Issue | Description |
CBDM-37805 | When you create a mapping task for a mapping in advanced mode and choose a runtime environment that isn't associated with an advanced cluster, Data Integration creates an invalid local cluster. However, Data Integration creates a valid local cluster when you run the mapping task. You can delete the invalid cluster. |
POP-65000 | If you log in using OAuth and you include a commit tag when you check in an object to an Azure DevOps repository, the check-in action fails. Log in using a personal access token that permits use of commit tags. |
Issue | Description |
CDAM-2753 | When running a mapping that includes an Access Policy transformation in Data Integration, the following error appears when you click Validation in the Mapping window: Failed to create the following transformation: AccessPolicy (AccessPolicy) - An error occurred processing the asset referenced by AccessPolicy (401 - 401 Unauthorized: "{"statusCode":401,"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"Authentication token not provided.","serviceVersion":""}") Despite the error, the mapping executes correctly. You can ignore the error. |
Issue | Description |
CDAM-2915 | When you try to select a consumer while creating a mapping that includes an Access Policy transformation in Data Integration, and you don’t have any Administrator role, you receive an undefined error. You can still create and run the mapping, but the consumer’s name will not appear in the Consumer field. An ID appears instead. |