Mappings > Mappings > Mapping validation

Mapping validation

Each time you save a mapping, the Mapping Designer validates the mapping.
When you save a mapping, check the status to see if the mapping is valid. Mapping status displays in the header of the Mapping Designer.
If the mapping is not valid, you can use the Validation panel to view the location and details of mapping errors. The Validation panel displays a list of the transformations in the mapping. Error icons display by the transformations that include errors.
In the following example, the Accounts_By_State Target transformation contains one error:
Tip: If you click a transformation name in the Validation panel, the transformation is selected in the Mapping Designer.

Validating a mapping

Use the Validation panel to view error details.
    1To open the Validation panel, in the toolbar, click Validation as shown in the following image:
    The Validation panel button.
    Error icons appear by the transformations that include errors.
    2To view the list of errors for a transformation, click the down arrow, as shown in the following image:
    The Validation panel showing 2 errows for the Source and 3 errors for the Target. The Source errors are expanded to show details about the associated errors.
    3To refresh the Validation panel after you make changes to the mapping, click the refresh icon.

Validating a mapping in advanced mode

In advanced mode, Data Integration validates the mapping based on how an advanced cluster processes the data. When you copy a mapping to advanced mode, the Validation panel shows validation errors that the advanced cluster checks for.
Validation errors can result from the following differences in advanced mode:
Transformation differences
The transformation palette uses a different set of transformations, so some transformations might no longer be available. Some transformations have a different set of properties that you need to configure, or previously-configured properties might no longer apply.
You might need to reconfigure properties, rearrange the transformations, or replace transformations in the data flow. For example, the Sorter transformation can only take effect in advanced mode when it is directly upstream from the Target transformation.
For more information, see Transformations.
Function differences
The expression editor uses a different set of functions. Function return values can differ, and some functions require additional arguments. For example, the TO_DECIMAL function requires the scale argument in advanced mode.
For more information, see Function Reference.
Data type differences
Some data types are processed differently. For example, an advanced cluster uses stricter rules to validate and process decimal data types.
For more information, see Function Reference.
Connector differences
An advanced cluster accesses some connectors differently than the Data Integration Server. You might need to configure details in the connection properties so that the cluster can access and process the data source.
For more information, see the help for the appropriate connector.

Validating a mapping in SQL ELT mode

In SQL ELT mode, Data Integration validates a mapping using additional rules that don't apply to mappings in other modes.
In SQL ELT mode, validation errors can result due to the following circumstances:
Validation errors can also occur when there's a problem with the source, target or lookup connection. For more information, see the appropriate connector guide.