You can drill down on any job on the My Jobs page to display detailed information about the job.
To drill down and view additional details about a specific job, click the job instance ID. You can view key metrics about the job, such as total records processed, records processed successfully, and failed records. The metrics vary for each job.
You can also view the overall data flow process for each job instance. Select a specific process step to view the details of that step.
Note: If the transform step fails, when you download the sessions log, you can view up to 10,000 skipped records.
The following image shows the details of a bulk edit job:
1Overall data flow process for the job instance.
2Details of the selected process step.
Each step displays one or more of the following details:
•Overview. Details of the job instance and the status, start time, and end time for the step.
•Runtime Parameters. Details such as name of the runtime environment that the step uses, start time and end time for the step, and user name or ID of the person who started the step.
•Metrics. Key metrics of the step, such as total records processed and the number of failed records.
•Errors. Number of records that are rejected. You can download the rejected records.
Note: MDM SaaS stores the rejected records in the database for seven days. Ensure that you download the rejected records within the specified time period.