Release Notes > Known Limitations

Known Limitations

The tables in this section describe known issues for MDM - Product 360 SaaS. Not all monthly releases include known issues.

November 2024 known issues

If a match model includes a custom field prefixed with its business entity name and you use the match model to match and export data, the match process doesn't return match results.
When you select a filter value after clicking View More for a field and then save the search, the search results don’t match the filter value after you run the saved search.
In the view mode of a record, the restricted field icon continues to appear for a field even after the read privilege is granted to the field.
On the search results page, when you manually add an existing field with trailing spaces as a filter value, the following error appears:
Enter a correct value. To see all the values, click View More.
Workaround: To include an existing field with trailing spaces as a filter value, click View More, and select the value that you want to apply as a filter.
When you filter records based on a field in a nested field group, business applications return records that don't exactly match the filter condition.

October 2024 known issues

When you select a chart that's incompatible with the current template, the chart doesn't render correctly on the report view page.
When you filter records based on blank values for a field within a nested field group, the search results might not display any records. This issue occurs when the field contains values in some field group entries and doesn't contain any in other entries.
When you set the browser locale to en_AU, pt-BR, ru, ko, th, zh-CN, or nl, the Point in Time field on the Hierarchies page doesn't use the date and time format of the browser locale.
When nested field group entries from different source systems have the same field group ID, the values don’t appear side by side on the Source Records page or the Merge Records page.
Workaround: Ensure that the field group IDs are unique across source systems.
When you try to search for a record, deleted records incorrectly appear as suggestions.

August 2024 known issues

When you edit records in bulk or view saved searches and apply search filters, the first letter of picklist values that are lowercase appears as uppercase.

July 2024 known issues

When you delete an address entry from a record that contains three or more address entries, an additional entry is deleted. The issue might occur if fields of the Address field group were previously used as deduplication criteria.
Workaround: Wait for at least one hour, and then delete the address entry. If the issue persists, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.
When users with a custom user role try to open records that contain calculated fields for which they don't have read privileges, the following error message appears:
Failed to retrieve the search results.
If your organization processes records that contain validation errors and you update and save any field in a record through the user interface, the existing fields with validation errors appear valid. However, the field values remain invalid.
When you export reports based on record metadata, you can't export more than 10,000 records.
When you filter search results for active and deleted records, if you try to manually add values from the records as additional filter values, the following error message appears:
Enter a correct value. To see all the values, click View More.
Workaround: To include additional filter values, click View More, and select the value that you want to apply as a filter.
After you validate records that were merged in real-time and unmerge them, they display an incorrect match rule and outcome.
After you edit an address of a record on the Workflow Inbox page and save the record, the record doesn't display the updated address.
Workaround: To view the updated address, refresh the page.
In a related records table that displays records related through a business entity record attribute, you can't create or update records when you add or edit a decimal field type value.
In a related records table that displays records related through a relationship, you can't filter records when you select the Equals operator and enter a double field type value.
When a record has one field group entry and you delete that entry, the master record on the source records page doesn't display the deleted entry with the icon that indicates deletion.
When you create a report with dimensions and measures set as error type, the report displays an incorrect error count.
When you edit records in bulk and leave a required field blank, the records are saved successfully. Patch records that contain fields with no values are created for this change. The issue occurs if record validation is enabled for business applications.
If you delete source records after you create a report that displays merge history activity, the metrics might display incorrect number of records processed. The metrics are displayed incorrectly for one of the following reasons:
  • - If the number of records ingested in real-time is added to the metrics count.
  • - If the previous process events job contains failed records, then the failed records are included in the subsequent job and are displayed in the metrics.

May 2024 known issues

When you edit a table row in a record section, you can't select values or move your cursor inside the fields of the row by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
Workaround: Exit edit mode and try to edit the row again.

April 2024 known issues

When you merge or unmerge records, you can't view the field group values of records that don't contribute to the master record. The issue also occurs when you review the records in a merge task.
To update field values in nested field group entries, you might select Update record sections as the import type. If you don't map the operation type field for the root field, the file import job updates the field values. However, instead of the exact count of the input rows, the job displays the count as 0.
When you open a merge task and preview merged records, source records that aren't part of the merge task don't appear.
When you run a saved search, you might get the following error:
Search API service failed.
Workaround: Contact your administrator.
When a user with 60 or more user roles tries to open Product 360 SaaS, it fails to open.
The total count of validation errors and warnings increases when you expand each level in nested field groups.
If you publish an event that is related to an action on a record and the exported data contains more than 65,000 characters, the exported data doesn't include the complete record.

