Manage Hierarchical and Non-hierarchical Relationships > Managing hierarchical relationships

Managing hierarchical relationships

Hierarchies show how records are related to one another. A hierarchy contains first-level nodes, child records, and relationships between the records.
For example, in the Organization hierarchy, the Informatica record is the first-level node. The hierarchy contains the John Smith record and a relationship from the Informatica record to the John Smith record. The relationship shows that Informatica employs John Smith.
The hierarchical relationships that you can create depend on your hierarchy model.

Hierarchies page

Use the Hierarchies page to create, manage, and delete hierarchies. The page displays active, draft, and pending hierarchies and groups the hierarchies based on the hierarchy model.
You can also filter to view your draft hierarchies only.
The following image shows a sample Hierarchies page:
The Hierarchies page displays the DNB hierarchy and Organizations.

Hierarchy tab

Use the Hierarchy tab of a record to view the hierarchies a record belongs to. The page displays active, draft, and pending hierarchies and groups the hierarchies based on the hierarchy model.
You can also view the child and parent records in the hierarchy.
The following image shows a sample Hierarchy tab:
The Hierarchy tab of the Walmart South Anthony record displays the Walmart USA and Walmart South Anthony records in the DNB hierarchy. The relationships panel displays the relationships of the Walmart South Anthony record.
Note: The panels that display on the Hierarchy tab of a record might be different based on your role.