Protocol | Description |
HTTP / HTTPS | Receive messages to one or more HTTP or HTTPS endpoints as an HTTP POST request. The subscribed endpoint is an URL beginning with http:// or https:// |
SMS | Receive SMS notifications to SMS-enabled mobile phones and smart phones. The subscribed endpoint is a phone number of an SMS-enabled device. Note: SMS notifications are supported for phone numbers in the United States. |
email | Receive messages to an email account. The subscribed endpoint is an email address. |
SQS | Receive a published message as an Amazon SQS message to the subscribed queue. The subscribed endpoint is the ARN of an Amazon SQS queue. |
application | Receive notifications and messages based on application events and system alerts. The subscribed endpoint is the endpoint ARN of a mobile app and device. |
Lambda | Run the Lambda function subscribed to the topic with the payload of the published message. The subscribed endpoint is the ARN of an AWS Lambda function. |