Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
Platform and service-specific REST APIs
REST API versions
Header and body configuration
Request header
Request body
Return lists
JSON format example
XML format example
Update modes
Date/time values
Object IDs
Session IDs
REST API responses
Success object
Error object
REST API rules and guidelines
Documentation conventions
Platform REST API version 2 resources
Activity logs
Logs for completed jobs
Logs for running jobs
Audit logs
Bundle details
Bundle licenses
Installing and uninstalling bundles
Starting a job
Stopping a job
Cleanly stopping a job
Logging in
Logging in using a JSON web token
Logging in using SAML
Logging in using Salesforce
Logging out
Logging out and ending all sessions
Organization management
Creating sub-organizations
Runtime environments
Getting runtime environment details
Creating, updating, and deleting Secure Agent groups
Managing Secure Agent group selections
Configuring Secure Agent service properties for Secure Agent groups
Secure Agents and services
Server time
Platform REST API version 3 resources
Export and import
Exporting objects
Starting an export job
Getting the export job status
Downloading an export package
Identity providers
Registering an identity provider
Getting identity provider details
Updating an identity provider
Deleting an identity provider
Importing objects
Uploading an import package
Starting an import job
Getting the import job status
IP addresses
Key rotation
Getting key rotation interval settings
Changing key rotation intervals
Getting license details
Updating a sub-organization's licenses
Metering data
Requesting summary IPU usage data
Requesting project-level metering data
Requesting asset-level data
Requesting job-level metering data
Getting the metering data export job status
Getting custom IPU alert configurations
Downloading the metering data
Object state synchronization
Finding an asset
Finding asset dependencies
Object permissions
Creating permissions
Updating permissions
Deleting permissions
Getting permission details
Checking permissions
Changing a password
Resetting a password
Projects and folders
Creating a project
Updating a project
Deleting a project
Creating a folder
Updating a folder
Deleting a folder
Getting role details
Creating a role
Updating a role
Deleting a role
SAML group and role mapping
Adding SAML group mappings
Adding SAML role mappings
Removing SAML group mappings
Removing SAML role mappings
Getting SAML group mapping details
Getting SAML role mapping details
Getting schedule details
Creating a schedule
Updating a schedule
Deleting a schedule
SCIM tokens
Listing SCIM tokens
Creating a SCIM token
Deleting a SCIM token
Secure Agent services
Security logs
Source control
Pulling objects
Pulling objects in a commit
Checking out objects
Undoing a checkout
Checking in objects
Getting commit details
Getting commit history
Getting repository connection details
Getting the status of a source control operation
Assigning tags
Removing tags
Getting user details
Creating a user
Updating role assignments
Updating user group assignments
Deleting a user
User groups
Getting user group details
Creating a user group
Updating a user group
Deleting a user group
Data Integration REST API
Code tasks
Create a code task
Start a code task
View a code task
Status of a code task
Cancel a code task
Session logs for a code task
Spark task results for a code task
CSV Flat File Connections
FTP and SFTP Connections
Microsoft Access Connections
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connections
Microsoft SQL Server Connections
MySQL Connections
NetSuite Connections
ODBC Connections
Oracle Connections
Oracle CRM On Demand Connections
Salesforce Connections
SAP IDoc Reader Connections
SAP IDoc Writer Connections
Web Service Connections
Connection migration
Data preview
Data services
Dynamic mapping tasks
Logging in
Getting dynamic mapping task details
Running a dynamic mapping task
Getting field details
Updating fields in flat files
Updating fields in objects with non-flat file formats
File listeners
Getting file listener details
Creating a file listener
Updating a file listener
Deleting a file listener
Starting a file listener
Stopping a file listener
Getting the status of a file listener
Getting file listener job details
Changing the owner of a file listener association
File transfer
Transferring files to a remote server
Receiving files from a remote server
Getting job status
File transfer tasks
HTTPS file transfer
Fixed-width configuration
Hierarchical mappers
Creating a hierarchical mapper
Running a hierarchical mapper
Job log files
Logging in
Getting log information
Linear taskflows
Mapping tasks
Mask rule parameter attributes for masking techniques
Mask rule parameter attribute values
PowerCenter mapplets
Monitoring taskflow status with the status resource
Publishing taskflows in bulk
Unpublishing taskflows in bulk
Validating expressions
Data Integration REST API supplemental information
Connector data types
Connection user interface fields to REST API attributes mapping
File Ingestion and Replication REST API
Activity logs
View file ingestion and replication tasks
Create a file ingestion and replication task
Update a file ingestion and replication task
View the location of a file ingestion and replication task
Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
Deploying, undeploying, starting, and stopping streaming ingestion and replication tasks
Deploying a streaming ingestion and replication task
Undeploying a streaming ingestion and replication task
Starting a streaming ingestion and replication task
Stopping a streaming ingestion and replication task
Copying a streaming ingestion and replication task
Updating a streaming ingestion and replication task
POST request
POST response
Getting details about a streaming ingestion and replication job
Getting a list of streaming ingestion and replication jobs
Job status
Job statistics
Job history
Model Serve REST API
Quick start models
Getting descriptions of quick start models
Monitoring quick start models
Getting information about a quick start model
Machine learning models
Getting the code template file
Model file upload
Registering a machine learning model
Editing a machine learning model
Getting the model file for a machine learning model
Model deployments
Creating a model deployment
Editing a model deployment
Monitoring model deployments
Starting and stopping a quick start model or model deployment
Generating predictions
Input and response for the image classification model
Input and response for the text translation model
Deleting an asset
RunAJob utility
RunAJob utility setup
Login properties
Using an encrypted password
Job status
Log file detail
Using the RunAJob utility
Task location
RunAJob utility arguments
Job status codes
ParamSetCli utility
ParamSetCli utility requirements
ParamSetCli utility setup
Login properties
Using the ParamSetCli utility
ParamSetCli utility arguments
Running the ParamSetCli commands
REST API codes
State codes
Country codes
Time zone codes
REST API resource quick references
Platform resource quick reference
Data Integration resource quick reference
Model Serve resource quick reference
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
Model Serve resource quick reference