Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse Connector > Mappings and mapping tasks with Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse Connector > Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse targets in mappings

Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse targets in mappings

To write data to a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse, configure a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse object as a target in a mapping or mapping in advanced mode.
Specify the name and description of the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target. Configure the target and advanced properties for the target object.
The following table describes the target properties that you can configure for a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target:
Name of the target connection.
Select an existing connection, create a new connection, or define parameter values for the target connection property.
If you want to overwrite the target connection properties at runtime, select the Allow parameter to be overridden at run time option when you create a parameter. When the task runs, the agent uses the parameters from the file that you specify in the task advanced session properties. Ensure that the parameter file is in the correct format.
Specify the parameter file directory and name in the advanced session properties.
When you switch between a non-parameterized and a parameterized Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse connection, the advanced property values are retained.
Target Type
Type of the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target object.
Select one of the following source types from the list:
  • - Single Object. Select to specify a single Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse object.
  • - Parameter. Select to specify a parameter name. You can configure the target object in a mapping task associated with a mapping or mapping in advanced mode that uses this Target transformation.
Default is Single Object.
A parameter file where you define values that you want to update without having to edit the task.
The Parameter property appears only if you select the target type as Parameter.
Select an existing parameter for the target object or click New Parameter to define a new parameter for the target object.
If you want to overwrite the target connection properties at runtime, select the Allow parameter to be overridden at run time option when you create a parameter. When the task runs, the agent uses the parameters from the file that you specify in the task advanced session properties. Ensure that the parameter file is in the correct format.
Name of the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target object.
Specify the target object that you want to create. You can also select an existing object from the list.
Type of target operation.
Select Insert, Update, Delete, or Data Driven.
Default is Insert.
You cannot perform data driven target operation in a mapping. However, you can perform data driven target operation in a mapping in advanced mode.
Data Driven Condition
The expression to flag rows for an insert, update, or delete operation when you select data driven as the operation.
Update Column
The temporary key column that identifies rows in the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target table to update or delete data.
Note: This property appears only if you select delete, update, or data driven operation in the Operation property.
The following table describes the advanced target properties that you can configure for a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target:
Update Mode
Loads data to the target based on the mode you select.
This property is applicable when you select the Update target operation.
Select one of the following modes:
  • - Update As Update. Updates all rows flagged for update if the entries exist.
  • - Update Else Insert. The agent first updates all rows flagged for update if the entries exist in the target. If the entries do not exist, the agent inserts the entries.
Schema Name Override
Overrides the schema name configured in the target object and uses the specified schema name to write data at runtime.
Table Name Override
Overrides the table name configured in the target object and uses the specified table name to write data at runtime.
Staging Lakehouse Name
The name of the lakehouse where the data is staged in a temporary table before the data is written to the target.
Truncate Table
Truncates the target before inserting data to the target.
The pre-SQL command to run on the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target table before the Secure Agent writes the data.
Post SQL
The post-SQL command to run on the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse target table after the Secure Agent writes the data.
On Pre-Post SQL Error
Determines the behavior when a task that includes pre-SQL or post-SQL commands encounters errors.
Select one of the following options:
  • - Continue. The task continues regardless of errors.
  • - Stop. The task stops when errors occur while running pre-SQL or post-SQL commands.
Update Override
Overrides the default update query that the agent generates for the update operation.
This property applies when you select the target operation as update or when you use the data driven operation for rows flagged for an update.
Forward Rejected Rows
Determines whether the transformation passes rejected rows to the next transformation or drops rejected rows.
By default, the mapping task forwards rejected rows to the next transformation.