Property | Description |
Connection | Name of the source connection. |
Source Type | Source type. The source type can be single object, file list, command, or parameter. |
Object | If the source type is a single object, this property specifies the file source, for example, Customers.csv. If the source property is a file list, this property specifies the text file that contains the file list, for example, SourceList.txt. If the source type is a command, this property specifies the sample file from which Data Integration imports the source fields. In advanced mode, the object name cannot contain the dollar sign character, $. The dollar sign is a reserved character for parameters. |
Command | If the source type is a command, this property specifies the command that generates the source file list, for example, ItemSourcesCmd.bat. |
Parameter | If the source type is a parameter, this property specifies the source parameter. |
Formatting Options | Flat file format options. Opens the Formatting Options dialog box to define the format of the file. You can choose either a delimited or fixed-width file type. Default is delimited. For a delimited flat file type, configure the following file format options:
You can use a tab, space, or any printable special character as a delimiter. The delimiter can have a maximum of 10 characters. The delimiter must be different from the escape character and text qualifier. Note: Use caution when updating the file formating options after you have updated the field metadata. Changes to the formating options can synchronize fields with fields in the source object. For more information see Source fields. For a fixed-width flat file type, select the fixed-width file format to use. If the list includes multiple fixed-width file formats with the same name, use the project and folder location that's appended to the name to determine the appropriate file format to use. If you do not have a fixed-width file format, go to New > Components > Fixed-Width File Format to create one. |
Property | Description |
Tracing Level | Detail level of error and status messages that Data Integration writes in the session log. You can choose terse, normal, verbose initialization, or verbose data. Default is normal. |
Thousand Separator | Thousand separator character. Can be none, comma, or period. Cannot be the same as the decimal separator or the delimiter character. Field type must be Number. You might also need to update the field precision and scale. Default is None. |
Decimal Separator | Decimal character. Can be a comma or period. Cannot be the same as the thousand separator or delimiter character. Field type must be Number. You might also need to update the field precision and scale. Default is Period. |
Datetime Format | Optional. Overrides the date format specified in the flat file connection. Enter the Date/Time format to override. For example, YYYYMMDD. |
Source File Directory | For flat file sources, name of the source directory. For FTP sources, name and path of the local source file directory used to stage the source data. By default, the mapping task reads source files from the source connection directory. You can also use an input parameter to specify the file directory. If you use the service process variable directory $PMSourceFileDir, the task writes target files to the configured path for the system variable. To find the configured path of a system variable, see the pmrdtm.cfg file located at the following directory: <Secure Agent installation directory>\apps\Data_Integration_Server\<Data Integration Server version>\ICS\main\bin\rdtm You can also find the configured path for the $PMSourceFileDir variable in the Data Integration Server system configuration details in Administrator. |
Source File Name | For flat file sources, file name, or file name and path of the source file. You can also use an input parameter to specify the file name. For FTP sources, name of the local source file used to stage the source data. |
Remote File Name | For FTP sources, file name, or file name and path of the remote file. You can also use an input parameter to specify the remote file name. |
File Reader Truncate String Null | For flat file sources, truncates string field values from the first null character. Enable when the source file contains null characters. Do not enable when you use the FileRdrTreatNullCharAs custom property. Using both properties creates conflicting settings for how Data Integration handles null characters in a flat file source, and the task fails. Default is disabled. |