Source records originate from an external system or from changes made in Product 360 SaaS. Source records from multiple source systems contribute to master records.
On the Source Records page, you can view the details of source records and patch records, such as system fields, match pair details, and business entity fields. The source record field values that contribute to master records are highlighted.
The details of source records and patch records appear in the following sections:
System fields
Displays the system field details, such as the business ID and record state.
Match pair details
Displays the match pair details of up to 200 match pairs for the first 200 source records. You can export up to 150,000 match pairs of the record. The match pair details include the description of match rules based on which records were matched.
General information
Displays the basic fields.
Field groups
Displays the details of field groups that contain values. Each field group entry appears in a separate row with a field group ID. The duplicate field group entries from multiple source systems appear side by side, enabling you to compare field group values from each source system. If duplicate field group entries exist in a source system, these are marked as duplicates. Duplicate field group values aren't included in master records, and their trust scores don't affect the master records.