Property | Description |
Connection Name | Name of the connection. Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -, Maximum length is 255 characters. |
Description | Description of the connection. Maximum length is 4000 characters. |
Type | SAP OData V2 |
Runtime Environment | The name of the runtime environment where you want to run tasks. Select a Secure Agent. |
Service Type | The service type of the OData V2 application endpoint to which you want to connect. Select one of the following service types from the list:
Default is Default. |
Service URL | The service URL for the selected service type. If you select the Default service type, enter the root URL of the service in the following format: http://<Host name of the SAP server>:<Port number>/sap/opu/odata/sap/<Service name>/ For example, if you want to connect to the ZALL_DATATYPE_SRV service in SAP when the host name is and port number is 8081, enter the following service URL: http://<Host name of the SAP server>:<Port number>/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZALL_DATATYPE_SRV/ If you select the SAP Gateway Catalog service type, enter the service URL in the following format: http://<Host name of the SAP server>:<Port number>/sap/opu/odata/IWFND/<Catalog service name> For example, if you want to connect to the CATALOGSERVICE;v=2 catalog service in SAP when the host name is and port number is 8081, enter the following service URL:;v=2 |
Property | Description |
Username | The user name to connect to the SAP OData V2 service. |
Password | The password to connect to the SAP OData V2 service. |
Property | Description |
SAP Custom Query Options | Additional custom queries that you can use when you connect to the SAP OData V2 service. You can enter multiple SAP custom queries, separated by an ampersand (&), in the following format: <Custom query1>=<value>&<Custom query2>=<value>&<Custom query3>=<value>.... For example, if you want to pass the SAP client number and language code when you connect to the SAP OData V2 service, enter the following custom queries: sap-client=400&sap-language=DE When you add queries, ensure that there is no space before and after the equal sign (=). For more information about the list of SAP custom queries that you can configure, see SAP URL parameters in the SAP documentation. |
Property | Description |
API Key | The unique API key that SAP OData V2 Connector uses to authenticate the API calls made to the SAP OData endpoint. |
Property | Description |
SAP Custom Query Options | Additional custom queries that you can use when you connect to the SAP OData V2 service. You can enter multiple SAP custom queries, separated by an ampersand (&), in the following format: <Custom query1>=<value>&<Custom query2>=<value>&<Custom query3>=<value>.... For example, if you want to pass the SAP client number and language code when you connect to the SAP OData V2 service, enter the following custom queries: sap-client=400&sap-language=DE When you add queries, ensure that there is no space before and after the equal sign (=). For more information about the list of SAP custom queries that you can configure, see SAP URL parameters in the SAP documentation. |
Property | Description |
Authorization Token URL | The SAP authorization token endpoint of the OAuth 2.0 authorization server that is used to authorize the user request. Enter the authorization token URL in the following format: https://<Host name of the server>:<Port number>/sap/bc/sec/oauth2/authorize?sap-client=<SAP client number> For example, If the host name is and port number is 44301, enter the following authorization token URL when the SAP client number is 800: |
Access Token URL | The SAP access token endpoint of the OAuth 2.0 authorization server that is used to exchange the authorization code to get an access token. Enter the access token URL in the following format: https://<Host name of the server>:<Port number>/sap/bc/sec/oauth2/token?sap-client=<SAP client number> For example, If the host name is and port number is 44301, enter the following access token URL when the SAP client number is 800: |
Client ID | The client identifier of your application generated when you configure the application for OAuth. |
Client Secret | The client secret generated for the client ID. |
Access Token | The access token granted by the authorization server to access the SAP data. Enter the populated access token value that you get from the OAuth endpoint, or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value. |
Property | Description |
Scope | The scope of the access request when the SAP OData V2 endpoint has defined custom scopes. You can enter multiple scope attributes, each separated by a space, in the following format: <Scope attribute1> <Scope attribute2> <Scope attribute3>.... For example, enter the following scope attributes: ZGWSAMPLE_BASIC_0001 /IWFND/SG_MED_CATALOG_0002 ZAPI_CHARTOFACCOUNTS_SRV_0001 |
