Troubleshooting INFACore > Troubleshooting INFACore > General


The following issue can occur when you use the JupyterLab extension for INFACore:
Cannot restore the panels in the JupyterLab extension for INFACore user interface.
When you collapse both the Connect to Data Sources and Apply Functions sections and try to restore the Runtime Environment section, it remains hidden. Use the handles to adjust the height of the panel to view the Runtime Environment section.
If the Connect to Data Sources section remains hidden, use the handles to adjust the height of the panel to view the section.
The Secure Agent status displays as "Not Installed" in JupyterLab after you upgrade the SDK
If the agent is already installed, the status of the Secure Agent might display as "Not Installed" after you upgrade the SDK and log in to INFACore.
To rectify this issue, reinstall the agent or call the LocalComputeEngine.setup() function to set up the compute engine.