February 2024 known issues

The users with approval privileges can view the system details of records and claim, approve, reject, send back, and release a task even though they don't have access to the records.
After you import a record that includes a field group ID with a period (.) into MDM SaaS, you can't edit the field group entry on the MDM SaaS application user interface.
Workaround: To edit these field group entries, perform a PATCH operation by using REST APIs. Also, before you import new records, ensure that the field group IDs in the records don't contain special characters other than the following special characters:
- _ | :
If a child record in a hierarchy has its parent record as a child, you can't perform a search on the hierarchy.

December 2023 known issues

When you export records with validation errors, the exported data contains error messages with field names that don't match the field names in the column headers of the field groups and nested field groups. This issue occurs when the preview feature to export the records with validation errors is enabled.
When you add a predefined dashboard that displays an overview of MDM SaaS usage statistics, the total number of source records doesn't include the patch records of the master records.

November 2023 known issues

When you create a report based on the types of validation errors and apply Fields with Validation Errors as a filter, the report data displays all types of validation errors irrespective of the applied filter.
When you import data, records with incorrect population names aren't rejected at the Load step. However, the Generate Tokens step fails.
When you import business entity records that have field values calculated based on related records, the process takes a long time to complete.
When you filter a report that displays merge history activity based on a declarative rule name, you might view duplicate rule IDs as filter values. The duplicate rule IDs appear when a declarative rule has multiple versions and the rule doesn't have a description.
When you create a report that displays merge history activity based on the users who merged the source records or the merged date, the report displays incorrect data.
When you create a report that displays merge history activity based on the match outcome, you can't view the number of source records merged by users that are sent for approval. These records are included in the total number of source records merged by users.
If you delete source records after creating a report that displays merge history activity, the report data doesn't exclude the deleted source records even if you refresh it.
In a drill-down chart, if you select a field value that also appears as an additional filter value on the Data Set panel, you can't drill down into the report data.
When you download the error report from the load step of a file import job, the error message fails to display the specific field you don't have access to.

October 2023 known issues

When you add a child record to a hierarchy, there is no information that the changes to the dynamic field definitions aren't inherited yet.
If you enter values other than integers in the search box to find records with numeric field values, the search request might fail, and the following error appears:
Search API Service Failed
After you delete a hierarchy, the hierarchy still appears in the Hierarchy tab of a record that belongs to the hierarchy. The issue occurs if you can assign records to parent nodes in a hierarchy.
When you search for a record that has a searchable field with no value, the record doesn't appear in the search results. The issue occurs if optional fields are searchable.
System fields that display the date and time, such as Created On, Last Updated Date, or Last Updated Date, display values in the Unix epoch time format.
You can view a maximum of 40 entries for a field group in the source records section.

September 2023 known issues

After you fix a few validation errors in a record, a custom report based on the type of validation errors might display incorrect data.

August 2023 known issues

When you try to view the history of records on the record details page, you might get the following error even though you have the required permissions:
Internal Error. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.
Workaround: To view the history of records, refresh the record details page multiple times.
When you merge duplicate field group values based on the deduplication criteria, the surviving field group values aren't highlighted on the Source Records page.

July 2023 known issues

When you override the values of a field group that has field groups nested within it with a field group that has no nested field groups, the nested field groups might not appear on the Source Records page. The issue occurs if block survivorship is enabled for a field group that has field groups nested within it.
After you approve a task to unmerge multiple source records from a master record, you can't see the corresponding closed task.
Workaround: To view the closed task, refresh the Task Details page.
When a dependent picklist field in a record contains a null or an invalid value, you can't save any changes to the record. On the Record Details page, the Submit button appears disabled.
Workaround: On the Record Details page, select a valid value for the dependent picklist field and submit the changes.

May 2023 known issues

If you select all the records to edit in bulk and then clear some selections, the preview table shows an incorrect number of selected records.
When you try to edit records in bulk, you can't edit the values of field groups that are empty.
When you edit records in bulk, if no records match the specified conditions, a message about multiple records being updated is incorrectly displayed.
When custom role users having a data access rule and select records to edit in bulk, the preview table shows an incorrect number of selected records.

