Add a Lookup transformation to retrieve data based on a specified lookup condition. When you add a Lookup transformation to a mapping or a mapping in advanced mode, you define the lookup connection, lookup objects, and lookup properties related to MongoDB.
You can look up MongoDB data values based on a condition that you configure. In the Lookup transformation, select the lookup connection and object. Then, define the lookup condition and the outcome for multiple matches.
The mapping queries the lookup source based on the lookup fields and the defined lookup condition. The lookup operation returns the result to the Lookup transformation, which then passes the results downstream.
You can parameterize the MongoDB V2 lookup connection and lookup object with values specified in a parameter file when you configure a mapping or a mapping in advanced mode.
You can configure the cached connected and unconnected lookups for mappings or mappings in advanced mode.
For more information about Lookup transformation, see Transformations.
MongoDB V2 lookup properties
The following table describes the MongoDB V2 lookup object properties that you can configure in a Lookup transformation:
Name of the lookup connection.
You can select an existing connection, create a new connection, or define parameter values for the lookup connection property.
If you want to overwrite the lookup connection properties at run time, select the Allow parameter to be overridden at run time option.
Source Type
Type of the source object.
Select Single Object or Parameter.
A parameter file where you define values that you want to update without having to edit the task. Select an existing parameter for the lookup object or click New Parameter to define a new parameter for the lookup object.
The Parameter property appears only if you select parameter as the lookup type.
If you want to overwrite the parameter at run time, select the Allow parameter to be overridden at run time option.
When the task runs, the Secure Agent uses the parameters from the file that you specify in the advanced session properties.