The October 2024 release includes the following important notices:
•You can import, create, and update records with validation errors.
•Records can have one of the following validation statuses:
- Valid. Records that don't have data quality issues.
- Validation Errors. Records that have data quality issues.
•Records can have the following additional error types:
- Errors. Data quality issues that are configured as errors.
- Others. Data quality issues that can't be categorized as information, warning, or error.
•You can filter search results based on validation status, errors, and error types.
•You can now view predefined reports that display information about records with validation errors. You can also create custom reports on records that contain validation errors.
•The following predefined reports that display information about records with validation errors appear on the Reports page:
- Number of Records by Business Entity
- Number of Valid Records by Business Entity
- Number of Records with Validation Errors by Business Entity
For more information about record validation, see Record validation.