April 2023 known issues

When you press Tab to navigate out of a blank date field, the following error incorrectly appears:
Enter a valid value.
Workaround: Refresh the browser window.
After you delete a picklist value of a record in the related records table, the record continues to display the previous value.
In a Related Records table, when you select a value from a parent picklist, the dependent picklist includes the potential values for all the parent picklist values.

February 2023 known issues

When you translate a custom report, some of the translations in the chart are not translated, and translations fall back to English.
When you select multiple records on the search results page for performing actions, such as exporting, manually merging, editing selected records, there might be a discrepancy between the number of selected records and the number available for action.

January 2023 known issues

When you import data with integer fields, and if the value of an integer field exceeds the maximum limit of 2147483647, the import fails.
Workaround: Use text fields instead of integer fields if the value of an integer field exceeds the maximum limit and import the data again.

September 2022 known issues

When you update a record, the information or warning messages that appear might contain fields that aren't present in the record.

August 2022 known issues

If the name of a newly created custom report uses the name of a custom report that was deleted earlier, the newly created custom report displays the report data of the deleted custom report in the report table.
Workaround: Publish the newly created custom report to view the correct report data.

July 2022 known issues

When you submit a task and try to claim the same task for approval, an error message appears, indicating that the initiator and the approver are the same.

June 2022 known issues

When you use your business application or external APIs to create records, you cannot specify the population. Your application and the APIs use the default population.
(June 2022)
Some users cannot view the history of records when they click the History tab.
(June 2022)
You can override a dependent picklist field value for a master record without overriding its parent picklist field.
(June 2022)
When you override the field values that are part of the search result layout, the overriding field values do not appear on the search results page.
(June 2022)
When you ingress more than one thousand records with the business ID values, the records use the automatically generated business ID values instead of the user-defined business ID values. The mismatch in the business ID values creates multiple master records and causes performance issue.
(June 2022)
When you delete a custom report and create another report with the same name and publish it, the report data displays even before you create a schedule for it.
(June 2022)
If you try to open a hierarchy when data is being imported into the hierarchy, the hierarchy does not appear.
(June 2022)
When you filter the history of a record that has a large number of historical changes, the performance is poor.
(June 2022)
For a supplier, when you try to add related records with the Supplier to Contact relationship, the asterisk (*) wildcard character does not display any search results.
(April 2022)
When you unmerge a record, a workflow is triggered and the record unmerges successfully after the approval. If you merge these unmerged records and try to unmerge these again, the unmerge fails after the approval.
(June 2022)
When you run the match and merge job for the records in Business 360 Console and unmerge some records from the imported records in Product 360 SaaS, the History panel of the unmerged records does not list the merge and unmerge actions.
(June 2022)
When hierarchy properties are updated, the workflow task that is generated doesn't include a description of the updates.
(June 2022)
The users with custom user roles can view the Hierarchies page and the Hierarchies tab on the record details page even though they don't have the required privilege to view it. The following incorrect error messages appear when the users with custom user roles click Hierarchies:
Error:Error:Request failed with status code 403
Error: Request failed with status code 403
(June 2022)
When you import data that contains decimal fields, the decimal values might incorrectly round off in the imported records.
(June 2022)
When you import records that contain invalid values in the decimal fields, the import process doesn't reject the records.
(June 2022)
When you perform a search for a negative value, the search results include positive values and negative values. For example, if you search for -92.7, the search results include records that have 92.7 and -92.7.
(June 2022)
You cannot add an image to a record by entering a URL in the Image field.
(June 2022)
If a user marks records as not a match and approves the changes without first saving it, the changes are not saved. You can view the records that were marked as not a match on the Source Records page.
(June 2022)
When you try to import a file without selecting any target business entity or relationship, you receive multiple copies of the same error message.
(June 2022)
You cannot import relationships between two records that belong to different source systems.
(June 2022)
In a record, when a phone number includes alphabetical characters, the phone number doesn't get validated.
(June 2022)
The concatenated value of a field does not change when you change the input values to null.
(June 2022)
When you import data, if your CSV file contains boolean field values other than true or false, some records might not be imported.
(June 2022)