Amazon S3 Connector Guide > Amazon S3 Event Targets > Amazon S3 Event Target Properties

Amazon S3 Event Target Properties

The event target properties allow you to control object creation and create an event service that can be called from Process Designer.
For each event target, you select the type (Writer or Delimited Content Writer) and specify a unique name. All event targets also require the following properties:
Amazon S3 Settings
S3 Bucket Name
Required. Amazon S3 bucket name. If the provided bucket name entered here does not exist, the event target automatically creates it using the Amazon S3 settings specified in the connection properties.
The question mark (?) character is prohibited in this field.
Storage Class
Required. The S3 storage class to set in the PUT object request. Select STANDARD or REDUCED_REDUNDANCY. See the Amazon S3 documentation for more details.
Default is STANDARD.

Writer Properties

If you define an event target using the S3 Writer, you can write content as an S3 object to the S3 storage bucket. No additional properties are required.

Delimited Content Writer Properties

If you define an event target using the S3 Delimited Content Writer, you can serialize custom process objects or an S3DelimitedContent object to a delimited file format and store the result as a S3 object in a bucket.
These properties are available for the generated output:
Delimited Content Generation Settings
Required. The character delimiter for delimited files. To specify a space or tab character as a delimiter, use an escaped character (\s or \t).
Text Qualifier
Required. The text qualifier for delimited files. To specify a space or tab character as a text qualifier, use an escaped character (\s or \t).
Skip Headers
Select Yes to store the delimited content without header names.
Line Ending Style
Choose the line ending style (Windows=\r\n, Unix=\n).