Connections for INFACore > Connections to source and target endpoints

Connections to source and target endpoints

Connections provide access to data in cloud applications, databases, and file storage services. They specify the location of the data source from where you read from or write data.
INFACore offers multiple connections designed to connect to data sources and integrate data. You create connections in the Connect to Data Sources section in the JupyterLab extension for INFACore. You can select the type of data source and then create a connection to access the data source. You enter the connection properties so that INFACore can connect to the source or target to read from or write data.
You can also programmatically connect to a data source using the INFACore Python SDK. When you create a connection, the connection becomes available for use within the organization.
For certain connectors, you have the option to configure additional attributes for both the source and target from the Python SDK. These advanced attributes help you leverage additional functionalities in the data sources. To get the attributes for a data object, call the get_advanced_config() method. To set the value of the parameters, call the set_advanced_config(), and then configure the read or write operation.
To find if additional source and target properties are available for a data source, see Connections for INFACore documentation.
For more information on how to call these methods, see INFACore SDK Reference for Python.