Marketo V3 Connector > Marketo sources and targets > Marketo Targets

Marketo Targets

When you configure a target in a synchronization task or mapping task, select the target object to write specific data about that target object.
You can configure target objects to perform the following operations:
You can also configure a custom object as a target object in Data Integration to insert, update, upsert, or delete data from custom objects in Marketo.


When you configure a lead data object to write to a Marketo target, you can insert, update, upsert, or delete leads in Marketo. To create leads in Marketo, you can use the Standard API to insert data.
You can configure the target object to perform the following operations:
Insert a lead with the Standard API
Use the Standard API when you want to insert few leads at a time. You cannot use the Bulk API to insert leads in the Marketo database.
When you configure a task to use the Standard API, you can specify the following properties in the advanced target properties:
For example, you have source data that contains leads and you want to insert those leads in Marketo.
The following table shows sample data to insert leads to Marketo:
Select the flat file as the source object and lead as the target object. Create a synchronization task or mapping task with the insert operation. Map the incoming fields with the appropriate Marketo fields. When you run the task, the Marketo API inserts the source rows in the Marketo database.
Update Lead
To update a lead in Marketo, provide the lead details. Map the incoming fields with the appropriate Marketo fields.
You can configure the following advanced target properties to update leads in Marketo:
Upsert Lead
You can upsert leads that are not present in Marketo. If the leads are present, the Marketo API updates those leads. Specify the lookup field to determine which lead you want to upsert. If you do not specify a lookup field, Marketo uses email ID as the default lookup field.
The insert and update configurations are applicable for the upsert operation. You can specify any one of the following lookup fields: id, cookie, email, twitterId, facebookId, linkedInId, sfdcAccountId, sfdcContactId, sfdcLeadId, sfdcLeadOwnerId, sfdcOpptyId, or custom field.
Delete Lead
You can delete a lead in Marketo. When you map the lead ID from the source field to the target lead ID in the field mapping of a synchronization or mapping task, the Marketo API deletes the lead containing that ID in Marketo.

Associate Lead

You can track a lead anonymously by associating the cookie value of the anonymous lead with a known lead and updating that lead in the Marketo database. When you configure a task to associate a lead, you can use only the update operation.
For example, you want to synchronize information of an anonymous lead with a known lead to track all activities of the anonymous lead. Create the following flat file source that contains the ID of the known lead and the cookie value of the anonymous lead.
The source file is the following .csv file that you use in a task:
id cookie
6844410 561-HYG-937&
When you choose AssociateLead as the target object and the update operation in a task, the REST API updates the known Lead with the cookie value of the anonymous Lead in the Marketo database and you can track the activities of the anonymous Lead.

Merge Leads

You can merge two leads and update the information for that lead in Marketo. When you configure a task to merge leads, you can use only the update operation.
You must specify the winning lead ID and the losing lead ID. Also, specify if you want to merge the leads in the CRM. When you run the mapping, the Marketo API deletes the losing lead ID and adds the data from the losing lead ID to the winning lead ID. The Marketo API adds the data only if the winning lead ID field does not have any data, but does not overwrite the winning lead ID data.
For example, you have data for similar leads and you want to merge that data. The source is a flat file source that contains the following lead IDs and the value for the merge in Customer Relational Management (mergeinCRM) as TRUE.
You must designate the winning lead and a losing lead with the following convention:
Id, leadid, MergeInCRM
In the flat file, Id is the winning lead column and leadid is the losing lead column.
Configure a task and select the update operation. Select the flat file as the source and MergeLead as the target object and run the task. The attributes of the winning lead take precedence. In the example, the losing lead ID is 2 and the winning lead ID is 1. The Marketo API deletes the lead with ID 2.
You can merge more then one losing leads with a winning lead.
For example, designate the winning lead and losing leads with the following convention in a flat file before you configure the update operation:
In the example, the losing lead IDs are 18660660 and 18660661 and the winning lead ID is 18660653.

Add Lead to List

You can add a lead to a static list. If the source contains the lead IDs and the list ID, choose AddLeadToList as the target object in a task. When you configure a task to add a lead to a list, you can use only the insert operation. The Secure Agent inserts the leads with those IDs to the list you specify.
Before you add leads to a list, ensure that the lead that you want to add and the list exist in Marketo. To get the list ID from Marketo, select the list you require in Marketo. The list ID appears in the URL for that static List.
For example, when you select a list in Marketo, the URL for the page displays as https://app-<XXX> In this URL, 1001 is the list ID.
The following source file is a sample .csv file that you can use to add leads to a list:
Listid, id
1001, 2
The Marketo API adds the lead with ID 2 to the list with ID 1001.

Remove Lead from List

You can choose RemoveLeadFromList as the target object in a synchronization task when you want to remove a specific lead from a static list. When you configure a task to remove a lead from the list, you can use only the delete operation. When you run the task, the REST API removes that lead from the list in Marketo.
Before you remove a lead from a list, ensure that both the lead that you want to remove and the list exists in Marketo. When you select a list in Marketo, the list ID appears in the URL for that static list.
The following source file is a sample .csv file that you can use to remove leads from a list:
Listid, id
1111, 2
The Marketo API removes the lead with ID 2 from the list that contains ID 1111.

