The Contributions tab lists all business process archive (BPR) deployments. Their names are based upon the Process Developer project from which they were deployed.
Just as Process Developer keeps together all files in an orchestration project, a contribution is a unit of the deployable processes and resources from a project. It is a unique deployment to the server catalog. As developers update their projects, they can deploy new contributions while maintaining earlier ones on the server.
Here is some information about contributions:
•Each contribution is named (by default) as project:/project name as a Process Developer location hint.
•A contribution can contain multiple processes, which can be managed together or separately.
•Each new version of a contribution supersedes an earlier version and becomes the current (online) version. However, you can rollback an online contribution to an earlier version. This contribution tracking system allows for easy management of processes and their resources.
•There is only one current (online) contribution. All contributions can become the online version.
•The current (online) contribution can be rolled back to an earlier version.
•Process versions are associated with a specific version of WSDL, schema, and other resources. Every BPEL process is associated with the set of resources it is deployed with.
•If you delete a contribution, all associated files and the deployment log are deleted, giving you an easy way to clean out the database during testing
•Multiple developers can deploy the same process and resources without colliding with one another.
For details, see Contribution Detail.
What Happens When a Contribution is Updated
When a BPR contribution is deployed for the first time, Process Server tags the contribution and every file in the deployment as version 1.0, and the contribution is online. Subsequently, as developers make changes, they may update, add, or delete files and then repdeploy the same BPR. The new version becomes the online version and the old version is offline pending, eventually becoming offline when all executing processes complete.
The following scenarios illustrate what happens when a contribution is updated.
Contribution changes from V1 to V2 -- Process1 is modified, Process2 is removed
Deployment 1
project:/MyProject V1
Deployment 2
project:/MyProject V2
Changes on the Server
process1.bpel (modified)
V2 is online, V1 is offline or offline pending, if it has associated process instances.
not modified
V1.01 is online. V1 is offline. With each deployment, WSDL and XSD are incremented to avoid cache issues.
(not included)
The process is no longer in the catalog.
Contribution changes from V1 to V2 -- All original files are removed, a new one is deployed
Deployment 1
Deployment 2
project:/MyProject V2
Changes on the Server
(myAVOS.avcconfig does not exist)
This file is deployed as an "Additional Resource" and is the only file deployed in the same BPR as previous deployment. V1 is online. This is the only file online because it is the only file in Contribution V2. To get all files back online, redeploy the BPR and include all files.
(not deployed)
BPEL file is removed
(not deployed)
WSDL files are removed
For each contribution, basic version information is displayed, as shown in the table.
The base URI, usually the Process Developer project name, such as project:/myProject
Deployed version
By default, online state is displayed; for information, see the description of all states below this table
Date the contribution was deployed
Group this contribution belongs to, if any, as added in the Export Business Process Wizard in Process Developer
Name of person (or system) who deployed, if authentication is required for deployers. The default is anonymous.
Contribution Versions
Contribution versions can have one of the following states:
•Online—By default, the newest contribution (highest numbered) is the online (current) version.
•Offline Pending—A version is offline pending in the following cases: if you set the version offline and there are running process instances; a newer version is deployed while there are running process instances; or the contribution’s exported namespaces are referenced by other contributions.
•Offline—When all process instances of an offline pending version complete, a contribution is offline.
Selection Filters
You can select the following Selection Filters to view a subset of contributions:
•State—One of the contribution versions states just listed.
•Deployed between—Enter or select the starting and ending deployment dates.
•Name—Type in the contribution name. You can use wildcards, such as tutor*.*, and select Submit.
•Group—If the contribution was deployed with a group name, this filter is available. Type in a group name, and select Submit. There is a default System group, which is hidden by default. Remove the checkmark from Hide System and select Submit to display System contributions.
Contribution Detail
The Contribution Detail page displays a selected contribution version. You can change the state of the contribution or delete the contribution.
Setting the State to Offline or Online
If the contribution state is online, it is the current version, and you can select Set to Offline. If there are other contribution versions, the next higher or lower version is set to online. If process instances are running against the BPEL files in the contribution, the contribution is set to Offline Pending. When all process instances complete, the state changes to Offline.
If the contribution state is offline, select Set to Online. The contribution’s files become the current version. If any BPEL was deployed with an online (effective) date, the process state is online pending.
Note that the state of BPEL processes within a contribution is the same as the state of the contribution itself, but you can individually select a BPEL process from an online contribution and change its state. For example, if three processes are included in an online contribution, you can take one, two, or all three processes offline.
Deleting a Contribution
Select Delete to remove the entire unit of files from the catalog. If running processes exist, the contribution goes to the offline pending state until the processes complete.
When you delete a contribution, the following events occur:
•All files in the contribution are deleted.
•The deployment log is deleted.
•All completed active processes attached to the contribution are deleted.
Contribution Detail Information
The information within this page is grouped into sections, and these are described in the following list:
•Contribution Detail
Each contribution is assigned a deployment Id. The name, state, version, and group details are the same as shown on the Contributions list page. A Description is available if it was provided during the BPR export in Process Developer.
•Deployed Processes
List of BPEL files deployed, if any, and their current state. .
•Contributed Resources
List of files deployed in the contribution. Examples of these files are WSDL, schema, HTML, XSL, XML, CSS, images, i18N properties files, Process Central files, event documents, Java jars, and report definitions. The version is the updated version associated with this contribution.
WSDL and schema are always updated when they are deployed, even if identical to an earlier version. Other resource only have their version numbers incremented if their content has changed.
When you click on one of these links, Process Server displays its source, if possible. For example, it may display XML or HTML.
•Exported Namespaces
Namespaces exposed by a resource in the contribution for use by other contributions.
•Imported Namespaces
Namespaces from other contributions that this contribution is dependent on, if any. Note that if this contribution depends on another contribution, delete this contribution first.