API Manager Guide > Authentication and authorization > OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization

OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization

You can enable OAuth 2.0 authentication for managed APIs that invoke a Cloud Application Integration process that uses basic authentication.
OAuth 2.0 is a protocol for authorization that provides specific authorization flows for web applications and helps in the secure transmission of information between API consumers and web services such as Informatica Cloud Application Integration service APIs.
API Manager supports the client credentials grant type for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
Enabling OAuth 2.0 authentication
To enable OAuth 2.0 authentication, you perform the following tasks:
  1. 1Create an OAuth 2.0 client. Specify credentials of an organization user with access to run managed APIs, select managed APIs or managed API groups that can use the client for authentication, and generate client credentials.
  2. 2Send the following details to consumers of the managed APIs that the client applies to:
Invoking a managed API where OAuth 2.0 authentication is enabled
To invoke a managed API where OAuth 2.0 authentication is enabled, API consumers perform the following tasks:
  1. 1Authenticate against the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services OAuth 2.0 server and use the OAuth 2.0 client credentials to generate an OAuth 2.0 authorization token.
  2. 2Use the OAuth 2.0 authorization token to invoke the API.

Creating an OAuth 2.0 client

Create an OAuth 2.0 client that enables managed API consumers to invoke managed APIs where OAuth 2.0 authentication is enabled.
    1On the Policies page, select the Authorization tab.
    2Click Add OAuth 2.0 Client.
    The Add OAuth 20.0 Client wizard appears.
    3Enter the user name and password of an organization user with the Service Consumer role and click Next.
    The Details step appears.
    4Enter a name for the client. The name is case sensitive and must be unique in the organization.
    The name can contain up to 32 characters, including any letter on the ASCII table, non-Latin characters, any digit, spaces, and the special characters . _ and -. The name cannot contain any of the following characters: / " ' < > & : ~ ! @ # ; % ^ * + = { } | , \
    5Optionally, enter a description of the client.
    The description can contain up to 1,024 characters, including any letter on the ASCII table, non-Latin characters, any digit, spaces, and the special characters . _ and -.
    6Enter a timeout value in minutes for the access token.
    The minimum value is 5 minutes and the maximum value is 1440 minutes or 24 hours. Default is 60 minutes.
    After a token times out, you cannot use it. You must regenerate the token.
    7Click Next.
    The Resources step appears.
    8 Select managed APIs that the OAuth 2.0 client applies to using one of the following options:
    Click Next.
    API Manager creates the client. The Generated Credentials step appears.
    9Copy the client credentials and send them to API consumers using one of the following methods:
    10Click Finish.
    11On the Authorization tab, click Copy URL and send the OAuth 2.0 server URL to API consumers.

Managing OAuth 2.0 clients

After you create an OAuth 2.0 client, you can view, edit, and delete it.
    1On the Policies page, click the Authorization tab.
    The OAuth 2.0 Clients section displays all the OAuth clients and their details.
    2Perform one of the following tasks:
    1. aTo view the details of an OAuth 2.0 client, double-click the client.
    2. bTo edit an OAuth 2.0 client, click the Actions menu in the row that contains the OAuth 2.0 client, and select Edit. Make the required changes and click Save.
    3. cTo delete an OAuth 2.0 client, click the Actions menu in the row that contains the OAuth 2.0 client, and select Delete Client.
    4. A message appears prompting you to confirm the deletion. Click Delete to proceed with the deletion, or click Cancel to cancel the deletion.

Regenerating an OAuth 2.0 client secret

You can regenerate an OAuth 2.0 client secret if needed. When you regenerate the client secret, API Manager disables the current client secret.
    1On the Policies page, click the Authorization tab.
    The OAuth 2.0 Clients section displays all the OAuth clients and their details.
    2To regenerate the secret, click the Actions menu in the row that contains the OAuth 2.0 client, and select Regenerate Secret.
    Alternatively, you can double-click an OAuth 2.0 client, and click Regenerate Secret.
    3Enter the password and click Next.
    API Manager regenerates the client secret and authorization header value. You can copy the new values and send them to the API consumers.

Enabling and disabling OAuth 2.0 clients

When you create an OAuth 2.0 client, it is enabled by default. You can disable an OAuth 2.0 client if needed. API consumers cannot use disabled OAuth 2.0 clients for authentication.
    1On the Policies page, click the Authorization tab.
    The OAuth 2.0 Clients section displays all the OAuth clients and their details.
    2To enable or disable a client, click the Actions menu in the row that contains the OAuth 2.0 client, and select Enable Client or Disable Client.
    Alternatively, you can double-click an OAuth 2.0 client, and click Enable Client or Disable Client.
Note: When there are multiple bad attempts to get the token or when there are other violations for an OAuth 2.0 client, the OAuth2 Identify Provider sets the status of the client to locked. API consumers cannot use locked OAuth 2.0 clients for authentication.