Write Custom Object Records to Marketo

You can insert, update, upsert, or delete custom object records, but not custom objects in Marketo.
You can choose a custom object as the target object in a synchronization task or mapping task.
If you choose a Marketo custom object as a target in a task to write data, you cannot write to the createdAt, updatedAt, and MarketoGUID fields of a custom object in Marketo. Marketo creates the following fields, by default, when you add a record to a custom object in Marketo:
To write custom object records to Marketo, you can configure the following advanced target properties in a synchronization task or mapping task:
For example, you want to update records to the reservation custom object in Marketo. Enter dedupeFields in the Dedupe Field.
The following table shows the details of the records that you want to create in Marketo:
7/21/2015 05:30:00
12/29/2014 03:00:00
Note: For update and delete operations, the value of the Dedupe Field must either be idField or dedupeFields. If you leave the Dedupe Field blank, Marketo considers dedupeFields as the default.

Write Opportunity Data to Marketo

You can insert, update, upsert, or delete a record in the opportunity object in Marketo.
You can choose Opportunity as the target object in a synchronization task or mapping task.
If you choose a Marketo opportunity object as a target in a task to write data, you cannot write to the MarketoGUID field of an opportunity object in Marketo. Marketo creates the MarketoGUID field, by default, when you add an opportunity role object to Marketo. The MarketoGUID is the field ID created for an opportunity in Marketo.
To write an opportunity object data to Marketo, you can configure the following advanced target properties in a synchronization task or mapping task:
Note: The advanced target property field name, Dedupe Fields, represents properties that you can configure for custom objects, opportunity, or opportunity role.
For example, you want to update records to the opportunity object in Marketo. When you configure a task, enter dedupeFields in the Dedupe Fields of the advanced properties.
The following table shows the details of the records that you want to create in the opportunity object Marketo:
Azure - Templates
Azure Template
New Customer
Purchased List
Winter 2015 Pupm Sales
Pupm Sales
Existing Customer - Upgrade
Purchased List
Extravaganza Pump
Existing Customer - Replacement
Partner Referral
Note: For update and delete operations, the value of the Dedupe Fields must either be idField or dedupeFields. If you leave the Dedupe Fields blank, Marketo considers dedupeFields as the default.

Write Opportunity Role Data to Marketo

You can insert, update, upsert, or delete a record in the opportunity role object in Marketo.
You can choose OpportunityRole as the target object in a synchronization task or mapping task.
If you choose a Marketo opportunity role object as a target in a task to write data, you cannot write to the MarketoGUID field of an opportunity role object in Marketo. Marketo creates the MarketoGUID field, by default, when you add an opportunity role object to Marketo. The MarketoGUID is the field ID created for an opportunity role in Marketo.
To write an opportunity role object data to Marketo, you can configure the following advanced target properties in a synchronization task or mapping task:
Note: The advanced target property field name, Dedupe Fields, represents properties that you can configure for custom objects, opportunity, or opportunity role.
For example, you want to update records to the opportunity role object in Marketo. When you configure a task, enter dedupeFields in the Opportunity Role - Dedupe Fields of the advanced properties.
The following table shows the details of the records that you want to create in the opportunity role object in Marketo:
Technical Buyer
Technical Buyer
Technical Buyer
Note: For update and delete operations, the value of the Dedupe Fields must either be idField or dedupeFields. If you leave the Dedupe Fields blank, Marketo considers dedupeFields as the default.

Write Company Records to Marketo

You can insert, update, upsert, or delete a record in the company object in Marketo.
You can choose a Company as the target object in a synchronization task or mapping task.
If you choose a Marketo company object as a target in a task to write data, you cannot write to the ID field of a company object in Marketo.
To write a company object data to Marketo, you can configure the following advanced target properties in a synchronization task or mapping task:
Note: The advanced target property field name, Dedupe Fields, represents properties that you can configure for custom objects, opportunity, opportunity role, sales person, and company.
For example, you want to update records to the company object in Marketo. When you configure a task, enter dedupeFields in the Company - Dedupe Fields of the advanced properties.
The following table shows the details of the records that you want to create in the company object Marketo:
Note: For update and delete operations, the value of the Dedupe Fields must either be idField or dedupeFields. If you leave the Dedupe Fields blank, Marketo considers the fields that you mapped in the task.

Write Sales Person Records to Marketo

You can insert, update, upsert, or delete a record in the sales person object in Marketo.
You can choose SalesPerson as the target object in a synchronization task or mapping task.
If you choose a Marketo sales person object as a target in a task to write data, you cannot write to the ID field of the sales person object in Marketo.
To write a sales person object data to Marketo, you can configure the following advanced target properties in a synchronization task or mapping task:
Note: The advanced target property field name, Dedupe Fields, represents properties that you can configure for custom objects, opportunity, opportunity role, sales person, and company.
For example, you want to update records to the sales person object in Marketo. When you configure a task, enter dedupeFields in the Dedupe Fields of the advanced properties.
The following table shows the details of the records that you want to create in the sales person object in Marketo:
Senior Editor
8/25/2016 6:23:32 AM
Technical Writer
8/25/2016 6:23:32 AM
Note: For update and delete operations, the value of the Dedupe Fields must either be idField or dedupeFields. If you leave the Dedupe Fields blank, Marketo considers the fields that you mapped in the task.