SAP Table Connector > Connections for SAP Table Connector > Prerequisites


Before you use an SAP Table connection, the SAP administrator needs to perform certain prerequisite tasks to configure the Secure Agent machine and SAP system.
To process SAP table data and read data from SAP BW/4HANA ADSO objects, you also need to verify if the required licenses are enabled for the SAP system.

Download and configure the SAP libraries

To read data from or write data to SAP tables, you need to download and configure the SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK libraries and SAP JCo libraries on the Secure Agent machine. If you encounter any issues while you download libraries, contact SAP Customer Support.
  1. 1Go to the SAP Support Portal, and then click Software Downloads.
  2. Note: You need to have SAP credentials to access Software Downloads from the SAP Support Portal.
  3. 2Download the latest version of the SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK 7.50 libraries that are specific to the operating system of the machine on which the Secure Agent runs.
  4. Operating System
    SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK Libraries
    Linux 64
    • -
    • -
    • -
    • -
    • -
    Windows 64
    • - icudt50.dll
    • - icuin50.dll
    • - icuuc50.dll
    • - libsapucum.dll
    • - sapnwrfc.dll
  5. 3Copy the SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK 7.50 libraries to the following directory:
  6. <Informatica Secure Agent installation directory>\apps\Data_Integration_Server\ext\deploy_to_main\bin\rdtm
    Create the deploy_to_main\bin\rdtm directory if it does not already exist.
  7. 4Set the following permissions for each NetWeaver RFC SDK library:
  8. 5From the SAP Support Portal, download the latest version of the 64-bit SAP JCo libraries based on the operating system of the machine on which the Secure Agent runs.
  9. Operating System
    SAP JCo Libraries
  10. 6Copy the JCo libraries to the following directory:
  11. <Informatica Secure Agent installation directory>\apps\Data_Integration_Server\ext\deploy_to_main\bin\rdtm-extra\tpl\sap
    Create the deploy_to_main\bin\rdtm-extra\tpl\sap directory if it does not already exist.
  12. 7Log in to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services and configure the JAVA_LIBS property for the Secure Agent.
    1. aSelect Administrator > Runtime Environments.
    2. bClick Runtime Environments to access the Runtime Environments page.
    3. cTo the left of the agent name, click Edit Secure Agent.
    4. dFrom the Service list, select Data Integration Server.
    5. eFrom the Type list, select Tomcat JRE.
    6. fEnter the JAVA_LIBS value based on the operating system on which the Secure Agent runs.
    7. Operating System
      Warning: If you copy the value directly from the table, the hyphens (-) in the value might be incorrectly copied. Copy the value to a text editor and make sure that the value you copied is not corrupted.
      The configured JAVA_LIBS property for the Secure Agent on Windows.
    8. gClick Save.
    9. hRepeat steps 2 through 7 on every machine where you installed the Secure Agent.
  13. 8Restart the Secure Agent.

Configure SAP user authorization

Configure the SAP user account in the SAP system to process SAP table data.
The following table lists the objects and authorizations required to configure user permissions to access and read data from SAP tables:
Read Object Name
Set Job Operation to RELE.
Provide SAP table name from which you want to read data.
The following table lists the objects and authorizations required to configure user permissions to access and write data to SAP tables:
Write Object Name
Provide SAP table name where you want to write data.
Note: You need to add S_TABU_DIS or S_TABU_NUM based on the version of the SAP system. For more information about S_TABU_DIS or S_TABU_NUM, see the SAP documentation.
For more information about these objects and how to use them, see SAP user authorizations.

Install transport files to read from an SAP table

To read data from SAP tables from a Unicode SAP system, install the SAP Table Reader transport files from the Secure Agent directory to the SAP system. The transport files are applicable for SAP version ECC 6.0 or later.

Prerequisites to install the transport files

Before you install the SAP Table Reader transports, make sure to perform the following prerequisite tasks
The following table lists the transports that you need to install based on the SAP source type that you want to access:
Data and Cofile Names
Transport Request
To read data from SAP transparent tables, cluster tables, and pool tables, install only the TABLE_READER transport.
To read data from ABAP CDS views, install both the TABLE_READER and TABLE_READER_Addon transports.
Use the TABLE_READER_Addon transports for SAP NetWeaver 7.50 SP4 version and later.
Whenever you install the TABLE_READER transport, you need to reinstall the TABLE_READER_Addon transport even though there is no change in the TABLE_READER_Addon transport version.
Note: Ensure that you first install the TABLE_READER transport and only then install the TABLE_READER_Addon transport.

Installing transport files

To install the SAP Table Reader transport files, perform the following steps:
  1. 1Find the transport files in the following directory on the Secure Agent machine:
  2. <Informatica Secure Agent installation directory>\downloads\package-SAPConnector.<Latest version>\package\rdtm\sap-transport\SAPTableReader
  3. 2Copy the cofile transport file to the Cofile directory in the SAP transport management directory on each SAP machine that you want to access.
  4. The cofile transport file uses the following naming convention: TABLE_READER_K<number>.ER6.
  5. 3Remove "TABLE_READER_" from the file name to rename the cofile.
  6. For example, for a cofile transport file named TABLE_READER_K900176.ER6, rename the file to K900176.ER6.
  7. 4Copy the data transport file to the Data directory in the SAP transport management directory on each SAP machine that you want to access.
  8. The data transport file uses the following naming convention: TABLE_READER_R<number>.ER6.
  9. 5Remove "TABLE_READER_" from the file name to rename the file.
  10. 6To import the transports to SAP, in the STMS, click Extras > Other Requests > Add and add the transport request to the system queue.
  11. 7In the Add Transport Request to Import Queue dialog box, enter the request number for the cofile transport.
  12. The request number inverts the order of the renamed cofile as follows: ER6K<number>.
    For example, for a cofile transport file renamed as K900176.ER6, enter the request number as ER6K900176.
  13. 8In the Request area of the import queue, select the transport request number that you added, and click Import.
  14. 9If you want to upgrade from a previous version of the Informatica Transports, select the Overwrite Originals option.

Install transport files to write to an SAP table

To write data to SAP custom tables that have been created under the customer namespace, install the SAP Table Writer transport files.
To get and install the latest SAP Table Writer transport files, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.