Natural Language Interaction with Oracle Select AI > Using the Natural Language Interaction with Oracle Select AI recipe > Configuring and publishing the OracleADBConnection connection

Configuring and publishing the OracleADBConnection connection

Configure the JDBC driver, connection URL, and user credentials to log in to the database and publish the OracleADBConnection connection.
  1. 1Open the OracleADBConnection connection.
  2. 2From the Type list, select OracleADBConnector from the recipe assets folder.
  3. 3From the Run On list, select the Secure Agent.
  4. 4In the Connection Properties section, enter values for the following properties:
  5. Property
    JDBC Driver
    The fully qualified Java class name of the JDBC driver. Specify the following driver class name:
    JDBC Connection URL
    The connection URL to connect to an external database. Specify the following connection URL:
    jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1521)(host=<hosturl>))(connect_data=(service_name=<ServiceName>))(security=(ssl_server_dn_match=yes)))
    Add the host and service name in the URL.
    User Name
    The user name to connect to the database.
    The password to connect to the database.
  6. 5Save and publish the connection.