Convert Electronic Health Information from HL7 to FHIR > Convert electronic health information from HL7 to FHIR overview > HL7 2.x to FHIR R4 process

HL7 2.x to FHIR R4 process

The HL7 2.x to FHIR R4 process converts an HL7 message to a FHIR bundle and posts it to the FHIR server. Each recipe accepts a different HL7 message type as input to the process, such as an HL7 ADT A01 message for the recipe that converts patient admission data.
The process translates health information from HL7 2.x into the FHIR R4 standard. It parses the HL7 message and mapping segments, such as MSH (Message Header), PID (Patient Identification), and PV1 (Patient Visit) to the corresponding FHIR resources, such as MessageHeader, Patient, and Encounter. Then, it uses the resources to create a FHIR bundle, validate it, and transmit it to the FHIR server.
The following image shows the steps that the process contains:
The following table describes the steps in the process:
Step name
Starts the process.
Logs in to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
Invoke HL7 Parser
Invokes the HL7 parser data service from the data services repository.
Checks for HL7 Validation Errors
Checks the output of the HL7 parser data service. If the output contains validation errors, the process ends. Otherwise, the process continues to the next step.
Parsed HL7 XML Output
Assigns the values in the response payload of the HL7 parser data service to value, type, output, and message fields.
HL7 to FHIR Mapping Service
Invokes the HL7 to FHIR mapper data service from the data services repository.
Output FHIR Bundle
Assigns the values in the response payload of the HL7 to FHIR mapper data service to value and message fields.
FHIR Validator Service
Invokes the FHIR validation service from the data services repository to validate the FHIR bundle.
Checks for FHIR Validation Errors
Checks the output of the FHIR validation service. If the output contains validation errors, the process ends. Otherwise, the process continues to the next step.
Post to FHIR Server
Posts the FHIR bundle to the FHIR server.
Assignment to FHIR_Response
Gets the response from the FHIR server. You can view the response code in the Application Integration Console to verify that the bundle was posted to the FHIR server successfully.
Logs out of Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
Ends the process.