Access Token Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Define the access token parameters in the following JSON format: [{"Name":"<Parameter name>","Value":"<Parameter value>"}] For more information about the access token parameters that you can define, see the SAP documentation. |
Authorization Code Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the authorization token URL. Define multiple parameters, separated by a comma, in the following JSON format: [{"Name":"<Parameter name>","Value":"<Parameter value>"}, {"Name":"<Parameter name>","Value":"<Parameter value>"}] For example, you can use the following maximum age and state parameters when you connect to the SAP OData V2 service: [{"Name":"max_age","Value":60},{"Name":"state","Value":"test"}] For more information about the authorization code parameters that you can define, see the SAP documentation. |
Client Authentication | The method of sending client authentication details for authorization to connect to the SAP OData V2 service. Select one of the following client authentications from the list:
Default is Send client credentials in body. |
Refresh Token | The refresh token value. Enter the populated refresh token value that you get from the OAuth endpoint, or click Generate AccessToken to populate the refresh token value. If the access token is not valid or expires, the Secure Agent fetches a new access token with the help of the refresh token. Note: If the refresh token expires, provide a valid refresh token or regenerate a new refresh token by clicking Generate Access Token. |
SAP Custom Query Options | Additional custom queries that you can use when you connect to the SAP OData V2 service. You can enter multiple SAP custom queries, separated by an ampersand (&), in the following format: <Custom query1>=<value>&<Custom query2>=<value>&<Custom query3>=<value>.... For example, if you want to pass the SAP client number and language code when you connect to the SAP OData V2 service, enter the following custom queries: sap-client=400&sap-language=DE When you add queries, ensure that there is no space before and after the equal sign (=). For more information about the list of SAP custom queries that you can configure, see SAP URL parameters in the SAP documentation. |
Property | Description |
Access Token URL | The SAP access token endpoint of the OAuth 2.0 authorization server that is used to exchange the authorization code to get an access token. Enter the access token URL in the following format: https://<Host name of the server>:<Port number>/sap/bc/sec/oauth2/token?sap-client=<SAP client number> For example, If the host name is and port number is 44301, enter the following access token URL when the SAP client number is 800: |
Client ID | The client identifier of your application generated when you configure the application for OAuth. |
Client Secret | The client secret generated for the client ID. |
Access Token | The access token granted by the authorization server to access the SAP data. Enter the populated access token value that you get from the OAuth endpoint, or click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value. |
Property | Description |
Scope | The scope of the access request when the SAP OData V2 endpoint has defined custom scopes. You can enter multiple scope attributes, each separated by a space, in the following format: <Scope attribute1> <Scope attribute2> <Scope attribute3>.... For example, enter the following scope attributes: ZGWSAMPLE_BASIC_0001 /IWFND/SG_MED_CATALOG_0002 ZAPI_CHARTOFACCOUNTS_SRV_0001 |
Access Token Parameters | Additional parameters to use with the access token URL. Define the access token parameters in the following JSON format: [{"Name":"<Parameter name>","Value":"<Parameter value>"}] For more information about the access token parameters that you can define, see the SAP documentation. |
Client Authentication | The method of sending client authentication details for authorization to connect to the SAP OData V2 service. Select one of the following client authentications from the list:
Default is Send client credentials in body. |
SAP Custom Query Options | Additional custom queries that you can use when you connect to the SAP OData V2 service. You can enter multiple SAP custom queries, separated by an ampersand (&), in the following format: <Custom query1>=<value>&<Custom query2>=<value>&<Custom query3>=<value>.... For example, if you want to pass the SAP client number and language code when you connect to the SAP OData V2 service, enter the following custom queries: sap-client=400&sap-language=DE When you add queries, ensure that there is no space before and after the equal sign (=). For more information about the list of SAP custom queries that you can configure, see SAP URL parameters in the SAP documentation. |