What's New > July 2023 > New features and enhancements

New features and enhancements

Application Integration includes the following new features and enhancements in this release:
Watch the following What's New video to learn about the new features and enhancements in the July 2023 release:
Application Integration What's New video for July 2023 release.https://bit.ly/43spJ7X

Ability to configure a logging data source on a Secure Agent

You can configure a separate logging data source on a Secure Agent to redirect process logging from the existing database to the data source, and thereby reduce the load on the existing database.
Note: After configuring a separate logging data source on a Secure Agent, you must restart the Process Server for the change to take effect.
For more information about the logging data source, see Secure Agent Services in the Administrator help system.

Additional fields in process objects

The process object editor and service connector editor include the following new fields for the text, date, time, date time, integer, and number data types:
For more information about process objects, see Design.

Guide execution URL

After you save and publish a guide, you can view the execution URL in the Properties Detail page of the guide. You can use the execution URL to run the guide.
For more information about publishing and running guides, see Invoke.

Guide generation in human task assets

When you create a human task asset, you can instantly create a new guide with all the input fields, output fields, and outcomes that you define in the asset. After the guide is generated, you can further configure the guide and publish the guide to use it. With this feature, you can avoid the manual effort of creating a guide.
For more information about generating guides, see Design.

Process object support in human task assets

When you create a human task asset, you can include process objects in the input fields and output fields. You must create a process object in Application Integration and then use the object in the human task asset. With this feature, you could have a group that contains various details such as the name, address, phone number, and other information instead of creating separate fields for each kind of demographic data.
For more information about using process objects in human task assets, see Design.

Improved security in data access service connector

When you create a data access service connector, you can prevent or mitigate an SQL injection attack that can happen through malicious input parameters. To achieve this, configure the new Check SQL Injection field in the data access service connector page. You must also configure the new Check SQL Injection field in the app connection that uses the data access service connector. For more information about data access service connectors, see Design.

OAuth authentication support in SMTP Service

In Application Integration Console, you can select OAuth authentication as one of the authentication types for the SMTP service. OAuth helps you to share specific data with an application while keeping the user names, passwords, and other information private.
You can configure OAuth settings such as the authorization URL, token URL, client ID, client secret, and scope. You can also view the authorization status and the most recent time when the authorization was completed.
For more information about SMTP services, see Design.

Support for list of simple types in guides

In a guide, you can configure the following list of simple data types for input fields, output fields, and temporary fields:
When you create a guide, you can define a comma-separated list of check box, date, date time, time, number, integer, and text values.
For more information about creating guides using the list of simple types, see Design.

Salesforce enhanced domain support in guides

You can open guides in Community Sites that are enabled with Salesforce enhanced domain.
For more information about Salesforce guides, see Salesforce and Application Integration.

Support for XML data type in service connectors

When you create a service connector, you can define input fields and output fields with the XML data type to pass XML values directly to the fields.
For more information about using the XML data type in service connectors, see Design.

Table filters in data access service connector

When you create a data access service connector, you can filter the tables by providing the name of a schema, the tables to be included in the metadata, and the tables to be excluded in the metadata. You must enter similar details in the app connection that uses the data access service connector to view the appropriate results.
For more information about data access service connectors, see Design.

Trunc function for numbers in Miscellaneous section

You can use the new xquery trunc function under the Miscellaneous section to truncate numbers to a specific digit based on the number of decimal places specified by the precision. Use the following syntax for the trunc function:
Util:trunc(arg, precision)
For example, the following expression returns 2345.75 as the result:
util:trunc(2345.7535, 2)
For more information about the trunc function, see Design.