
The status icons for the field properties aren't available now on the Reports page.
The following image shows the statuses of custom reports on a sample report details page:
The image displays a list of reports that you create on the Reports page.
Additionaly, you can now view 25 reports on the Reports page by default.
The following image shows a sample report details page with pagination:
The Reports page contains 25 items per page.
Previously, you could view the status icons for the field properties on the Reports page. Additionally, you could view 10 reports in the Reports page by default.
View additional report details of a report
In the quick view panel, you can now view a message that preview for reports created for individual reports is unavailable.
The following image shows a sample report details page with an individual report:
The Reports page contains a message in the quick view panel for the preview of an individual report.
Previously, the message displayed that data wasn't available.
Add a chart to custom reports
You can now use the Chart tab to add a chart to a custom report.
The following image shows a sample page to add a chart:
The image shows a sample record details page.
Previously, you could use the Configure Chart button to add a chart to a custom report.
Resize report component panel
You can't drag and adjust the data set panel now. This ensures improved visibility of the data set panel when users scroll to the bottom of the page.
The following image shows a sample report details page:
The image displays a report details page with chart, report, and data set panels.
Previously, you could adjust the data set panel.
The following table lists the pages for which you have an enhanced visual experience for the empty states:
User interface element
Current behavior
Previous behavior
Creating a dashboard
The Home page now includes illustrations that indicate dashboard creation.
The following image displays a sample Home page to create a dashboard:
Previously, the Home page to create a dashboard had no illustrations.
Empty Dashboard
The empty dashboard templates now include illustrations.
The following image displays an empty dashboard template:
The image displays an empty Phone Validation dashboard.
Previously, the Home page displayed empty dashboard with no illustrations.
Report on a dashboard with no data
Dashboard page for a report with no data now includes illustrations.
The following image displays a dashboard with a report with no data:
The image displays a Phone Validation dasbhoard with no data to display.
Previously, the dashboard with a report with no data had no illustrations.
View additional details of a report
The quick view panel now include illustrations when there is no data to display in the report.
The following image displays a report details page:
The image displays a quick view of a Customer by Marital Staus report with no data.
Previously, when there is no data to display in the report, the quick view panel had no illustrations.
Create a report.
On the reports creation page, an empty Report (Table View) panel now includes illustrations.
The following image displays a sample Reports page with table view:
The image displays a Phone Validation report creation page to create a report.
Previously, the page to create reports had no illustrations.
Report (Chart View) panel
Before you create a chart, the Report (Chart View) panel now includes illustrations.
The following image displays a sample Reports page with chart view:
The image displays a Phone Validation report chart view page to create a chart.
Previously, the page to create a chart had no illustrations.
Data set panel
When you have no data to display in a data set, the empty data set panel now includes illustrations.
The following image displays a sample report with data set panel:
The image displays a Validation Report report with an empty data set panel.
Previously, an empty data set panel had no illustrations.
Report with no data
A report details page for a report with no data now includes illustrations.
The following image displays a sample report with no data:
The image displays a Customers by Household Size report with no data.
Previously, an empty report page had no illustrations.