How API consumers invoke an API with OAuth 2.0 authentication

To invoke a managed API where OAuth 2.0 authentication is enabled, API consumers generate an OAuth 2.0 authorization token and send the token to the managed API.
The following sections describe the stages of invoking a managed API that uses OAuth 2.0 authentication:
Generating an OAuth 2.0 authorization token
To generate the token, API consumers authenticate to the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services OAuth 2.0 server using the server URL and the OAuth 2.0 client credentials that you send to the API Portal administrator.
API consumers use one of the following methods to provide the client credentials to the OAuth 2.0 server, based on the application or software package that they use to invoke the API:
The following image shows an API invocation through Postman with a Basic authorization header:
Sending the token to the managed API
API consumers pass the token that they receive from the OAuth 2.0 server to the managed API as an Authorization header with the prefix Bearer followed by the token.
The following image shows an API invoked through Postman with a Bearer Token authorization type and the token that the API consumer entered:

Python 3 example: Invoke a managed API with OAuth 2.0 authentication

You can invoke a managed API where OAuth 2.0 authentication is enabled in Python 3.
In order to invoke a managed API with the OAuth 2.0 authentication method, API consumers must request an OAuth 2.0 token from the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services OAuth 2.0 server.
You can use any OAuth 2.0 library, tool, or programming language to run the OAuth 2.0 authentication sequence. Before you run the OAuth 2.0 authentication, verify that you have the following information:
The following example shows the codes used for invoking a managed API with OAuth 2.0 authentication in Python 3:
import sys
import requests
import json
import logging
import time


test_api_url = "https://apigw-pod1.dm-us.informaticacloud.com/t/apim.usw1.com/get_employee_details"

## function to obtain a new OAuth 2.0 token from the authentication server
def get_new_token():

auth_server_url = "https://dm-us.informaticacloud.com/authz-service/oauth/token"
client_id = 'Jl88QzqE3GYvaibOVb1Fx'
client_secret = '9xy23jdl'

token_req_payload = {'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}

token_response = requests.post(auth_server_url,
data=token_req_payload, verify=False, allow_redirects=False,
auth=(client_id, client_secret))

if token_response.status_code !=200:
print("Failed to obtain token from the OAuth 2.0 server", file=sys.stderr)

print("Successfuly obtained a new token")
tokens = json.loads(token_response.text)
return tokens['access_token']

## obtain a token before calling the API for the first time
token = get_new_token()

while True:

## call the API with the token
api_call_headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}
api_call_response = requests.get(test_api_url, headers=api_call_headers, verify+False)

if api_call_response.status_code == 401:
token = get_new_token()


Java example: Invoke a managed API with OAuth 2.0 authentication

You can invoke a managed API where OAuth 2.0 authentication is enabled in Java.
In order to invoke a managed API with the OAuth 2.0 authentication method, API consumers must request an OAuth 2.0 token from the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services OAuth 2.0 server.
You can use any OAuth 2.0 library, tool, or programming language to run the OAuth 2.0 authentication sequence. Before you run the OAuth 2.0 authentication, verify that you have the following information:
The following example shows the codes used for invoking a managed API with OAuth 2.0 authentication in Java:
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.squareup.okhttp.";

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Timeunit;

public class OAuthClientSample
public static String TEST_API_URL = "https://apigw-pod1.dm-us.informaticacloud.com/t/apim.usw1.com/get_employee_details";
public static String OAUTH_SERVER_URL = "https://dm-us.informaticacloud.com/authz-service/oauth/token";
public static String CLIENT_CREDENTIALS = "YwliT1ZlMWJGRUpsOOhftenFFM8dZdjpRUjQzQXcwbes-";

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception
new OAuthClientSample().runApi();

// run an OAuth 2.0 in a loop
public void runApi() throws Exception
// obtain an OAuth 2.0 token for running the API
String token = getNewToken();

while (true)

// run the API using the OAuth 2.0 token
Request request = new Request.Builder()
-method("GET", null)
-addHeader("Authorization", Bearer + token)
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

// If the token expired, obtain a new token
if (response.code() --401)
token = getNewToken ();


* @return a new OAuth 2.0 token from the authentication server
* @throws IOException
String getNewToken() throws IOException
String authHeader = "Basic " + CLIENT_CREDENTIALS;

Request request = new request.Builder()
-url(AUTH_SERVER_URL + "?grant_type =client_credentials")
-method("POST", RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), ""))
-addHeader("Authorization", authHeader)

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

if (response.code() != 200)
return null;

Map <String, Object> jsonResponse = new Gson().fromJson(response.body().string(), Map.class);
return (String)jsonResponse.get("access_token");


Exporting deleted OAuth 2.0 clients

You can export deleted OAuth 2.0 clients for tracking purposes.
    1On the Policies page, click the Authorization tab.
    2Click Export Deleted Clients.
    API Manager downloads a .csv file that shows details of the OAuth 2.0 clients that were deleted since the time the organization was created. The file shows the client ID, client name, created time, last accessed time, and deletion time for all the deleted OAuth 2.0 clients.