Loan Processing with GenAI > Using the Loan Processing with GenAI recipe > Configuring and publishing the DocuSign connection

Configuring and publishing the DocuSign connection

To configure and publish the DocuSign connection, perform the following steps:
  1. 1Open the DocuSignConnection connection.
  2. 2From the Type list, select DocuSignConnector from the recipe assets folder.
  3. 3From the Run On list, select Cloud Server or any Secure Agent.
  4. 4In the Connection Properties section, enter values for the following properties:
  5. Property
    DocuSign account ID.
    User name to log in to the DocuSign account.
    Password to log in to the DocuSign account.
    Authenticates DocuSign connection requests.
    URL to access the APIs in DocuSign.
  6. 5Save, test, and publish the connection.