Two business entity records can be related with a relationship. The records can belong to the same business entity or different business entities.
You can view and manage related records on the record details page or on a relationship graph.
The following image shows a sample relationship graph:
The following image shows a sample relationship table:
Relating a record with a relationship
Based on the business entity to which the record belongs, you can use the relationships that the business entity participates in.
1 Open a record for which you want to create a relationship.
The Record Details page appears.
2In the Related Records section, click Add Related Record.
The Add Related Record dialog box appears.
3Select the relationship type to create.
4If the relationship type is between two records of the same business entity and is bidirectional, select the direction in which you want to relate records, and click Next.
Note: If the relationship type is unidirectional, the relationship direction value appears in the read-only mode. Similarly, if the relationship type is between two different business entities and is bidirectional, the relationship direction value appears in the read-only mode.
5Search for the records that you want to define a relationship to.
6Select the records and click Add.
The related record appears in the Related Records section.
7Optionally, if the relationships have fields for additional information, specify the information, and apply the changes.
8Save your changes.
If no approval is required, the submit action is available. When you submit, the changes are published.
Send for Approval
If approval is required or optional, the send for approval action is available. When you send for approval, a task is created and available for approvers to review.
Viewing related records on a relationship graph
You can view related records on the Relationship Graphs page. You can also filter the relationships.
1 Open a record for which you want to view the relationship graph.
The Record Details page appears.
2To view the relationship graph, click the Relationship Graph tab.
The relationships and their primary attributes for the record appear. Based on the configuration, a certain number of relationship nodes appear.
3To progressively explore and visualize the relationships, click the relationship nodes.
4To view the properties of a relationship between two nodes, click the connector between the nodes.
5To limit or view selective relationships, filter the business entities or relationships on the graph canvas.
aClick the Filter icon.
The Filter Relationships dialog box appears.
bFrom the Business Entities table, select the business entities for which you want to show relationships on the relationship graph.
cTo show record labels, select Show record labels.
dFrom the Relationships table, select the relationships to show on the relationship graph.
eTo show relationship labels, select Show relationship labels.
fTo hide hierarchical relationships from the relationship graph, clear Show hierarchical relationships.
By default the Show hierarchical relationships check box is selected, and the hierarchical relationships appear on the relationship graph.
gClick Save.
The filtered relationship graph appears.
6Optionally, filter the records that appear on the relationships list panel by relationship attribute.
aClick the Filter icon.
bFrom the Add Filter list, select the relationship attributes to filter by. The filtered relationship records appear in the relationships list panel.
7Optionally, select a relationship attribute column header to sort based on a relationship attribute.
8Optionally, select a relationship node and show or hide relationships on the relationship graph canvas from the relationships list panel.
- To show a relationship, click the Show on Canvas icon.
- To hide a relationship, click the Hide on Canvas icon.
9Optionally, filter the records that appear on the relationships list panel by record type, relationship type, and record visibility on the relationship graph canvas.