This topic describes how to create service steps and search services from Salesforce Apex classes.
Note: You can download an archive file that contains a sample automated step and a sample search service.
Creating an Apex-based Service Call Step
You can create new Service Call step services using an Apex Class that implements the IAeAutomatedStepService interface.
IAeAutomatedStepService Interface
To create the new services, you first implement two interface methods:
Returns AeServiceDescription, which contains metadata for services.xml.
Invoked at runtime.
For example:
global class icrtStep_EchoService implements IAeAutomatedStepService { global AeServiceDescription describe() { // called during synchronization }
global AeServiceResponse invoke(AeServiceRequest aRequest) { // called at runtime } }
Service Discovery with Apex Automated Steps
When you synchronize your Salesforce organization, Apex services are discovered based on their class name. If a class name starts with "icrtStep", it is recognized as a Service step (an "Apex automated step"). For example, the Apex class named "icrtStep_EchoService" is a service.
Process objects or object lists are serialized to a JSON payload format, similar to the process object input or output in other processes. They are sent to Apex where the System.JSON class in Apex can parse the JSON.
To return a process object, define the outputs as either 'reference' or 'objectlist' and serialize the objects to JSON so Process Designer converts them back to a process object.
For example, for output parameters:
global AeServiceDescription.AeServiceParameterDesc output = sDescription.addOutputParameterDesc('objOutput', 'reference'); output.addParameterOption('referenceTo','Account');
Service Interface
Apex services must implement two methods:
Provides information discovered for use by the cloud service.
Returns an instance of AeServiceDescription, which has the following fields:
Type of service , either a service step or a search.
Organization-specific namespace.
Service class name.
Name displayed to the user.
Text describing the service.
inputParameter (0..n)
List of input parameter descriptions.
outputParameter (0..n)
List of output parameter descriptions.
Implements the runtime behavior of the service.
ID of the Applies To object from the host's context.
Type of the Applies To object from the host's context.
parameter (0..n)
List of AeServiceParameter name/value pairs.
Takes an instance of AeServiceRequest as input.
Returns AeServiceResponse, which has the following fields:
parameter (0..n)
List of AeServiceParameter name/value pairs.
Conveys error information. Use this to relay error information instead of throwing an uncaught fault within your service
Error message.
Field-level error details.
Custom Search Services
You can implement search services as Apex classes. Search services use the same interface and discovery mechanisms as step services, with the following differences:
•Set the service type to search in AeServiceDescription:
AeServiceDescription.serviceType = 'search';
•There should be one output parameter, Search Results, that returns the data.
•To return a valuelist, the invoke() method should return name/value pairs representing the name/id of the objects returned.
The following example returns a valuelist of account references filtered by OwnerId:
List<Account> accountList = [SELECT Name, id FROM Account WHERE OwnerId =:userRef LIMIT 20]; for (Account account: accountList) { // For a search service, return name/id as parameters response.addParameter(account.Name, account.Id); }
Republish the Salesforce Connection
To make custom automated step and search services visible, you need to republish the Salesforce connection from Application Integration.
Note: You need to republish the Salesforce connection only when you make a change to the class interface, not when you make a change to the class.