NetSuite Connector Guide > NetSuite connections > NetSuite connections overview

NetSuite connections overview

Create a NetSuite connection to access NetSuite data.
After you create a NetSuite connection, you can validate, test, and save the connection.
You can then publish the NetSuite connection and click the Metadata tab to view the generated process objects for the connection.
You can perform CRUD operations such as create, read, update, and delete on existing tables in NetSuite. To publish a NetSuite connection successfully, you must have sufficient roles to access the data in the table specified in the request.
You get an access token to authorize all the connection requests. After you generate the access token once, you can use it for multiple requests such as create, read, update, and delete records from NetSuite for the duration specified in the client credentials. By default, the access_token is set to 60 minutes.

Setting up a NetSuite instance

Before you set up the NetSuite instance, you must enable OAuth 2.0 and generate and OAuth certificate.

Enable OAuth 2.0

Before using OAuth 2.0, you must enable the feature. Perform the following steps to enable OAuth 2.0:
  1. 1Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
  2. 2Click the SuiteCloud subtab.
  3. 3In the Manage Authentication section, agree to the terms for OAuth 2.0.
  4. 4Click Save.
  5. Note: The Manage OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications link is available in the Settings portlet for users with the Log in Using OAuth 2.0 Access Token permission. Users can only list their own authorized applications through this link. Administrators and users with the OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications Management permission can list all authorized applications in the account at Setup > Users/Roles > OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications.
After you enable OAuth 2.0, you must set up OAuth roles and create integration records for Applications to use OAuth 2.0. For more information, see the Oracle documentation.

Generate OAuth 2.0 certificate

A certificate for the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow contains the following keys:
You must ensure that the certificate meets the following requirements:
Perform the following steps to generate the OAuth 2.0 certificate:
  1. 1Open command line as administrator.
  2. 2Navigate to openssl.exe.
  3. 3Run the following command:
  4. openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private.pem -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -sha256 -sigopt rsa_pss_saltlen:64 -out public.pem -nodes
  5. 4Enter the required fields or skip them, as required.
  6. Enter the required value in the command line.
The public.pem and private.pem files are created in the folder where openssl is located.