Tasks > Data integration tasks > Schedules


You can run tasks manually or you can use schedules to run them at a specific time or interval such as hourly, daily, or weekly.
To use a schedule, you associate the task with a schedule when you configure the task. You can use an existing schedule or create a new schedule. If you want to create a schedule, you can create the schedule from the task's Schedule or Runtime Options page during task configuration.
When you create a schedule, you specify the date and time. You can configure a schedule to run associated assets throughout the day between 12:00 a.m. and 11:55 p.m. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services might add a small schedule offset to the start time, end time, and all other time configurations. As a result, scheduled tasks and taskflows might start later than expected. For example, you configure a schedule to run hourly until noon, and the schedule offset for your organization is 10 seconds. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services extends the end time for the schedule to 12:00:10 p.m., and the last hourly task or taskflow starts at 12:00:10 p.m. To see the schedule offset for your organization, check the Schedule Offset organization property.
You can monitor scheduled tasks from the All Jobs page in Monitor. Scheduled tasks do not appear on the My Jobs page.
When you copy a task that includes a schedule, the schedule is not associated with the new task. To associate a schedule with the new task, edit the task.
If you remove a task from a schedule as the task runs, the job completes. Data Integration cancels any additional runs associated with the schedule.

Repeat frequency

The repeat frequency determines how often tasks run. You can set the repeat frequency to every N minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly.
The following table describes the repeat frequency options:
Does not repeat
Tasks run as scheduled and do not repeat.
Every N minutes
Tasks run on an interval based on a specified number of minutes. You can configure the following options:
  • - Repeat frequency. Select a frequency in minutes. Options are 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45.
  • - Days. Days of the week when you want tasks to run. You can select one or more days of the week.
  • - Time range. Hours of the day when you want tasks to start. Select All Day or configure a time range. You can configure a time range between 00:00-23:55.
  • - Repeat option. The range of days when you want tasks to run. You can select Repeat Indefinitely or configure an end date and time.
Tasks run on an hourly interval based on the start time of the schedule.
You can configure the following options:
  • - Repeat frequency. Select a frequency in hours. Options are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12.
  • - Days. Days of the week when you want tasks to run. You can select one or more days of the week.
  • - Time range. Hours of the day when you want tasks to start. Select All Day or configure a time range. You can configure a time range between 00:00-23:55.
  • - Repeat option. The range of days when you want tasks to run. You can select Repeat Indefinitely or configure an end date and time.
Tasks run daily at the start time configured for the schedule.
You can configure the following options:
  • - Repeat frequency. The frequency at which you want tasks to run. Select Every Day or Every Weekday.
  • - Repeat option. The range of days when you want tasks to run. You can select Repeat Indefinitely or configure an end date and time.
Tasks run on a weekly interval based on the start time of the schedule.
You can configure the following options:
  • - Days. Days of the week when you want tasks to run. You can select one or more days of the week.
  • - Repeat option. The range of days when you want tasks to run. You can select Repeat Indefinitely or configure an end date and time.
If you do not specify a day, the schedule runs regularly on the same day of the week as the start date.
Tasks run every two weeks based on the start time of the schedule.
You can configure the following options:
  • - Days. Days of the week when you want tasks to run. You can select one or more days of the week. You must select at least one day.
  • - Repeat option. The range of days when you want tasks to run. You can select Repeat Indefinitely or configure an end date and time.
If you configure a biweekly schedule to start at 5 p.m. on a Tuesday and run tasks every two weeks on Mondays, the schedule begins running tasks on the following Monday.
Tasks run on a monthly interval based on the start time of the schedule.
You can configure the following options:
  • - Day. Day of the month when you want tasks to run. You can configure one of the following options:
  • - Select the exact date of the month, between 1-28. If you want the task to run on days later in the month, use the <n> <day of the week> option.
    - Select the <n> <day of the week>. Options for <n> include First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Last. Options for <day of the week> includes Day, and Sunday-Saturday.
    Tip: With the Day option, you can configure tasks to run on the First Day or the Last Day of the month.
  • - Repeat option. The range of days when you want tasks to run. You can select Repeat Indefinitely or configure an end date and time.

Time zones and schedules

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services stores time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When you log in, Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services converts the time and displays it in the time zone associated with your user profile.
When you create a schedule, you select the time zone for the scheduler to use. You can select a time zone that is different from your time zone or your organization time zone.

Daylight Savings Time changes and schedules

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services applies Daylight Savings Time changes to all tasks except biweekly tasks.
When Daylight Savings time goes into effect, tasks scheduled to run between 2:00 a.m. and 2:59 a.m., do not run the day that the time changes from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. If a task is scheduled to run biweekly at 2 a.m., it will run at 3 a.m. the day of the time change and at 2 a.m. for the next run.
Daylight Savings Time does not trigger additional runs for tasks that are scheduled to run between 1:00 a.m. - 1:59 a.m. when Standard Time begins. For example, a task is scheduled to run every day at 1:30 a.m. When the time changes from 2 a.m. to 1 a.m., the task does not run again at 1:30 a.m.
Tip: To ensure that Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services does not skip any scheduled runs near the 2 a.m. time change, do not schedule jobs to run between 12:59 a.m. and 3:01 a.m.

Creating a schedule

You can create a schedule in Data Integration when you configure a task or linear taskflow. You can also create a schedule in Administrator if you have the appropriate permissions.
The following procedure describes how to create a schedule when you access the Schedule page from Data Integration during task or linear taskflow configuration.
    1Select Run this task on a schedule, and then click New.
    2Configure the following properties:
    Schedule Name
    Name of the schedule.
    Each schedule name must be unique within the organization. Schedule names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -
    Maximum length is 100 characters. Schedule names are not case sensitive.
    Description of the schedule.
    Maximum length is 255 characters.
    Date and time when the schedule takes effect.
    The date format is MM/DD/YYYY. Time appears in the 24-hour format.
    Click the calendar button to select the start date. The start date and time can affect the repeat frequency for tasks and taskflow jobs that repeat at regular intervals.
    For example, if the start date is November 10 and the repeat frequency is monthly, the schedule runs associated assets on the tenth day of each month. If the start time is 3:10 and the repeat frequency is hourly, the assets run every hour at 10 minutes past the hour.
    Default is the current date, current time, and time zone of the user that creates the schedule.
    Time Zone
    Select the time zone for the schedule to use. The time zone can differ from the organization time zone or user time zone.
    Repeat frequency for the schedule. Select one of the following options:
    • - Does Not Repeat
    • - Every N Minutes
    • - Hourly
    • - Daily
    • - Weekly
    • - Monthly
    Default is Does Not Repeat.
    3Click Save to save the schedule and return to the task configuration page.

Running a task on a schedule

Associate a task with a schedule on the Schedule or Runtime Options page when you configure the task. You can use an existing schedule or create a schedule.
    1Select Run this task on a schedule.
    2To specify whether to use an existing schedule or a new schedule, perform one of the following tasks:
    3Click Save.

Removing a task from a schedule

Remove a task from a schedule when you no longer want the task to run on the schedule. To remove a task from a schedule, edit the task.
    1On the Explore page, navigate to the task you want to remove from the schedule and click Actions > Edit.
    2On the Schedule or Runtime Options page, select Do not run on a schedule.
    3Click Save.