Jira Connector Guide > Jira connections overview > Jira connection actions and objects

Jira connection actions and objects

When you publish a Jira connection in Application Integration, the Actions and Objects appear on the Metadata tab.
Jira Connector is implemented with a generic approach in Application Integration. For example, a single Create Object action is applicable for multiple entity types. You can use the following URL format for all CRUD operations, such as Create, Update, Get, and Delete:
Consider the following information when you use specific actions and objects:
Some Jira actions require multiple domain segments where {secondaryEntityType}, {secondaryId}, and {extraId} properties are used.
For example, the Jira action link /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/:projectIdOrKey/issuetypes/:issueTypeId contains the following segments:
For more information, see the Jira documentation.