Invoke > Unpublishing Application Integration assets in bulk > Unpublishing dependent assets

Unpublishing dependent assets

When you have dependent assets, unpublishing them simultaneously might result in issues. You must first unpublish the dependent assets, and then send the bulk unpublish request.
For example, you have an app connection that uses a service connector, and both the assets are published. When you send a bulk unpublish request for the service connector, in the status response, the overall jobState is set to ERROR, and the itemState and itemStatusDetail provide the error details. To resolve this issue, you must first unpublish the dependent assets and send the bulk unpublish request again.
Note: If the itemState for an asset is NOT_FOUND, the jobState is set to WARNING. If the itemState for an asset is ERROR, the jobState is set to ERROR. If the itemState in the response contains both the ERROR and NOT_FOUND values, the jobState is set to ERROR.
The following snippet shows a sample response:
"data": {
"type": "unpublishStatus",
"id": "937604908948291875",
"attributes": {
"jobState": "ERROR",
"jobStatusDetail": {
"itemStateSummary": {
"ERROR": 1,
"startedBy": "user_na1",
"startDate": "2024-02-01T07:07:10.000+0000",
"endDate": "2024-02-01T07:07:15.000+0000",
"totalCount": 3,
"processedCount": 3,
"itemDetail": [
"itemIndex": 0,
"itemGUID": "5rsIMYlvQECk50YsHsOCiD",
"itemState": "SUCCESS",
"itemStatusDetail": "",
"itemStartDate": "2024-02-01T07:07:10.000+0000",
"itemEndDate": "2024-02-01T07:07:12.000+0000",
"assetPath": "Explore/BulkPublishAndUnpublish/MyFolder/Process1.PROCESS.xml"
"itemIndex": 1,
"itemState": "NOT_FOUND",
"itemStatusDetail": "",
"itemStartDate": "2024-02-01T07:07:12.000+0000",
"itemEndDate": "2024-02-01T07:07:12.000+0000",
"assetPath": "Explore/BulkPublishAndUnpublish/MyFolder/Process11.PROCESS.xml"
"itemIndex": 2,
"itemGUID": "hib6l1IaggMg9GERey3NcN",
"itemState": "ERROR",
"itemStatusDetail": "There is/are 1 entry(ies) that should be unpublished first. Dependent entry(ies): AppConnection1-2",
"itemStartDate": "2024-02-01T07:07:12.000+0000",
"itemEndDate": "2024-02-01T07:07:13.000+0000",
"assetPath": "Explore/BulkPublishAndUnpublish/ServiceConnectorGoogle.AI_SERVICE_CONNECTOR.xml"

"links": {
Alternatively, when you send a bulk unpublish request using a request payload, the assets are unpublished in the same order as given in the request payload. You must specify the assets in the order of their dependency to unpublish them simultaneously in the same request.
For example, consider that you have a service connector that is used in an app connection and process, and all the assets are published. You must specify the assets in the following order in the request payload to unpublish them simultaneously:
  1. 1Service connector
  2. 2App connection
  3. 3Process