FTP Connector Guide > Introduction to FTP Connector > Repository Files

Repository Files

The FTP Connector can also use a file-based cache to hold a list of processed entries, in "idempotent" repository files. The idempotent files are safe files that record data about the files previously processed. Based on the list of entries in the repositories, the connection can skip files during subsequent monitoring events.
Note: The connector can also move files after they are processed to a specific directory (the default is ".done"). In that case, you cannot use idempotent repository files.
When you select this option, the event source clears all entries from the repository file during startup, to reduce repository size and remove entries for files that no longer exist. To use these files:
You can also manually clear the idempotent repository.
If you restart your server or republish the connection, the in-memory copy of the repository list is no longer available and the connector loads the list from the file.